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July 13 1906/2006

Brushville - The crop of raspberries is fine this season and there are many berry pickers out. All are cautious not to encounter the blacksnakes which inhabit our hills. We have the usual summer supply this season and several have been captured and killed. The other day Alfred Brush, son of ex-Sheriff R. N. Brush, shot and killed one that measured 5 ft. in length. The black serpent was coiled round and round, up on the limb of a tree, down by the mill. Alfred fired but once and shot its head off.

Rush - For Sale--The Rush House. Good location; remodeled, new plumbing, hot and cold water. For further particulars inquire of R. H. Hillis, Rush, Pa.

Gibson - Alfred Chandler died at the Hillside Home, near Scranton, on Thursday, July 5. He had a mania for rare coins, old newspapers and relics, and traveled about the country a great deal on foot, making him a well-known character. AND Mrs. Caroline Sweet recently celebrated her 85th birthday. Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were present to the number of fourteen. Aunt Caroline is a Sweet and well old lady for one who has attained such an advanced age, and she can work yet, as those who partook of her excellent dinner can testify and it was all prepared by her own hands.

Heart Lake - A couple of Montrose lads who went to see the Binghamton maids here last Friday night, had a delightful moonlight walk home Monday morning. They understand the meaning of "forced" marches and in the future will lock the stable door.

Tripp Lake - The camp composed of young men, conducted by G. Carlton Shafer, has been named "Camp Susquehannock." Mr. Shafer now has in the party some 13 lively young fellows, whom he tutors a portion of the time, if they are so inclined, or are permitted to indulge in the various outdoor sports enjoyed by healthy, vigorous young Americans, such as canoeing, swimming, fishing, roaming through the woodlands, and the like. They are college students, sons of well-to-do parents, and the country life and surroundings is what appeals to them during the summer while the manager also reaps a reasonable compensation for his services. The camp is conducted on lines similar to that of Camp Choconut, which was instituted near Friendsville a number years ago and is still growing in popularity. While the boys are subject to quite rigorous discipline, yet they enjoy a peculiar, untrammeled freedom which is suited to their physical and moral welfare, and parents may be assured their sons are surrounded by promoting influences when in the wild, care-free atmosphere of either camp.

Susquehanna - George Boyden, of Susquehanna, who was arrested in Starrucca July 1, for illegal fishing, was brought before J.P. Mumford. J.D. Miller appeared for the defendant and asked for his discharge on the grounds that the arrest had been made illegal, etc., but the Justice held the that everything was legal and proceeded with the case. When Boyden was arrested he had three trout in his possession and was fined $10 for each. Mr. Boyden would not settle so the Justice sentenced him to 30 days in the Honesdale jail. The Game Warden took Boyden to Honesdale, Mr. Miller accompanying them and going before Judge Purdy and obtained a writ of habeas corpus directing the sheriff to bring Boyden before the court. The case was argued and the Judge discharged him on the ground that no illegal act had been committed and the season for trout is now open and the fish were over the length required by law. The case aroused much interest here and the next time an arrest is made it will be done according to law.

Fairdale/Lynn - Fairdale went over to Lynn the 4th and enjoyed a very interesting game of ball--score resulting 11 and 12 in favor of Lynn. The Lynn boys and their mothers are all right and know how to treat a visiting team up-to-date. But the umpire and those young ladies--Deliver us!

Lathrop Twp. - Tarbel Lake, at this place, is very beautiful since the Nicholson Water Co. has had the shores cleaned and raised it to its greatest capacity. There is a great deal of fishing. Carp are abundant but very had to catch.

Great Bend - A large crowd enjoyed the first concert given by the Union Band in the new pagoda, donated by John Clune, on Saturday evening. The Italian clarinet player was a great addition, having studied music in the conservatories abroad.

Brooklyn - Rev. D. C. Barnes and Rev. Wilcox have recently had a Bell telephone installed in their residences.

Montrose - The firm of Becker and Wilson and their corps of glass cutters enjoyed a clam bake at Jones' lake, Thursday afternoon. AND Rosemont cottage is full to overflowing and has control of 8 rented rooms in other houses and is constantly turning away applicants for board, same as all other people who take summer boarders. It's a great misfortune Montrose hasn't a summer hotel to hold the many people who wish to come here. Why not?

Harford - A new steel boat may now be seen on Tyler lake, the property of E. E. Jones.

Uniondale - The ladies' aid of the Presbyterian church met at the Misses Tinker's Thursday of last week. The fatted calf was killed and almost consumed. 70 took dinner from it. They live about 2 1/2 miles from here, and the drive was very enjoyable.

Forest Lake - The ice cream social held by the C.E Society, on the lawn at Mr. Joseph Potts, was a very enjoyable affair. The cream was excellent and easily disposed of, while the peanut and candy stands were liberally patronized.

Middletown Twp. - Charles and Martin Golden are home on vacation from New York, but do not look so Yorkey as some others from that place.

Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. - Glenn Linabury and Louis Postleman assisted Cyrus Tyler in moving his house last week.

Friendsville - Mass was celebrated at the Catholic church by the Rev. Father Colligan, who was ordained June 29. During the services he delivered a short though eloquent sermon, in which he displayed splendid oratorical power. Father Colligan is a grandson of the late Michael Bahen, of this place and a nephew of Father J. P. Colligan, formerly of Little Meadows.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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