Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 10 1903/2003
Great Bend - Burglars entered the store of P. H. Lines, securing considerable clothing, underwear and other articles. An attempt was made to enter by a rear window, but failing in this, one of the large plate-glass windows in the front was smashed and entrance gained through this aperture. The watch dog confined in the store evidently considered them welcome visitors
New Milford - Col. C. C. Pratt recently bought an automobile but still says a horse is good enough for him. And the Colonel knows what [a] horse is.
Heart Lake - The Fourth at Heart Lake passed off quietly, there being a much smaller attendance than anticipated. A society from Scranton, known as the Modern Woodmen of America, rented the grounds and ran an excursion: This society has about 500 members, and at least 1500 excursionists were figured on, but strange to say only about 200 came up. It was reported that 600 got on the wrong train and were taken to Binghamton.
Montrose - To live and board in Montrose and leave one's employment in a city as far away as Scranton is an unusual condition here, yet we have had for the past month a young lady, Miss Clara Oakley, who has boarded with her mother on Depot street, going back and forth daily to attend to her duties as stenographer in the office of S. B. Price, Scranton. This is not, however, so unusual in places lying out from the larger cities and the railroad makes a special and very low rate to this class of patrons who are compelled to buy monthly tickets. These "Commuter's tickets were placed on sale in Montrose years ago, but Miss Oakley has been the only person to ever purchase. AND The return of the hot sultry days cause our thoughts to turn with renewed appreciation to our faithful and obliging ice dealers, the Messrs. F. W. & S. E. Hart, who are always on the alert to take good care of their customers. Their ice is always pure and the coolest we ever saw.
South Auburn - The McCoy boys from Hoboken, NJ are spending their summer vacation at Harry Lowe's.
Hopbottom - The Fourth of July celebration at this place was a success in every way. The parade was one of the best ever seen in a country town. $100 was received from the dinner and sale of ice cream. AND Monday evening a meeting of those interested in the traveling library was held at Janaushek's store. Through the efforts of Miss Amelia Brown, a library of 50 books has been received for a period of six months.
Ararat - The sudden out-break of small-pox in Thomson is causing some alarm among us poor fellers, for we don't want it to come any nearer. AND The 29th of June, two months from the day of planting, Fred Brooks had new potatoes for dinner.
Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - Javan Sterling, of Hopbottom, has recently opened a meat market.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - Nearly everybody from this place attended the celebration at Birchardville on the Fourth, and all report a good time. Old men joined in the dance the Fourth that have not been able to stir, owing to rheumatism, in years. AND That young man who used to drive past where his girl lived, Sunday evenings, must have stopped
Middletown - Well, the happy old 4th has come and gone, but it has left memories of olden times in the minds of many old people, including the old soldiers from '61 to '65. We had a fine day. The people had grand times at LeRaysville and at Birchardville. No accidents heard of yet, July the 4th. AND John Maloney is seen training his runner each day, expecting to take in some of the fairs the coming fall, after winning the race at Birchardville the 4th.
Lenoxville - Thursday, July 2d, Mrs. Elery Robinson pleasantly entertained the Soap Club, in which she is a member.
Glenwood - The 4th passed off very quietly at this place. No celebration to mention. The town was alive with out of town visitors from Nicholson and Mill City.
Lanesboro - At the home of Postmaster and Mrs. Nicholson, in Lanesboro, June 23, occurred the marriage of Alice Annette to Leslie Dewight Jones. They were attended by Miss Mabel Taylor and Mr. Valentine Soop. Two hours after, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James O. Taylor occurred the marriage of Mabel Edyth to Valentine Soop. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jones. The two couples left on the D&H train for Albany and down the Hudson to New York. After a very pleasant trip they returned to their homes in this place. Twelve of their young friends accompanied them as far as Nineveh. Needless to say they had rather a ricey time of it. We understand they used 130 pounds of rice on the happy couples.
Susquehanna - Sunday morning last, James E. Scanlon, assistant night yardmaster of the Erie, at this place, was found lying in the track near the depot, both legs having been run over and severed. He lived but a short time after being found and did not regain consciousness. How he met with the accident is a matter of conjecture only. Deceased was a gentleman well known and highly respected and has for many years been a faithful and valued employee of the Erie. He is survived by his wife and his father, John Scanlon, of Drinker Street. AND Landlord Andy J. Ryan is the proud possessor of a 50 pound snapping turtle, which was captured in the highway in Oakland, a few days since. He's an old chap (the turtle, we mean), and bears a date upon his shell of 1873.
A Snake Story - A big blacksnake wound itself around the leg of a horse belonging to Ernest Diamond as he was driving a few miles out of Waterloo Thursday. The beast leaped to one side and the reins fell to the ground. As the horse sprang forward, Diamond leaped on to the horse's back and tried to bring it to a standstill, but without success. At just that point Diamond was pitched into a brush heap wherein a swarm of bees had built a nest and was badly stung. The horse fell into a mud hole and was later pulled out by a team of horses. Binghamton, NY Herald.
Compiled By: Betty Smith