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July 18 1913/2013

East Kingsley - Mrs. B. M. Jeffers spent a week at the 50th anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg held on the ground there. It is a wonderful revelation to anyone that never visited this historic spot. When one drives around the grounds of 2000 acres owned by the Government and find, after 50 years, everything preserved and cared for, the stones that the Union soldiers piled up in long rows on the 3rd day of July 1863, for a breast work, to protect them from the Confederates and not a stone out of place and the 500 monuments that have been placed there to mark the spot where some honored comrades fell, gives one the realization of the awfulness of the conflict.

Forest City - The July days have been bad ones for dogs. The borough police have shot about twenty canines found on the streets without muzzles. Among the animals that have fallen before the rifles of the officers is the well-known bird dog that has been the companion of every night cop for several years past.

Hallstead - Frank S. Barnes and Thomas Summerton have been appointed by the County Commissioners to look after the interests of the old soldiers in Hallstead, Great Bend borough and township and to make out all papers for appropriations due to soldiers’ widows.

Brushville - The Rev. Harrington, of the Bible school of Binghamton, preaches here every Sunday at two o’clock. He is a very able speaker and one feels more than repaid to hear him. Next Sunday he will demonstrate, by the use of chemicals, the direct effects of sin on the human body.

Glenwood - John Waters, an old resident of Cameron Corners, died July 9, at the ripe old age of 90 years. Another old veteran has dropped out of the ranks and answered the last roll call. He leaves one son and six daughters to mourn his death. Interment at the Resseguie cemetery at S. Gibson.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - Welch & Button, general blacksmith’s, are rushed with work these days, repairing wagons and shoeing horses. ALSO: Walter A. Hartman, the popular young clerk at Herbert Fish’s store, will in three months graduate in a complete course in the art of running automobiles, from the Correspondence Schools of Scranton.

Brooklyn - “Grim Reaper at Brooklyn.” Isaac Babcock, who was born in Springville, Oct. 12, 1825, was the first one to be summoned and left his pleasant home on the bank of Ely Lake, June 25th, 1913. Mr. Babcock was the son of Frank and Parmie Ely Babcock. Early in life he removed to Dimock where he learned the shoemaker’s trade, but most of his work was done on the farm. He enlisted in Co. H, 141st Regt., in the Civil War, for three years, and was discharged in 1864 and returned home broken in health. He married Sarah Allen of Dimock and removed to Montrose until his wife’s death in 1885, when he came to Brooklyn to live. In 1887 he married Ruth McKeeby and built a cottage near the border of Ely Lake, where he and his wife lived until his death. Death waited a few days, this time in the center of the village and took one, who for many years had been a prominent resident of the township, when E. G. Williams answered the summons. Mr. Williams was born in January of 1823 on the farm now owned by E. F. Ely and known as the Bailey Farm. When a child of about 3 years old he went to the spring with a cup to get his sister a drink of water. The spring was walled up and the water deep and a speckled trout was in the water. The baby boy wanted the trout, but lost his balance and fell into the spring. How he got out never was known, but he returned to the house with his clothing wet and said to his mother—”Why didn’t you come when I called to you,” but the life was spared and the boy grew to man’s estate and became a useful citizen and held many offices of trust. Death came to him on July 14th. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Eva Tiffany, widow of the late N. L. Tiffany.

Lake Winola, Wyoming Co. - R. J. Potish, of Clark’s Summit, claims to have killed the largest rattlesnake that has been seen in the Lake Winola region for some time. This snake, he says, measures six feet and three inches from his poison pouch to its rattles. There were sixteen buttons or rattles. The snake was killed along the Tunkhannock creek about four miles from Factoryville.

Montrose - Mrs. M. J. Mawhinney, 25 Park St., advertises her woven rugs. Next week she will have blue and white warp, and the week after black and orange warp, on her loom. ALSO: Interest in the Country Club, as the season advances, is awakening and the outlook is for a largely increased membership and many social functions in connection with the club during the summer. The golf links and courts are in excellent condition and many members are engaged in these pleasant sports each day. This evening a bridge and auction party will be given at the Rosemont for the Benefit of the club. Tickets, 50 cents.

Rushville - Claire Whipple, of Laceyville and Ed. Frantz, of Stevensville, were here Saturday looking over the ground upon which to build a new schoolhouse.

Harford - Miss Latona Gunn left on Wednesday for Kirksville, Mo., where she will enter the American School of Osteopathy to train for a nurse. The best wishes of a host of friends follow her.

Gibson - Those from here who attended the 50th anniversary at Gettysburg were Hollis Barrett, George Potter, W. H. and W. D. Estabrook. ALSO: Mr. and Mrs. Ebenezer Washburn, of Salina, Kansas, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Harding. Mr. Washburn attended the reunion at Gettysburg.

Ainey, Springville Twp. - Eben Wood, wife and son, and Mrs. Almeda Thatcher spent the week end huckleberrying on the Mehoopany mountain, returning Monday with a nice lot of berries.

Lathrop Twp. - An ice cream social will be held at the home of Fay Brotzman on Saturday evening, July 19. Everybody invited to attend.

Dimock Campmeeting - The 39th annual session of the Dimock Campmeeting will be held on the grounds, commencing Tuesday evening, Aug. 12 and closing Wednesday evening, Aug. 20th. One of the highlights of the week will be Miss Grace Saxe, the very successful Bible teacher of the Billy Sunday party, and an instructor and author of international reputation, who will conduct Bible classes for six days of the session.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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