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July 17 1908/2008

Dimock - An ice cream festival was held at the Parkvale schoolhouse green on Monday evening last. AND Canfield Estus has purchased a graphophone. When you want to hear some good music, call at his pleasant home near the M. E. Church.

Highlands - U. G. Brush has his new barn nearly completed. It stands on the same spot where his father, Charles Brush, built a barn in the year 1855.

Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. - Amy, George and Miriam Guise, of the Soldiers' Orphan Home at Scotland, Pa., are spending their vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Cool.

Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - Twenty-three families are now connected by the Lindaville telephone line, Terry Whitman having been recently added to the list.

South Auburn - Mrs. Egbert Wickizer is suffering from the effects of being thrown from a wagon one day last week. The horse became unmanageable and threw Mrs. Wickizer out on her head and shoulders. The doctors say it will be many weeks before she will be able to be out again.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - The fourth of July is over at last and nobody hurt or injured in any way. The fantastic parade was a grand success. Walter Button got up a patent automobile that took the cake from anything we have seen heretofore, and all the other features were good.

Uniondale - Not withstanding the unfavorable outlook on the morning of July 4, at 9 a.m., the people from far and near began to assemble in order to once more celebrate the nations great holiday. The programme on the grounds was all that could be wished for, the races were especially fine and the new grand stand gave universal satisfaction.

Flynn - Martin L. Curley, who has been spending his vacation at his home here, has returned to New York City where he is employed in the Custom House.

Thompson - John Meetchler and Miss Louise Lepp, both of Lanesboro, called at the M. E. parsonage Sunday afternoon, and after waiting a few hours for the parson to return from his afternoon appointment, they underwent that process by which "they twain were made one flesh."

Flynn - Martin L. Curley, who has been spending his vacation at his home here, has returned to New York City where he is employed in the Custom House.

Susquehanna - Negotiations were completed Saturday afternoon whereby the Brass Specialty Company, of New York, will locate in Susquehanna. The new industry, which is most desirable in every way, will build the plant upon the foundation of the defunct Hardware Manufacturing Company in the Oakland section of the town. Fifty skilled mechanics will be brought to Susquehanna to take up work in the factory, while fifty more will be employed here.

Elk Lake - A very delightful party was given at the Loftus residence of this place, on Friday evening of last week, in honor of their guests, the Misses O'Hara, Revels and McHale, of Scranton. Dancing was indulged in and a dainty luncheon served. At the wee small hours of morning the guests departed for their homes voting a most enjoyable time by all.

Friendsville - The Friendsville base ball team played a game with the Camp Choconut team Saturday, resulting in a victory for the Camp. AND The Friendsville base ball team is thinking of having Thos. Leary for umpire. He'll keep the boys where they belong.

Welch Hill - The friends and neighbors of Girdon Wescott met on Saturday and raised the frame work of his large new barn he is building to replace the one which was destroyed by fire last fall.

Forest Lake - J. M. Noble has returned from a three weeks' visit at Wichita, Kansas, and other points in the West. Mr. Noble visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Noble, who are quite seriously ill, and found them somewhat improved. He says that the wet weather has seriously affected the crops, especially wheat and corn, in many sections, and not an infrequent sight was a field of four-foot corn with the tips just appearing above water. Crops generally in this section of the East, he says, are much better.

Montrose - A "suggestion box" has been placed near the door, on the left as you enter the new library building, for the convenience of persons who patronize the library. If you fail to find on the shelves the book sought for, and it is not recorded in the list of books on hand, make a note of it on a slip of paper, and deposit it in the box. The librarian will then place the matter in the hands of a committee, who will decide upon the merits of the book, and if its tone smacks of good morals, the book will be secured for distribution among the library members.

Forest City - The Forest City News prints a story about the proposed electric railroad to go through Susquehanna county in which it says the proposed line will connect with the Northern Electric company at Factoryville, go through Benton township to Fleetville, north to Glenwood, east to Clifford, northwest to Gibson and South Gibson, thence through Jackson, Pine Hill and Gelatt to Susquehanna. From Susquehanna where the power house will probably be located, it will follow the Susquehanna river to Binghamton. This trolley line would open up some of the most fertile agricultural country in this part of the state.

News Briefs: A simple remedy for sunburn or headache caused by heat is to wear a piece of orange-red crepe paper in your hat. A piece of flannel of the same color will answer the purpose. The secret of the remedy is that the color of the paper neutralizes the actinic rays of the sun, these rays are what cause the mischief. The suggestion is none the less valuable because it is simple, and we urge our readers to try it. AND The Equitable Life Insurance Co., of New York, will soon commence the erection of the tallest building in the world. It will be 64 stories, with a total height of over 900 feet above the sidewalk.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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