Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
July 08 1904/2004
Hallstead - The Hallstead nine and the Sunnysides, of Binghamton, played a game of baseball in Hallstead resulting in a victory for the Binghamton nine. Again in the afternoon the Hallstead boys were badly beaten in Lawsville. Fred Simpson took them over in his excursion wagon.
Great Bend - About 1,000 people attended the races here on the 4th. The attractions were all well executed. Bullard's Band discoursed sweet music. The boxing match was an interesting feature of the event. The receipts were about $300.
Lathrop Twp. - Pearl Mackey has returned home from Keystone Academy, where she graduated and was valedictorian of her class.
Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. - Saturday afternoon, while Mrs. Nettie Reynolds was driving the horses hitched to a horserake to the barn, the tongue broke and she fell under the horses' feet and was dragged several rods, tearing her clothing and bruising her body terribly. The Dr. pronounced no bones broken and her many friends will be glad to know that she is at this writing quite comfortable and can move herself slightly in bed.
Birchardville - H. F. Baker's barn burned July 4th, with all his farm implements, harnesses, wagons and other things too numerous to mention. There was only $250 insurance--not enough to pay for the reaper and drill. The Bakers were getting ready to go away when they heard a noise and going to see what it was discovered the fire just breaking through the roof. Mr. Baker succeeded in saving his horses at the risk of his own life. It is a great loss and it is unknown how the fire stated.
West Bridgewater Twp. - S. S. Gard and wife, of Wyandotte, Mich., have been spending a few days in town. Mr. Gard was born on the farm now owned by Caleb Bush, where Mr. and Mrs. Gard have been visiting, also calling on A. P. Bush to whom Mr. G. went to school, and Mrs. Amanda Smith, an old school-mate. Mr. Gard's family left here and went west in 1852, and this is his first visit back, but is so much pleased with the old county he is now coming frequently. He is engaged in the lumber business.
Auburn - Yesterday was a big day at Auburn Corners. Something less than 2000 people were present and took in the grand fantastic parade, which was called superior to any ever witnessed and the ball game was fine, resulting in favor of dads. AND B. Lathrop and Arthur Bennett, when returning from the festival at Elk Lake, collided with some one's surrey, owning to the darkness and damaged their fine buggies.
Jackson - D. W. Cole, M.D., has been granted a patent on an improvement in brushes. The doctor is making the necessary preparations to manufacture his patented brushes and will have them on the market by the last of July. He has also been granted a patent on a combined mortiser and boring machine, and will establish headquarters at Jackson for the sale of this machine. The doctor is a hustler and a fine fellow and we wish him success in this new enterprise. AND At Pueblo, Colorado, June 20, Mrs. W. D., Esterbrook, daughter of John E. Griffis, Jackson, was struck by a bolt of lightning and instantly killed. She and her husband were hurrying home to escape a shower, when he was horrified to see a bolt of lightning appearing like a ball of fire, strike her behind the ear and pass down the front of her body and off at her feet. The grief stricken husband, with a number of friends, accompanied the remains to Mayfield, Kansas, where they were laid by her infant son, Frank, on Friday, June 24.
South Montrose - C. H. Sterling, while setting off fireworks Monday night for his little daughter, accidentally received a small lot of powder in his face, injuring one eye somewhat and altogether destroying his whiskers.
Montrose - Ambrose S. Payne has secured the contract for painting the Tarbell House. The large structure will be given two coats. He also painted the large sign which graces the front of Billings & Co's furniture and undertaking rooms, which has attracted considerable attention due to its artistic appearance. AND You should read "The Red Keggers," "Tillie, The Mennonite Maid," "The Wood Carver of Lympus." The Montrose Library--$1.50 per year, 25 cents per mo.
Susquehanna - Susquehanna suffered a loss of $20,000 by fire Wednesday evening. The plant of W.B. Maine & Co., contractors, builders and carriage makers, was consumed, as was the residence of George Maine. His barn, planning mill and blacksmith shops were also destroyed. AND The music furnished by the Laurel Hill Academy orchestra, at the commencement exercises of that institution, reflects great credit on the Sisters and their pupils. AND Editor Birchard gave the employees of the Transcript a day off on the 4th--which was "meet and right."
New Milford - During the past week a deer has been wandering through this section, appearing in the oat fields and meadows of vicinity farms. It was seen by Wm. VanCott, Wm. Carey, Mrs. D. W. Shay, Charles Tyler and from there skipped across the country to T. D. Houlihan's, near Upper Lake. There is much speculation as to where it came from but quite likely has wandered from some of our neighboring deer counties or escaped from some deer park.
Parkvale, Dimock Twp. - Norman Stuart met with an accident to his automobile while ascending the hill here on Wednesday evening; but he succeeded in repairing it enough to enable him to continue on his way to Scranton.
Silver Lake - Lewis Hill, son of Henry Hill, was married at the home of the bride in Damascus, NY, June 30th, and arrived here on Saturday; they are stopping with Mr. H's father; they will reside in Binghamton, where Mr. H. is employed as electrician. AND Mr. West has purchased a handsome team of matched horses.
Brooklyn - Mr. Kirby, manager of the Condensery Co., told the farmer[s] and others that if they would collect the money in that they have subscribed, and place it in the Montrose bank, he and his backers would go on and built the railroad between here and Hopbottom and equip it before calling on them for a cent of the funds.
Upsonville, Franklin Twp. - The Moses Sheilds Co. have secured the right of way through A. P. Sherwood's land and will put in heavy bridges, and use their traction engine to haul stone to their landing at Tingley.
Compiled By: Betty Smith