Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 17 1896/1996
Friendsville - Services were held in the Church of the Holy Spirit at Lakeside at 3 o'clock, last Sunday, and will be held at the same hour every Sunday during the summer months.
Auburn Centre- While a party were out picking berries last Monday, at the head of Carlin's pond, little Lou Cornell, wishing for a drink, went to a nearby spring for it, where she came in contact with a large black snake. After a hard fight she succeeded in killing the reptile, which measured five feet in length.
Susquehanna - During the electrical storm on Monday evening, lightning struck a dwelling house on Grand St., belonging to John Mcedway and occupied by Erie engineer George Ball. The bolt demolished the chimney, descended the stovepipe, and came out of the parlor stove. It then passed through the sitting room and dining room into a pantry, thence out of doors. The building was fired in two places, but the flames were quickly subdued. Several dishes were broken. There were several persons in the rooms, but they all escaped injury.
Lenoxville- The descendants of Wright Chamberlin will hold their annual reunion at the residence of Wm. Barber, Aug. 13.
South Gibson - The army worm has struck this part of the county, and have destroyed the oat and corn crops. The farmers are powerless in destroying their new enemy, for their number is as many as the sands of the sea.
Montrose - Contractor Johnston, the new proprietor of planning mills at this place, has been awarded the contract for the erection of the new Hallstead School house, the work to be completed in ninety days. This means hustling times at Mr. Johnston's Montrose mills.
Forest Lake Centre - While James Strange and Moses Moil were hoeing corn one day last week, they came across two young raccoons. The little things followed along in the furrow until they got tired and lying down were soon asleep. Frank Strange has them now and is taking the best of care of them.
Great Bend - Eleven young ladies of Hallstead are having a weeks outing at John Van Loan's farm house three miles up the Susquehanna River. Miss Florence Wilmot and Mrs. Henine Dedrick wheeled up there on Wednesday evening to make a brief call.
Birchardville - Fred S. Birchard of this village is the happy possessor of a brand new Relay Special bicycle, manufactured at Reading, PA, of which line of wheels M.E. Birchand, at the Creamery, is agent. Anyone wishing the right wheel at a right price will do well to call on him, before purchasing elsewhere.
North Jackson - The army worm has put in an appearance in this vicinity. The pest first appeared upon the home farm of Wm. Birdsall, and in a few hours had destroyed a two-acre field of corn. Since, it has spread to the farms of Fred Benson, George Shappee, E.R. Barren. Mrs. Yale and F.S. Buildfield. Mr. Butterfield to cut his oats Saturday to save them from total loss.
Lynn - The people of East Lynn (better known as Mud Hollow) are worth, much as, and the long arm of the law has been wielded in defense of one of its citizens. A lady teacher had been hired that was objectionable to many of the patrons, and another woman, a patron, conceived the idea of circulating a remonstrance, which aroused the hire of a servant of the aforesaid teacher, so much so that on the first occasion she proceeded to give the remonstrator a battle, the composition of which was not altogether savory and consisted of a liquid of an unmentionable character, much to the detriment of the clothing and character of the lady. A warrant was issued and served by Constable Tuttle and the offender bound over to court.
Lakeside - E.G. Lamb discovered a swarm of bees trying to take possession of his store building July 3rd. He set a hive near where they were working and they went in and went to work.
Rush - In Rush Monday afternoon, much damage was done by a hailstorm, which riddled the farmers' crops badly. R.H. Hillis said there wasn't 50-cents worth of crops left on his farm. Mrs. Foley's barn was moved four inches off its foundation. Trees in the path of the storm, a fool and a half in diameter, were blown down, broken off, 01 uprooted. The most affected were: Mr. Hillis, Gord Lenox, John Granger, James King, Oscar Devine, Jerome Kinney, Geo. Harvey, and others.
Kingsley - While the workmen at Shoal's mill were hauling a log from the pond an eel weighing at least three pounds crawled out and was captured.
Gibson [South Gibson] New Milford - The neighbors made a bee to help George Hays, who is hoeing, and he feels very thankful to them. Mrs. Hays, who is at the hospital, is doing as well as can be expected.
Compiled By: Betty Smith