Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 18 1902/2002
Susquehanna - At Columbian grove on Saturday, F. E. Brush, of Oakland, caught, in the river, a pike weighing 12 lbs. AND Because "Susquehanna Borough" was written on the special election returns, instead of "The Borough of Susquehanna Depot, PA," it will probably be necessary to hold another special election before the borough can proceed to erect the $10,000 public building.
Thomson - A ball game recently played between Thompson and Winwood, resulted in a victory for Thompson. The young ladies furnished supper for both clubs on the hotel lawn. AND Chas. E. Moxley and Chas. Lamb were appointed to arrange a genealogical record of the Hall-Lamb families, up to July 1, 1902, for the reunion report in August-all communications to be reported to C. E. Moxley, Hallstead, PA.
Harford - The following teachers have been hired for the District schools the coming term-Tiffany, Normal Darrow; Richardson Mills, Velma Little; Sweet, Lillian Tingley; East Hill, Eugene Osmun; Harding, Jessie Robbins; Oakley, Clyde Patterson; Tingley, Flora Sweetser.
Birchardville - The experience of Miss Amy Bradshaw with snakes, while living in Florida-where they are very plenty-in connection with good nerves, came in good use the other day. As she went to the door of the house of M. L. Ball, she saw a snake coming up the hatchway from the cellar. She sprang for a hoe that was near by and on turning to meet the foe he had his head raised about a foot from the ground ready for battle. Not in the least daunted Miss Bradshaw, by a few decisive blows with the hoe, put a quietus on the snake, and she had full control of the battlefield. It was a black snake and measured 4 feet and 6 inches.
Hallstead - Measurements are being made preparatory to erecting an electric line from Susquehanna to Hallstead. Hallstead will get her lights from the Susquehanna plant.
Great Bend - The managers of the chamois tannery at Great Bend have engaged a tanner from New York who is an expert at preparing chamois skins, and he will begin work in about a week. At that time it is expected that the tannery will resume business with a full force.
Uniondale - The Uniondale 4th of July celebration netted $168, which will be used toward promoting the coal mining enterprise now being vigorously pushed in that place.
Montrose - It is said that the poetical writings if Mrs. Edith Shaw Jones, of Montrose, are in demand among appreciative publishers at remunerative figures. It is one thing to write verse; it is quite another to have it accepted for publication in the better class of periodicals.
Glenview - Congressman Galusha A. Grow, who was a member of Congress fifty years ago and later Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Civil War Congress, was recently forced to leave the hotel that has been his home in Washington for over half a century. The hotel in question is the old Willard, a famous hostelry, now called the Fairfax to distinguish it from the New Willard, and which will soon be torn down to make room for an addition to the latter structure. Mr. Grow was visibly affected as he passed for the last time through the doorway of the old hotel which has been his Washington home for so long. A room on the same floor, in the same location as his old room, when the new structure is completed, has been promised to Mr. Grow.
Dimock - The Union Harvest Home S. S. pic-nic association, representing 23 S. S. will hold their annual pic-nic on Dimock camp-ground, Wednesday Aug. 6. Program will include good choir music, addresses and a band concert. All friends of the Sunday School invited.
Forest City - Postmaster T. C. Manzer had the misfortune to have a leg fractured in a runaway Sunday. His horse was frightened by the breaking of a shaft, and after finding that he could not control the animal, Mr. Manzer jumped, snapping both bones in his left leg. AND W. J. Morgan has the sympathy of the community in the tragic death of his oldest son, William, by drowning in the Delaware.
Lathrop - Grace May Mackey, an esteemed young lady of this place, died Monday, July 7, of consumption. She was the daughter of John B. and Augusta I. Mackey. She graduated from Nicholson graded school in 1899 and Keystone Academy in 1901.
New Milford - A social and ice cream festival will be held Thursday evening at the parish house of the Episcopal church. One will be held on Friday evening, at the Methodist church, under the direction of the Epworth League. The band will be present at both.
Fairdale - Some days ago, while J. W. Throckmorton was going through a lot near the barn, a bull attacked him, getting him [J. W.] down, but he [J. W.] got away and went into the barn and got a pitch fork and struck him [the bull], breaking one of the tines; the creature still showed fight. He [J. W.] then went to the house and got his gun and fired at his [the bulls] head, and as he [J. W.] turned shot him [the bull] in the side-he [the bull] left and Web was the victor.
News Briefs - An exchange tells of a man who purchased a revolver for his wife and insisted upon target practice, so that she could defend the home in case of his absence. After the bullet had been dug out of him and the cow buried, he said he guessed she'd better shoot with an axe. AND A caravan of striking miners consisting of several men, two women and two children, enroute to Elmira, where it is hoped employment will be found, have camped at different places along the way. The children and camp equipage are transported by means of three baby carriages. AND "A great many people stand in deadly fear of cucumbers," said a well known physician, who enjoys a large family practice. "I have heard people say that they would just as soon eat poison. Now the cucumber is perfectly harmless, if properly prepared, and to my mind there is nothing so tasty and refreshing. To guard against any after effects the cucumber should be cut very thin and remain in water for three or four hours, with a little salt sprinkled over them. Half an hour before they are eaten they should be placed in ice water and this will entirely restore their freshness and crispness."
Compiled By: Betty Smith