Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 09 1909/2009
Montrose - Montrose was visited by prominent men in the Consumers' Water Co., Scranton, which supplies Montrose. They came in a handsome touring car and made a hasty inspection of the lake and reservoir. They stated that it would be useless to run the water direct from the lake into the reservoir and did not propose to do it. They are also credited with saying that even if the consumers would pay for a filtering plant by increasing the rates, it is doubtful if they would even then establish one. The directors assert that they are furnishing the "best water" in the lake and as that is all the charter provides for there is no reason for attempting to improve it. They might at least turn the wash from the highways so it wouldn't pollute the water and also prevent horses and cows from feeding on the shore of the lake.
Susquehanna - Stephen Carpenter, whose son, Arthur, mysteriously disappeared while attending the West Chester Normal school, has deposited $25 in the First National Bank here, as a reward to the person first giving evidence during the next 30 days that will lead to the discovery of the whereabouts of his son. AND Two crippled hoboes were locked in a box car loaded with automobiles, for 36 hours, when it reached Susquehanna. At a hearing for trespassing, the men were released, the justice being sympathetic toward their plight. They had no food or water during that time.
Dimock - D. A. Titsworth was at Dimock on Friday where he adjusted a loss at the Baptist church. The damage was done by the explosion of a film in a moving picture machine on the evening of June 24. W. H. Palmer, one of the spectators at the entertainment, was badly burned about the face in carrying the machine from the building and but for his bravery the church might have been badly damaged.
East Rush - Marshall Linaberry thought while the opportunity offered, he would train his horses around Mr. Cronk's auto and one of them, a horse advanced in years, became so frightened it dropped dead. Mr. Cronk drove right on and did not hear of the accident until after he reached home.
Kingsley - Eva, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Payne, was seriously burned, her clothing catching fire from playing with matches unknown to her parents. Her right leg and side were blistered.
South Gibson - Little Arthur McNamara, aged three years, and his sister, Helen, aged 1½ , were out playing on Friday last when the little boy came to the store and seeming to be in distress, pulled his mother's dress and said as best he could, "Sister, water." His mother went with him and he led the way to the pond, where Mrs. McNamara was horrified to see her baby face downward in the pond. Fred Pickering, who was in the mill, went in and brought the child out, just in time to save its life. Had it not been for the remarkable forethought of such a small child, South Gibson would have had another drowning accident to chronicle. The children had been accustomed to play around the mill, of which their father, G. G. McNamara, is proprietor, but wandered above the mill, where the bank is steep, and it is supposed the little one got too near the edge and fell in.
Hopbottom - The residence of Marshall McVicar caught fire from Skyrockets falling upon the roof, which were sent up by Fourth of July celebrators, and was burned to the ground. Flames were not discovered until they were well started, so that the entire upper part of the building burst into flames. A large crowd congregated to assist in the removal of household goods, which was largely accomplished, but they were unable to save the structure, with the limited fire-fighting apparatus at hand and the Hallstead fire co. arriving too late. The building was one of the handsomest in the town. Mr. McVicar plans to rebuild.
Great Bend - Edward Barnum and Miss Ella Peck were married June 30, at her home. After a short wedding trip they will reside in Hallstead, Mr. Barnum being assistant secretary of the Railroad Y.M.C.A. ALSO L. J. Hicks, of Bath, is in town preparing to start a moving picture show in a tent.
Brooklyn - The fifth was a quiet day in our town. The band boys went to Hopbottom to play, several of the young people went to Heart Lake, and other parties picnicked at Elk Lake and North Pond. In the evening fireworks were displayed.
Auburn Four Corners - Hotel McAvoy has been undergoing repairs. The ballroom has been made into bedrooms and closets, so that more guests can be accommodated.
East Ararat - People hereabouts and at Burnwood celebrated Independence Day, July 5. A new flag was on the Burnwood schoolhouse. Many people celebrated the day fishing.
Forest City - The management of the Family theatre showed views of the flights of the Wright brothers in their aeroplanes in their recent demonstrations in France. The pictures were good, showing clearly the fleeting landscape as the great bird-like machine soared gracefully overhead, rising, circling and descending. One reads of these things and passes them by without much thought for they seem impracticable. But when we see, almost the actual flights of these two American boys, we are impressed and wonder at and feel proud of the great thing they have accomplished.
Bridgewater - Alf. J. Stephens died at White Sulphur Springs, in the west [Montana], recently. He was a native of Pennsylvania 72 years ago and spent his boyhood on a farm near Williams Pond. When the Civil War broke out he enlisted in Co. D, 50th Penna. Volunteers. He participated in the second battle of Bull Run and went through the struggle at Antietam. He served under Grant before Vicksburg and was at the siege of Knoxville and then took part in the Wilderness campaign. He was also with Sherman in the expedition into South Carolina. He went west in 1869 and settled in Meagher County, Montana. "Uncle Alf," as he was known, never married and probably did not have a single enemy in the world. He was a big-hearted man, quiet, unassuming and gentle, yet he never shirked a duty. His brothers were Oscar and Joseph Stephens of White Sulphur Springs.
News Briefs - There were light frosts on the lowlands Sunday night, July 4th. One could hardly believe it possible when "old residenters" told of frost on former Fourths, but it happened, nevertheless, in 1909. Montrose enjoyed the coolest Fourth since 1852. ALSO The latest popular songs are: Just Because it's You; I Promise You; Beautiful Eyes; and I Love, I Love, I love My Wife, But Oh! You Kid!
Compiled By: Betty Smith