Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 15 1921/2021
New Milford – William Alexander, aged 90 years, one of the oldest residents of this section, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. W. Gardner, July 4, 1921. He was born in Ireland, coming to this country when 19 years of age, and was married to Miss Hannah Dickson in 1862, living here ever since. A cheerful, kind-hearted, willing worker always. He united with the Congregational church of Harford about 60 years ago.
Lakeview – Newell Washburn, who has completed a course in mining engineering at Yale and has been spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Washburn, has accepted a position in Scranton.
Montrose – The townspeople rejoiced to know that after being idle since April, on account of a strike of the employees, the Scranton, Montrose and Binghamton railway resumed operation again on Wednesday of this week, the first train arriving from Scranton at 7:30 am. ALSO Through the courtesy of the Susquehanna County Light and Power Co., and the Merchants and Bell telephone companies, there has been erected in town two alarm systems. One in front of the Donovan Hotel, the other in front of Flint’s tailor shop. These alarms are red light signals, which can be turned on from either telephone office, in case of fire, burglary, or any other matter where the services of the police, or quick help is needed. All that is necessary is to call Central and she will turn on lights which will be seen by the night watchman, who will investigate.
Gibson – Our ball team, No. 1, played Thompson last Saturday on their field. Thompson won with a score of 10-9. Our team, No. 2, defeated the Union Hill team on our diamond, with a score of 27-8.
Jackson – Surprised by the owner while in a chicken coop here, a thief grappled with and bit the owner, Edward Leonard, making his getaway in a waiting automobile. It is the second time lately that Jackson township has been visited by chicken thieves who work like professionals. About 12 o’clock, Thursday night, Mrs. Edward Leonard was awakened by a commotion in the rear of the house. Mr. Leonard, who was awakened, found the noise coming from the chicken coop. As the owner entered the thief attempted to escape and when caught, bit his captor’s thumb severely. This pain caused Mr. Leonard to let go his hold and the marauder slipped away in the darkness. A moment later a car in front of the house started up and sped down the road. Of the 80-odd chickens owned by Mr. Leonard, only 55 were accounted for. ALSO While cultivating potatoes upon the Yale farm, H. E. Henderson discovered a large rattlesnake. He secured a club and soon placed the snake out of commission. It measured 47 inches in length and carried seven rattles. It is presumed that the dry weather is responsible for the advent of the reptile in this section.
Rush Township – Mrs. Edward Blakeslee, who lives near Rushville, was struck by an automobile driven by Merchant W. W. Reynolds, of Springville, while at Silvara, Tuesday noon. Mrs. Blakeslee was crossing the street when hurled to the pavement by the machine and rendered unconscious. A telephone message from the Blakeslee home last night stated that her injuries were of a serious nature. Her daughter, Miss Zeltha, who is clerking in Burns’ pharmacy, was immediately notified.
Susquehanna – Harry Brown, of R. D. #5, Susquehanna, is charged with dynamiting “Melrose hole” in Starrucca Creek. It is alleged that Brown placed dynamite in the hole killing many fish. Two men appeared as the dynamiter was leaving. They caught the number of the car in which the dynamiter drove away. The number on the car is what led to Brown’s arrest. He paid a fine of $100 and costs amounting to $17.
Forest City – The M. E. church is undergoing a general overhauling. The church has been raised and new walls put under the entire building and excavation under the vestibule furnishing considerable extra room for social occasions of various kinds. The interior is being finished. The church had been badly shaken up by mine caves and the coal company is doing most of the repair work. ALSO Roy Shaw, of Endicott, a former Forest City boy, will open a restaurant in the building formerly occupied by Sam Stein, on Main street, where Liberty root beer and Coney Island “hot dogs” will be served.
Uniondale – S. E. Lowry and J. F. Tinklepaugh, stockholders of the Clifford creamery, were present at a stockholders meeting when the company disposed of its plant to the Woodlawn Dairy Company of Scranton. The new company is in possession.
Springville – Our town had a very quiet 4thof July. Many motored to Montrose, while others spent the day in fishing.
Forest Lake – Numerous friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Griffin, 4511 California Avenue, Seattle, Wash., to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. It was a red letter date in the lives of both and both declared they were as happy as the same day fifty years ago found them. The day and far into the night was one continual round of pleasure for all who came, and none enjoyed the occasion more than “Big Jim Griffin” and his charming bride. An elaborate wedding dinner, presentations and presents were given. Mr. Griffin will be remembered by the old-time readers of the Democrat as the youngest son of the late Patrick Griffin, of Forest Lake, and brother of Matthew Griffin, now of Choconut.
Dimock – This is certainly some month. Did you know that dog days arrived in June this year instead of waiting until July 25? We think that must be the case, as the heat bears all the registered ear marks of dog days. Then, too, things happen to food stuff that are supposed to belong exclusively to that delightful period. This year golden rod was found in full bloom in June, which is a rare occurrence. We will notice whether St. Swithen’s day, which is popularly supposed to control the rain fall for the next forty days, fulfills all expectations or not. July has five Fridays, four Saturdays and five Sundays, too, this season.
Greatest Event in History: We have not the military mastery of the world, like Rome, nor have we put other kingdoms and empires under our heel, as did Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Persia, Greece and Rome, but, in the evolution of civilization those were as nothing compared with what has resulted from the signing of that great Declaration in Philadelphia, July 4, 1776.
Compiled By: Betty Smith