Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 15 1904/2004
Laurel Lake, Silver Lake Twp. - Georgia Hill and Ruth Meeker went to the Forks [Franklin Forks] awheel, on the 4th, and came home the next day, accompanied by their cousin, Agnes Summers, who is staying a few days with them. AND The 10th reunion of the Hoag family was held the 29th of June 1904, at Little Lake, 47 being present. Mrs. W. D. Bolles brought a paper, the Montrose Volunteer and North Star, printed Dec. 1, 1842, edited by Abel Turrell and S. T. Scott, which contained an account of her parents' marriage, Daniel S. Hoag, of Silver Lake and Elizabeth T. Gurney, of Middletown, by W. G. Handrick, Esq. After dinner Elder W. C. Tilden gave quite a history of the old settlers, their hardships and privations. By the years of 1808 and 1811 several families by the name of Gage and Hoag came and settled near what is now called Brackney. Two deaths were noted, Henry Cole and Mrs. Carrie Baldwin; newcomers welcomed, Andrew Martin, Genevieve Coon and the bride of Edward W. Hoag.
Ararat - The Bushnell's held their family reunion June 30, at the Bushnell homestead. As this gathering is strictly a family affair and they are not numerous, it was a small gathering. Only the descendents of Albert and James gathered, viz: Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Warner, daughter Louise, and grandson, Kenneth Warner of Montrose; L. D. Shults and wife of State Line; P. K. Bushnell and son, Albert and daughter, Gertrude, of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Banker, of Oneonta, and H. A. Bushnell and wife, of Nineveh. The day was good and a good dinner and good cheer prevailed.
Springville - Theron Strickland has a horse which he sends a half-mile every morning after a load of milk, which it brings safely back, and is then driven to the milk station here.
Jackson - Urbane Hall, a well known citizen of Jackson, who had been a great sufferer from nervous prostration for many years, died at his home in that place, July 4th, aged 82 years. Deceased was a Civil War veteran and in his time a noted musician. As a performer upon the fife, he was unexcelled, and for many years he, with B. H. and A. B. Larrabee and Leroy Cook, formed the well known "fife and drum corps," that in the early 60's made Susquehanna county justly famous for that style of martial music. A. B. Larrabee is the only survivor of this organization that in their time thrilled thousands with their vigorous and skilled performance. Mr. Hall was buried from the Baptist church, July 6th.
Auburn - Homer Young, agent for the Deering machinery, was through here last week setting up the mowers, which he had sold thus far this season, which number 36. It is quite evident that the Deering is the machine. AND In Beech Grove, Luther Jagger, one of our oldest citizens passed peacefully away at his home July 6, in the 86th year of his age. He had been very feeble for several years, gradually growing weaker till the end. He was buried in the Fuller cemetery where he had a lot and monument set a number of years ago. His wife survives him, his brothers and sisters having preceded him to the beyond.
Upsonville, Franklin Twp. - We saw a report recently about a cinnamon bear being seen near Montrose. There was a specie of such a bear seen at Kistler Lake a short time ago, only that it was more of a creamy color; it seemed very bold, and finally took to the woods, where it was lost sight of.
Susquehanna - His friends will regret the removal of Dr. A. E. Hager from this place; he has decided to locate at Clifford, where he will continue his practice. The doctor and his estimable wife will be missed both in church and social circles.
Montrose -The largest freight car that ever came up over the L. and M. arrived here yesterday from the West. It is a furniture and vehicle car 50 feet in length and weighs 36,000 pounds. As Mr. Merrill, the veteran railroader says: "It looks like the grandfather of the others." AND There is no truth in the report that the cutglass factory is to be taken to Lestershire [Johnson City]. That town seems to be particularly set on securing a cutglass factory. Becker & Wilson are pretty well satisfied with conditions as they exist in Montrose and it is doubtful if any great benefits would be derived by removing elsewhere.
Friendsville - Camp Choconut, which is situated near the quaint and quiet village of Friendsville, opened on June 24th with 32 members in attendance. Tho aweary from travel, the change of scenery and all thrilled the boys with a renewed ambition and Camp Choconut seemed alive with busy forms preparing their little nooks and corners for the summer's outing. The Camp is located on a proud and majestic hill overlooking beautiful Calmalt Lake--that quiet sheet of water which inspired a young girl to write in charming verse of its beauties some years ago, and to betake with her to the cloister afterwards, sweet memories of its shimmering waters, and fern-bordered banks. There are thick woods dotted here and there over rich and verdant pastures, and it seems like a very peaceful place hid among the hills north of that illustrious chain of mountains, the Blue Ridge. The air is fine and exhilarating and the boys have a run of 600 acres, which includes a baseball field, large tennis courts and tempting golf links. On Sunday mornings the hours are devoted exclusively to writing letters home, and in the afternoon the Episcopal service is read in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit near by and at the edge of the woods.
Elk Lake - Lee and Homer Green, sons of N. E. Green, met with quite an accident recently. Their horse backed down an embankment, overturning the horse and wagon. Little Homer was found under the overturned carriage, slightly injured about the head and face.
Brookdale, Liberty Twp. - July 11th was Luman Allen's 84th birthday and he is sawing wood. Mr. Allen enjoys excellent health as does his aged companion, who is a few months his senior; she has been a devoted wife for 59 years.
Clifford - A party of four from Carbondale came in town last Sunday in an automobile weighing about two tons. They complimented our landlord on the fine dinner they had.
Forest Lake - Allen Shay is in the possession of a fine new buggy, one of Titman's (Montrose). It's all right!
News Briefs - The pure food agents are after Wilkes-Barre butchers, a number of whom it is claimed have used embalming fluid to preserve their meat. AND Susquehanna county's state appropriation for the improvement and maintenance of public highways this year amounts to $10,868.18. It might just as well amount to 30 cents, so far as some sections are concerned AND Fresh eggs are now advertised in the magazines, to be delivered by express. A smart, careful woman can make more raising poultry than a careless farmer can raising corn. Women need money of their own; they can get it raising poultry. By the way, every woman who raises poultry should have the proceeds. That money should not be used to buy tobacco or coffee.
Compiled By: Betty Smith