Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 16 1915/2015
Forest City – Attorney W. J. Maxey has announced himself as a candidate for the nomination of district attorney on the Republican ticket. Mr. Maxey is one of the county metropolis’s most substantial citizens, he becoming a candidate largely through the solicitation of his friends. He is an able attorney and if elected to the office would doubtless fill it credibly.
Hallstead – John J. Driscoll, a well know Hallstead man, died suddenly on Saturday morning while being shaved in J. J. O’Neill’s barber shop. Mr. Driscoll had been in ill health for some time. The body was taken to Burke’s undertaking rooms and later removed to the home of his son, here. The funeral occurred Monday morning in St. Lawrence’s church.
Dimock – On August 28, 1876 the grounds of the Dimock Campmeeting were bought and consecrated to the use of the religious welfare of any who might take advantage of it, and it proved from the start to be very successful in its mission, for thousands have been benefitted by it, and the good that it has done will go on for centuries. Thirty nine years have seen many changes. Of the old faces that used to greet us there every year many have gone to their reward, but their good work still goes on. There was a time a few years ago when old Dimock Campmeeting ground seemed to be on the decline, but the last few years it has been rapidly regaining its popularity and this year promises to fulfil the wishes of the present board of directors and be the largest and best it has known for years.
Montrose – On the afternoon of Monday, July 12, and presumably under the orders from headquarters, an agent of the Consumes Water Co. of Montrose, combined an illegal trespass with a gross discourtesy, by erecting on the land of the various estates bordering on Jones Lake and without asking the consent of the owners of that land, the following “notice” which he might with equal rights have nailed on the front doors of those owners’ houses. Notice—All persons are forbidden from going upon the waters of this Jones Lake by boat or otherwise or fishing therein either from shore or otherwise, or bathing therein or throwing objects or articles into the waters thereof or otherwise entering or trespassing upon the same—signed the Consumer’s Water Co. of Montrose. Such was the actual notice illegally posted by the trespasser employed—and this is a notice that was not posted but might well have been.: To the Citizens of Montrose—For the sole reason that you persist in opposing the attempts of this Company to impose utterly unjust and preposterously unequal water rates upon you we have decided to deny to you and to your children certain entirely innocent rights that the residents of this community have enjoyed from the days of its earliest settlement—viz the right to boat upon, and fish in waters that as a matter of simple fact are State Waters and as such are stocked with fish from State Hatcheries maintained by the taxes of all Penna. Tax payers.
Alford, Brooklyn Twp. – Night operator, A. G. Betts, received a severe shock from the telephone wires during the electrical storm of Tuesday evening, while attending to his duties in the station. Mr. Betts was rendered unconscious and has since been confined to the bed. Yesterday, however, he was beginning to recover the use of his limbs.
Uniondale – Constables E. T. Rimron and J. N. Corey brought three prisoners to Montrose yesterday morning and placed them in the keeping of Sheriff Reynolds. The young men, ranging in age around 20 years, were arrested at this place for breaking into a D&H car and pilfering a quantity of watermelons. The melancholy days for them have come.
Towanda – Coming upon a farmer mowing clover one day last week L. J. Russell, principal of the Towanda schools, heard the man complain how near fagged out his horses were. Prof. Russell told him to unhitch and he would finish the mowing with his automobile. Fastening the mower to the Professor’s automobile, the machine was sent speeding around and the big field was mowed within 10 minutes. The mower was run so fast that the clover was thrown in the air in clouds.
Hopbottom – As the new trolley affords added facilities for bringing booze drinkers from neighboring villages, which good fortune has made “dry,” the question becomes more pertinent here—Shall this town continue to act as a distributing center not only for our own, but our neighbors’ stumbling blocks?”
Lanesboro - Deputy Sheriff H. E Taylor was here over Sunday, being a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Taylor. Owing to the high water taking out a bridge at Wellsburg, NY, it was necessary for the Erie to use the Lackawanna tracks both for passenger and freight traffic, and it was midnight, Friday, when the train pulled out of Great Bend southbound. He stated that the going out of the Stack dam, near Susquehanna, contributed largely to the excitement connected with the unprecedented rainfall, many small buildings along the creek being washed away, and in one instance a portion of a house was carried away on the flood. The dam in the Susquehanna river, at Lanesboro, was not visible, owing to the great depth of the water. The electric light plant, for several days, was unable to use waterpower, but resorted to steam.
Springville – A lighting rod spell has again struck town and several of our people are having their buildings rodded. ALSO In Lynn, the farmers in the vicinity are wishing for less rain and more sun for a change.
South Montrose – The school house at this place will be remodeled at once to accommodate the 50 or more scholars of this district.
South New Milford – Of all the rainstorms in July, last Thursday took the cake. Many roads are hardly safe to travel over. Now is the time for farmers to put in a couple of days on the roads, making the roads wider and safer, as many places are not wide enough for two teams to pass and many horses do not like to get too near an auto. Make a general good job of it, and next year the taxes would not have to be doubled to pay for repairing.
A Question: Do you love music soft and low? Then tomorrow evening suppose you go to the town library where furnished free, will be given a concert right after tea; the hour appointed is 7 o’clock sharp, when the Victrola will start with tune of the harp, or the entrancing strains of the Marine Band, or Melba, whose songs have cheered every land; and again may be heard sweet “Il Trovatore,” or a selection fine from dear Thomas Moore, while from Italy, Germany and France, will be wafted rich music replete with romance; so get yourselves ready and enjoy the rare treat—the concert at the Library just off Maple street.
News Briefs: After this year fraternities will be abolished at Mansfield Normal school. The charge that they are undemocratic and promotive of cadism [being caddish?] seems to be established. In consequence many of the fraternity meetings at the commencement last month were largely attended being in the nature of a farewell feed. ALSO It is expected that members of the Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association will make a tour of our county during the first week of August, speaking in all of the larger towns and villages. This will be a rare opportunity for those interested in the subject of equal suffrage to hear it discussed by Pennsylvania’s ablest speakers. The tour will be made by automobile and all speeches will be made from the auto.
Compiled By: Betty Smith