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July 1 1892/1992

Montrose - Co. G has decided not to attend the 4th of July celebration in Binghamton, owing to the fact that the parade occurs at 10 AM, while the train which they would take does not reach Binghamton until 11:15. AND In another column will be found the advertisement of Keystone Academy [Factoryville] This institution possesses superior advantages as a preparatory school for those desiring to enter college, enter business life, or equip themselves as teachers. Send for their illustrated catalogue.

Springville - It was a very pleasant and pretty wedding that took place at the home of Mrs. Jane Boardman of this place, Wednesday, June 22, the parties being her only daughter, Ella May Boardman, and Edward J. Chapman, of Clarks Green. Shortly after the 12 o'clock Mrs. Tom Shaddock, of Brooklyn, PA, began playing the wedding march upon the piano, and two little girls, preceded by Rev. J.H. Weston, came in dressed in white and carrying bouquets, followed by the bride and groom. The bride looked a little pale, and was arrayed in white cassimere trimmed with white chiffon and silk gimp, carrying a bouquet of white roses tied with white ribbon. The groom wore the conventional suit of black. Two gates tastefully made of roses, peonies and daisies, were opened by the little girls. The ceremony was short but impressive. About seventy and friends of the bride and groom were present. After a liberal supply of kisses and hand shaking the guests were invited to partake of the bountiful repast prepared for them. About 4 PM the bride and groom left for Dalton and other places, amid a shower of rice and old shoes; some of the shoes hanging to their wheels as the drove off. The presents were nice and useful.

Harford - G.L. Payne informs us of a project for building a dam at the headwaters of Tyler Lake, thus overflowing about 40 acres of swamp and permitting the removal of valuable timber not now accessible. Lands of 0. Payne, R. Darrow, Dr. Brundage, and Frank LaBar will be benefited by the extension. AND Boys from the Soldiers Orphan School attended church service, June 26. Examinations are over and the children separate June 30; to resume work again September 1. We shall be sorry when the S.O. School of Harford is a thing of the past.

Birchardville - Among the boldly contested races on the 4th of July will be a foot race between Wm. Slater and M.L. Ball, two nimble and light-footed runners. The one who fails to appear when the race is called is to forfeit the large sum of 50 cents. So says the public. Do not fail to see this, as it will be a close match.

Brooklyn - Mr. & Mrs. E.L.P. Hine are spending a vacation at their home at the Breed Homestead.

Jackson - Cleveland's nomination was received here with the greatest satisfaction by the Prohibitionists. Their cry is anything to the Republicans, but we will take the wind out of them worse than we did in 1888, and make them sing to the tune of "Goodbye, old Grover, Goodbye."

Susquehanna - At the 5th annual meeting of the National Association of Railway Surgeons held at Old Point Comford, VA, four weeks ago, a paper on "Caution in Regard to the use of Birchloride of Mercury in Wounds," was read by Surgeon Samuel Birdsall of Susquehanna.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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