Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 07 1916/2016
Elk Lake – The large steam shovel that has been used at the Norris dam has been shipped to New Jersey. ALSO A number from this place attended the funeral of Mrs. Warren Lathrop, who was buried in Brooklyn on Monday last. Sister Wealthy Lathrop was a charter member of the Elk Lake Grange.
South New Milford – Henry LaBar died at his home in Binghamton, June 23, 1916, aged 76 years. He was a veteran of the Civil War and a member of the Masonic fraternity. For many years he lived on a farm at S. New Milford. After selling his farm he came to New Milford and built the house now owned by Chas. Wirth, at the corner of Church and Union streets, before moving to Binghamton. Burial was in the New Milford Cemetery.
North Harford – Mrs. L. L. Burdick invited a few ladies to her home last Friday to tie a quilt. A splendid dinner was served and a fine time had by all. Those present were: Mrs. Theron Grinnell, Mrs. Eugene Gardner, Mrs. R. A. Manson, Mrs. G. W. Osmun, Mrs. Kate Sherwood and Mrs. Martha Burdick. ALSO At Harford, Horace Lindsley, aged 71 years, fell from a tree at his home here on Saturday, striking a picket fence in such a way as to cause death. He was trying to hive a swarm of bees, which had alighted in the tree, when the limb on which he was sitting broke. When he struck, his head was caught between two pickets, breaking his neck and causing almost instant death. For many years he was sexton of the Congregational church and caretaker of Harford cemetery. His widow and three daughters survive.
East Rush – The people of this place gave Mrs. Helen Gary (nee Helen James) a variety shower. About 60 were present. The shower consisted of cooking utensils, fancy dishes, linen, and many useful articles to a newly wedded couple just starting house keeping. Everyone seemed to have a good time. ALSO The Ladies’ Aid held an ice cream social last Wednesday evening in the basement of the church. There was a large turnout, as evinced by the amount of money taken in, which amounted to $16 or more.
Hop Bottom – The good people of Hop Bottom netted $200 at their Fourth of July celebration given under the auspices of the Shakespeare Club. This fund will be used towards procuring electric street lights for this wide-a-wake borough.
Rushville – Ernest Light is operating an auto bus line between Montrose and this place. Rush and Fairdale are also reached. He reports plenty of business. He leaves from the Tarbell House, Montrose, after the arrival of the 3:20 p. m. L & M. train.
Little Meadows – Miss Anna L. Hickey and Francis J. Fitzmartin, of this place, were married in the Church of St. Thomas of Aquina, on the 29th of June, 1916, Father John R. Lynch, performing the sacramental rite. The happy pair were attended by a brother of the bride, James J. Hickey, and a sister of the groom, Miss Katherine Fitzmartin. The bride wore a white silk dress with all over lace, and carried a bouquet of white Killarney roses, also a Catholic Prayerbook. The bridesmaid was dressed in gray silk, and carried pink roses. Miss Madeline Hickey played the wedding march. After a short tour to Niagara Falls, Rochester and other points, they will reside in Binghamton.
Montrose – “Gay” – the old and faithful horse belonging to the late Rev. A. L. Benton, passed away peacefully on Sunday last. More than thirty years were allotted to this faithful beast. His owner for several years past has been Mrs. S. W. Stewart. ALSO Word received from each of the Montrose boys who have joined companies in order to stand in readiness for active service in Mexico, is most favorable as to health and good spirits. The boys are: William Finn, Francis Welden, Paul T. Dolan, Ralph Briggs, and William Finn. Welden has already been promoted to corporal.
Uniondale – Lewis Lake, near this place, is producing some expert swimmers among the residents in the summer colony. Paul Maxey, son of Attorney W. J. Maxey, swims the lake twice each way without stopping, a distance of about 2 miles. Rexford, his brother, although older, has not had Paul’s experience as a swimmer, falling somewhat behind, while “Peggy” Maxey is a “comer,” and with Miss Gretten, daughter of a Scranton professor, can swim the lake once with ease. They have ambitions to beat the champion.
Springville - Most of our people went to Heart Lake on the 4th. Two auto trucks and many autos went from here to spend the day at that pleasant lake. ALSO Arthur S. Williams, formerly of Springville, but now of New Haven, Conn., and Miss Hazel Johnson, of Springville, were united in marriage by the Rev. Eckman, at the Elm Park M. E. Parsonage, in Scranton, June 26, 1916, leaving on the noon train for New Haven; they will be at home to their friends after July 1st.
Camp Susquehannock – De Vitalis, of Harvard, allowed but three hits to the Dunn-McCarthy team, of Binghamton, Tuesday afternoon, and incidentally, fanned nineteen batsmen. Frank Shafer featured in the 5th, when he drove the sphere over right field fence for a home run. The Camp has an excellent team this year and Saturday’s game with Keyser Valley promises to be a great one.
200 YEARS AGO, THE CENTINEL, MONTROSE, PA, July 8, 1816 – CELEBRATION. The Anniversary of American Independence was celebrated in this village on Thursday last, by the Republicans of this and the adjacent towns. The procession formed on the public square under the direction of Major Benjamin Lathrop, who was appointed Marshal of the day, and proceeded to the Court House; where a solemn and fervent prayer by the Rev. Davis Dimock commenced the services of the day. The Declaration of Independence was read by A. H. Read, Esq. and an Oration delivered by Charles Fraser, Esq. which does honor to the talents of Susquehanna. The house was occasionally enlivened by vocal music, both sacred and national. After the exercises were finished, the procession again formed and moved to a bower, where an excellent dinner had been provided by Mr. Carr, and sat down to the table. The table was honored with attendance of some of the brave spirits of ’76; of whom, our worthy president (Bartlett Hinds, Esq.) was one. After the cloth was removed, the following Toasts were drank under the discharge of musketry, and the repeated cheers of the company. [There were 18 Toasts and 8 comments by gentlemen—here are a few:] The Day—May it inspire all who keep it with that spirit which prompted our Fathers to oppose the power of a haughty nation.—3 cheers. Tune Yankee Doodle. The United States—May they never hesitate to defend what no nation has a right to destroy.—3 cheers. The Heroes of the Revolution—The bleached bones of the departed & the scars of the survivors, shew the price paid for “The feast of reason and the flow of soul” we now enjoy.—Tune Hail Columbia. The American Navy—The bravery of her seamen and the thunder of her cannon have awakened John Bull to a sense of his danger.—4 cheers. The Militia—The shield of our liberties—may their discipline equal their valor.—3 cheers. The Memory of Washington—May future Presidents strive to imitate his virtues and magnanimity.
Compiled By: Betty Smith