Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
July 11 1913/2013
Montrose - The celebration here on the Fourth, from the opening rattle of the drum as the firemen’s parade got under way in the morning, until the last rocket died away in the murky dome of the sky in the evening, was a qualified success. Never in the town’s history was there a more enjoyable and successful celebration than the one given by [the] Hooks. In the morning all three fire companies united in a spectacular parade, each company showing a harmony of feeling in assisting Hook & Ladder Fire Co. that did much toward making the affair a success. Headed by the Montrose Band, with speaker John J. McDevitt, Mayor Titsworth, J. J. Ryan, C. W. Broadhead and P. J. Radeker in an auto, the parade presented a fine sight to the crowds that thronged the sidewalks.
Bridgewater Twp. - The Tenth U. S. Cavalry, which spent the Fourth in Montrose, were visited by thousands of people at their encampment on the E. W. Rogers farm, just below Montrose. The advanced troops reached town about 10 o’clock in the morning, a considerable number of pack mules, loaded with sections of machine guns, forming the “vanguard.” Other scattered squads kept arriving and the main body came about noon. The regiment was organized in 1866 and is one of four colored regiments now in existence in the United States. It has seen service among the Ute Indians in Utah and Wyoming, played a conspicuous part in backing Roosevelt’s “Rough Riders” at San Juan Hill, and has seen service in the Philippines. The Regiment is composed of 29 officers, 590 soldiers, 50 enlisted teamsters and 850 horses and mules. They left Fort Ethan Allen, near Burlington, Vt. and are on their way to Winchester, Va..
Uniondale/Forest City - Wanted, operators for our exchange. A good opportunity for a small family with one or two girls who want positions. Apply to Northeastern Penn’a Telephone Co., Forest City, Pa.
Ainey, Springville Twp. - Honor for one of Susquehanna County’s youngest [Civil War] soldiers, F. A. Kittle, who enlisted before he was 15 years of age. He is now a resident of Scranton and a member of Ezra S. Griffin Post. The Ladies’ Corps presented the Post with a banner that cost $85, and F. A. Kittle was detailed to carry it to the Gettysburg reunion.
Alford - The local veterans returning from Gettysburg were met by a special train here on Saturday evening, the New York train being late, and they arrived in Montrose at about 10 o’clock. All report a pleasant time. The first day at Gettysburg was the worst one experienced, everything being in confusion on account of the large number of veterans to be housed and fed. The confusion soon gave way to system and they were as well cared for as was possible under the circumstances.
Susquehanna - John P. Shanahan has assumed the editorship of the Susquehanna Transcript—Ledger. Mr. Shanahan has had considerable journalistic experience, having for years been a valued correspondent of a number of large city dailies. He possesses an attractive style of writing, is broad in his views, and pledges co-operation with the town’s officials in working for the best interests of the borough. From a personal acquaintance with the new editor we believe he will improve and advance the interests of his paper, as well as make that journal a continued, forceful factor in the upbuilding of Susquehanna.
Dimock - The Dimock Camp Ground is taking a decided improvement in appearance these days. The Improvement committee is putting on new roofs, etc., and they already have the drive from the public road to the ground in fine condition, making a drive upon which three or four autos or teams can drive abreast. They are using crushed stone and flag for the walks this season instead of plank and it is a great improvement and will be permanent. All cottages in the front row can have paint furnished free if they wish to avail themselves of the offer and paint their cottages before the 1913 season.
South Gibson - The Fourth at South Gibson drew a large crowd. There was entertainment all the time—two moving picture shows, with music by the band, a spirited ball game between Dundaff and South Gibson, and fireworks in the evening, filled out a long day of enjoyment. The Ladies’ Aid netted $35 and 80 meals were served at Hotel Thomas.
Lenox - We had a safe and sane Fourth—everything quiet. Some went to Montrose and some to Hopbottom. ALSO: Charles Wright and family, of Yonkers, N.Y., have pitched a tent near G. C. Woolsey’s where they will camp for the summer.
Auburn Twp. - S. M. Conety, of Shannon Hill, has sued the supervisors of Auburn for damage for injury to Mrs. Conety, caused by her horse taking fright at the Dougherty and Winans traction engine which was left standing near the driveway on land of John Lott. ALSO: Those interested in the State Road from Meshoppen through Auburn to Lawton, Birchardville, Choconut and to State Line are feeling kindly toward Rep. Jones and Senator Mills for the interest they took in this matter.
Brushville - Only one accident from fire works on the Fourth has been reported thus far. Benton Benson, while loading a small canon, had the misfortune to loose part of his thumb. Dr. Miller, of Susquehanna, was called and amputated the thumb at a point below the first joint. Benton recently celebrated his 21st birthday on June 29th.
Hallstead - Eugene Gathany, of this place, and his brother, M. A. Gathany, of Vineland, New Jersey, have organized, in the above named place, the “Gathany Development and Construction Co.” The company will manufacture a faced brick for building purposes that is said to be the finest building brick in the world. They also own, in this place, some of the finest blue stone quarries in the state.
Jessup Twp. - Peter Arnold’s brother, C. C. [Christian], of Montrose, Missouri, is here visiting Peter and his brothers Andrew and Aaron and other relatives. He is a Civil War veteran, being a member of the 41st Pa. Volunteers, and took in the Gettysburg festivities on his way here. Mr. Arnold removed from the county 30 years ago and this is his first visit. He is a wide awake newspaper man, having published the Montrose (Missouri) Record for many years.
Hop Bottom - Ed VanLoan and Orin Hinkley, G. A. R. veterans, attended the Gettysburg celebration last week.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - James McCahill, an orphan boy, whose home was with Frank McCormick, was drowned while bathing in the Wyalusing creek, Sunday last.
Compiled By: Betty Smith