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July 11 1901/2001

Forest City - A tragedy of the elements marked the storm that passed over here Tuesday evening, where Mrs. John Lesco was instantly killed by a bolt of lightning and her brother, Stephen, painfully burned by the same stroke. Mrs. Lesco lived on Hudson street near the Polish Catholic church. The house has a basement and this is where the woman was standing. Mrs. Lesco's brother lives with her and was washing himself after his day's toil in the breaker and Mrs. Lesco was handing him a towel when the lightning struck her. She must have been killed instantly for there were no signs of life when her brother, after recovering from his shock, turned to give her attention. Mrs. Lesco had her hand on his back when the destructive bolt struck her and the shock was communicated to him, the lightning running down his side, and the flesh along the spot of contact was fearfully blistered.

Herrick Centre - P. H. Flynn is not only proprietor of the leading hotel, but he has a farm a mile and a half away that is an object lesson in farming. It was run down and "worn out" when he bought it but he plowed up a 40-acre field last year, picked of the stones and gave it a dressing of lime, sowed oats and buckwheat and seeded it also to timothy and clover.

Susquehanna - Three men, employed in the Erie boiler shop, were arrested on Monday evening, for bathing in the river, within the borough limits. They were fined $5 each. AND John Fitzgerald, who was recently discharged from the 47th U. S. Infantry which has for the past two years been engaged in the Philippine Islands, is visiting his former home here. He also served two years in the war with Spain and his discharge contains the battles in which he was engaged. He is only about 32 years of age. After completing his visit here he intends to go to South Africa on a prospecting tour.

Harford - While coming from church last Sunday evening, little Floyd Barnard, while crossing the road, was knocked down by the big team driven by Miss Gertrude Stearns. Fortunately the horses passed each side and did not step on him. He was picked up and found to be quite badly bruised, but no bones broken.

Hallstead - Page Lyman has sold his four-legged chicken for $8.00. AND There was a wreck in the yard Saturday morning; three cars of wheat were piled up and every one having chickens made a rush to get their share of it. AND Wednesday evening the new steamer, which has attracted so much attention, was successfully launched. The boat was drawn by Ward Ives' team from the Crook shop to the river. In descending the Harmony road, the forward pair of wheels under the boat slipped and let the boat push forward between the horses. This accident caused the boat to spring so that it leaked slightly after being in the water. When in the water the boat draws less than 7" of water and runs at a good rate of speed.

South Gibson - The Ladies Aid Society will hold a "Memory Sale" on July 23, 24 & 25, in the Manning store building. Many useful and beautiful articles have been contributed by former residents and friends of the society. Home made candies, baked stuffs and ice cream will be on sale. Free entertainments will be given on the evenings of the 23d and 25th by home talent. On Wednesday evening the 24th, a grand concert will be given in the church by the following talent: Mrs. Lizzie Hughes Brundage, Mrs. M. E. Brundage and Mrs. Charles Keech, all of Scranton; Miss Gertrude Resseguie of Susquehanna and Miss Julie Cruser of Montrose. Adm. 15 cents, a price within the reach of all.

West Auburn - Sallie Lafrance and daughter, Mamie, took a ride to South Auburn Sunday on a bicycle built for two.

East Dimock - Some people say that Callie Lathrop saw a ghost. Did you Callie?

Gibson - The late Henry Abel, who died recently, left a will providing that the bulk of his estate shall go to the Prohibition party of this county. The bequest will probably amount to four or five thousand dollars.

Little Meadows - Samuel Rice was born in Union, NY and died at his home near Little Meadows, where he lived for 39 years, on July 6, 1901, aged 73 years. He was married about 48 years ago to Miss Julia Barton who died Sept. 11, 1899.They had two daughters, Mary and Dora.

Brooklyn - C. F. Watrous and family are "camping out" at Ely's Lake for a couple of weeks.

Rush - The new church is at a stand still at present. We hope there can soon be money enough raised to complete it.

Glenwood - An automobile passing through this place stopped, and taking up Esquire Swartz, gave him a short ride to show him how the thing worked. It certainly is a fine way to get over the country.

Fairdale - The Harvest Home festival will take place Thursday evening, July 25th. The Rush Band will furnish music. Ice cream will be served in abundance. All come and bring your sister or some other fellow's sister.

Clifford - Clifford has a professional burglar. He can go in the stores at night at any time he is in need of goods. The old saying is "it is a long road that has no turn to it." The other night he got detected-one of our boys happened to be up and saw a man going up the side walk in a suspicious sort of a way which attracted the boy's attention, so he watched him as well as he could. After going up the street a piece he turned around and walked back, watching in all directions. Thinking no one was around, he took a key from his pocket, unlocked the store of B. F. Bennett, got a sack of flour and went home with it. B. F. Bennett was informed of the act the next morning and called at Esquire Wells; office and got a search warrant. He found the chap, the flour, and captured the key. The key showed good workmanship, being made from a case knife blade of hard steel. The thief owned up the corn, and on account of his highly respected relatives, has not been turned over to the authorities yet.

Thomson - Vivian Gelatt is carrying the overland mail from here to New Milford.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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