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July 17 1903/2003

Susquehanna - Dr. F. A. Goodwin, the county coroner, has taken the initial step in establishing a hospital in Susquehanna by leasing the Curtis property on Willow street for three years. The dwelling as it stands will be converted into the hospital building of four ward beds, two male and two female and one private room. The operating room will be under the personal direction of Drs. Goodwin and Washburn. This department will be fitted throughout in the latest improved manner with all modern appliances. Drs. Boyle, Peck and Birdsall will constitute the advisory and consulting board. Drs. Pratt and Ard, of Binghamton, will serve as specialists. Dr. Washburn will be the resident physician and specialist in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. This hospital is a much-needed institution in this county and will undoubtedly receive such support as to make its extension and enlargement imperative. The hospital will be opened about October 1.

Great Bend - J. W. Cleveland, proprietor of the Kingston House, with his wife and child were out riding Saturday morning when the horses became frightened and ran away. They were thrown out and Mr. Cleveland had his hip injured while Mrs. Cleveland and son escaped with a few bruises. The carriage was badly wrecked. AND Prof. Thorpe, of Forest City, has purchased a house and lot in Great Bend near "Lover's Bridge" and is having Knoeller remodel the same.

Birchardville - L. T. Birchard & Sons received by express on Saturday a Jersey bull calf imported by T. S. Cooper. His sire is the Island bull What's Wanted, by Financial King, imported by P. J. Cogswell of Rochester, NY and sold to William Rockefeller for $5,000. This calf's dam is Flying Fox's Pansy, now in T. S. Cooper's herd. She is one of the best daughters of Flying Fox, who was considered the handsomest, the best bred and the most popular bull the Island has had for many years, and at Mr. Cooper's last sale sold for $7,500. This calf is the most fashionably bred animal ever brought into the county. Mr. Birchard & Sons feel proud in having so fine an animal to head their fine herd. They are always on the lookout for the best. AND Mrs. Arthur Gary, of Iowa, is visiting relatives in this vicinity.

Thomson - A new corps of teachers has been engaged for the ensuing term. Prof. O. R. Maynard, of Harford, is the new principal and Miss Kate Stevens, of Susquehanna, will have charge of the other rooms.

Hopbottom - The Ladies' Aid of the Universalist church met with Mrs. Linda Hilton last Wed. About fifteen enjoyed the straw ride on Will Brown's "rigging" which took part in the parade the 4th.

Dimock - Don't forget the Annual Union Picnic at the Dimock campgrounds, Friday, August 7th. Ice cream, fruit and confectionery will be sold at the dining hall to defray expenses. The Springville Cornet Band will be present to discourse music. The chapel and cottages will be open and no admission will be charged to the grounds. Addresses will be made by well-known and fluent speakers both in the morning and afternoon. Choir music and recitations will be among the many entertaining features on the day's program.

Lanesboro - The small pox epidemic in Lanesboro and Harmony townships, where Dr. Groff of the State Board has official supervision, is gradually subsiding and the quarantine has been raised.

Heart Lake - The click of the mowing machine is heard in every direction.

South Gibson - A heavy wind and rain storm accompanied by heavy thunder and lightning passed over this place last Friday afternoon, overturning apple and shade trees, and leveled the cheese factory to the ground; the workmen had just finished putting on the rafters.

Middletown - We are very sorry to record the sudden death of one of our highly esteemed young men, Frank Millroy, who died on his way home from the creamery at Rushville, July 9, 1903. When he got near John Wood's he became very sick and called for help, and was taken to Mr. Wood's house where he died two hours later. He was buried in Irish Hill cemetery, Saturday. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to his aged foster mother and his many friends who mourn his loss.

Springville - H. D. Wilcox, a traveling salesman, was badly injured at Springville. While driving along the road a runaway team dashed into him from the rear and he was thrown out of the buggy and dragged some distance. He suffered bruises from head to foot and his wagon was demolished. The owner of the runaway team settled. AND In Lynn, Booker Washington wishes to announce that he is prepared to shave or cut your hair at any time or place as he is a traveling tonsorial artist and carries his tools in his pockets.

Forest City - Michael Krantz, of Forest City, was in Honesdale on Friday and took home with him Patrick Igo's iron gray horse. The bargain was made in about one minute. Mr. Krantz said: "Mr. Igo, is that your horse?" "Yes sir," was the response. "Is He sound?" "Yes sir, through and through." "How much do you want for him?" "$200." "Here is your money" and Mr. Krantz counted it out and Mr. Igo reluctantly took it.

Brooklyn - It is said Arthur Mack intends building a sawmill and shingle mill at Lindaville.

Steven's Point - George Sampson killed a rattle-snake 4 ft. and 1in. long with 10 rattles.

News Briefs - The Philadelphia North American is authority for the latest fashion in women's hose. It says that the gentler sex have taken to wearing half hose, commonly called socks. A reporter called on a sales lady in one of the department stores and she said: "Why shouldn't they! They are cool and comfortable and if you have any doubt about women wearing socks, you keep your eyes peeled if you ever visit Atlantic City, or even in Philadelphia on a windy day." AND An exchange states that a western medical association has attributed liver and stomach troubles to the practice in the majority of families of warming up coffee for table use and adding coffee once used to fresh coffee to be drunk. In such families addicted to this practice it was found that 50 percent were victims of stomach and liver troubles.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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