Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
July 11 1919/2019
Lackawanna Trail – R.C. Ruthven, of Scranton, was the low bidder on the section of road construction on the Lackawanna Trail. Mathias Stipp & Son, of Scranton, were low on the work laid out for New Milford and Bridgewater townships, Susquehanna county. The bids were opened at a record letting for road work and awards will be made later. Susquehanna county, Routes 9 and 10, New Milford and Bridgewater townships, [need] 30,335 feet of reinforced concrete had 6 companies bidding.
Montrose – Robert Welden, who for the past 14 months has been in the coast artillery, serving a greater portion of that period in the Philippine Islands, returned to his home in Montrose on Wednesday. During his long absence he saw but one young man from this part of the state, a nephew of James Bunnell, of Dimock, named Butler. He says they surely did enjoy talking about
Old Susquehanna county. “Bob: is looking well and mighty glad to be back.
Fairdale – Dayton Brotzman, of this place, and Miss French Devine, of Birchardville, autoed to Tunkhannock on the Fourth and were married.
Springville – A very sad accident occurred on Monday evening at States’ pond, when John Teel, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. O.P. Teel, lost his life while in swimming. He, in company with Glenn Risley, went in swimming after the day’s work. They had been in the water for some time when Teel said he was going to swim across the pond once more and then go home. It proved the fatal trip as, evidently, he was taken with cramps and sank. The body was recovered soon after by Lloyd Bush and taken to his home. He was about 16 years of age and leaves besides his parents, three sisters and two brothers.
Beech Grove, Auburn Twp. – The ladies of this place and vicinity having pieced blocks for three quilts for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Valentine, whose home was recently destroyed by fire, met at the South Auburn Grange hall on June 20th, and tied them. Also a purse of about $8 was raised, for which Mr. Valentine wishes to thank all who contributed. ALSO Two aeroplanes have been sighted at this point this week. One on Saturday morning and one Sunday, going due north.
Thompson – Walter L. Miller, who recently resigned as a lieutenant in the aviation division of the army, is visiting his brother, Hon. A.D. Miller, in Susquehanna.
Tunkhannock – The strawberry season has closed and the army of juvenile pickers can now lie in bed until breakfast time. The pickers received from three to five cents per quart in the flush of the season, and toward the last, when the berries became scarce, some growers offered as high as ten cents.
Wilkes-Barre – Capturing his own brother and making him a prisoner when the American troops raided and took possession of a small town near Alsace was the experience of William A. Lentz, Plains, Pa., during the world war. He was recently discharged from the First Field Artillery. Lentz came to this country six years ago. He enlisted with the American forces when this country entered the world war and was among one of the first troops to be sent overseas. Several days before the armistice was signed his regiment was sent to bombard his native town and his brother was one of the prisoners taken when the town was captured.
West Lenox – A memorial service will be held on July 13th, at the church, for Curtis and Eldridge Shoup, who were killed in France. Some of the soldiers who were in the same company with them are expected to speak. A special invitation is extended to the G.A.R., Spanish-American and World War soldiers, also the Sons of Veterans and Boy Scout organizations to be present.
New Milford – On Tuesday, July 1, the hotel at this place, known for many years as the Jay House, passed out of existence and will be hereafter known as the Park View hotel. ALSO The tannery business at New Milford, which added greatly to the prosperity of the town, is a thing of the past. The work of tearing down the old tannery is in progress. A modern silk mill will be constructed at once on the old tannery site.
Hopbottom – Cecil Berry, cashier of the Hopbottom bank and Miss Lena Corson, also of Hopbottom, were united in marriage at Philadelphia on June 25. They have taken up their residence on Main street, Hopbottom.
Oakland Twp. – Late Monday night the old house near McKune’s, which at one time was occupied by Prophet Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church, was destroyed by fire. The house was unoccupied and the cause of the blaze is unknown. Erie employees at work in the Oklahoma yards discovered the fire. It was impossible to save the historic building. Just when the house was erected, is not known. It was in the early ‘40’s [mid to late 20’s] that Prophet Joseph Smith occupied the house. He went to live there with his young bride and according to Mormon history, he spent most of his time copying from the mysterious gold plates what is now the Mormon bible. Prophet Joseph Smith was shot to death in a jail in Carthage, Mo., in 1844 and his followers liken his tragic end to that of Christ who died on the cross. Hyram Smith, a brother of the prophet, met the same fate. The brothers were killed by the same mob.
Forest City – Ira Burdick was called here from Troy, NY, by the illness of his mother. He has lately returned from overseas duty as a member of the 80th regiment of the Second division. He went over the top several times and in the Argonne Forest fight was badly wounded in the left arm. ALSO The ever glorious “Fourth” passed off quietly here. All who could tied themselves to nearby lakes to escape the intense heat. The day was ushered in by young America who rent the air by the discharge of dynamite and other explosives.
Uniondale – Uniondale borough has eighteen widows, young and old—nearly one-twentieth of the census enrollment of the borough,
Marriage Licenses: James J. Hickey and Marie E. Neville, Little Meadows; Joseph Krizmancis and Mary Svele, Forest City.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, July 10, 1819.
*CELEBRATION. On the 5th inst. a numerous party of the citizens of Montrose and its vicinity, (without any previous arrangements) met and partook of a public dinner at E. Fuller’s. The cloth being removed, the following sentiments were expressed in the form of toasts. 1. The United States; “Millions for defense, not a cent for tribute.” 2. Pennsylvania; the heart of the Body Politic. 3. George Washington the grand Pillar, and Benj. Franklin the skylight of the temple of liberty. 4. The Heroes of the revolution. 5. Those who fell in the late war. 6. The President of the United States. 7. The American Farmers; The lords of the soil, and the wealth of the nation. 8. Our Navy; Its thunders have astonished Englishmen and Algerines; may its officers never forget they are Americans. 9. The American Fair; “Heaven’s last best gift to man.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith