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July 15 1892/1992

Birchardville - The fourth of July 1892 has passed never to return, the celebration at this place was a success both in carrying out the program and financially. The addresses from the speakers were first class and in fact, the whole celebration was carried out in the best of style and good order. The music by the Springville band was excellent. The winners of the hotly contested races were as follows: the potato race by Frank Fessenden, the horse race by George Warner, the catching rings on running horses by A.B. Cole the foot race by J.H. Hungerford. If J.H. is as sharp financially as he is in a foot race, there is no doubt but he will meet with success through life.

South Auburn - Mr. John Lott, of Auburn Centre, while bathing in Carlin’s pond in this place, Sunday July 3rd, was so unfortunate as to lose his false teeth. After an unsuccessful search for them, he departed for Laceyville, from which place he returned late in the evening with a new set.

Union Dale - NOTICE. The person that look the Stars and Stripes that were waving in the breeze from L.K. Norton's dwelling, fourth of July night, without permission, will please be kind enough to ask for them next time, and receive my best wishes and a patriotic Fourth. Good-bye if I never hear from you again. PS If you should see to it to write, please direct to L.P. Norton, Uniondale, Susquehanna Co., Pa.

Harford - Griswold Loomis says the old barn on the homestead was built [as nearly as he can remember] when he was about 15 years old, in the spring of 1827. He remembers going to Lenox with his father and helping to fall a pine tree south of David Whitney's to make the shingles for that barn. Reckhow wanted [it] to be raised on the first bent because it was the first barn he had ever built. He came very near falling off. Griswold invited the men to the raising, and when he got home his father asked if he had invited Uncle Tommy Tiffany, Dalton Tiffany's father. He said No, and was sent directly back. The old man cried and said, when was young they were very glad of my health, but now that I can't work, they do not want me." He attended the raising and made pins all day.

West Auburn - E.O. Coggswell and family look the picture of contentment riding by in their new surrey We also note, with pleasure, other fine new carriages in town one owned by C.A. Jayne, and another by A.F. Lacey,

Lanesboro - The Fourth of July celebration at this place and at Susquehanna was very largely attended. The program was carried out in such a way that the people could not help but be much pleased. The game of ball at the nark and the two steamboats on the river furnished pleasure and amusement for all who were unable to hear the address, which was given in the Opera House, by Hon. D.W. Searle.

Hallstead - The time is close at hand when the voters of Hallstead will decide whether the borough shall have water or not.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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