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July 07 1905/2005

West Auburn - The entire entertainment that was given here on the evening of July 4, including the flag drill by 12 little girls and scenes from the Civil War, will be repeated at Grange Hall, Lawton, on Tuesday evening, July 11. This certainly will be a treat for the people of Lawton and vicinity.

Forest Lake - E. J. Noble's barn, near Forest Lake, was struck during the shower Sunday afternoon and burned to the ground, including the contents, farming implements, wagons, etc. The only animal killed was a hog, which was near the building when the bolt struck. Another animal of the same species, strange to say, was inside the barn during the entire period and was driven out only by the falling of blazing timbers, when it was found to be uninjured. Mr. Noble, in attempting to pull a pair of bobs out of reach of the flames, was painfully burned about the neck and face. It is reported that there is an insurance with the Grangers of $150. This will, however, go only a short way in covering the loss.

Dundaff - Horace Stevens, son of Postmaster and Mrs. John Stevens, was killed some time during Thursday night of last week on the Erie railroad near the Hollenback mills, a few miles above Carbondale. The young man's remains were discovered by the crew of a south-bound pusher and taken to Carbondale. The deceased was not yet 19 years of age and was a young man of good habits. Being of a generous, fun-loving nature, it was natural that he had many friends among the young element of that vicinity.

Birchardville - Situated ten miles west of Montrose, with a postoffice delivery of 150, two up-to-date stores, blacksmith and wagon shop, creamery, undertaking establishment and church and with Fessenden's mills, where almost any kind of a job can be turned out, from the grinding of a pound of corn to the entire wood furnishing for a house, is quite a lively little place and with the completion of our railroad will be strictly up to date.

Clifford - The game of base ball between a team from Carbondale and this place resulted in a victory for the visitors. Too bad, but no one has told us yet "how it happened."

Thomson - Misses Ena, Della and Iva Callendar, Belle Barton and Addie Tucker, go this week to Point Chautauqua, NY, where they spend two months as dining room girls in a summer boarding house.

Jackson - Misses Nora Hill and Ida Larrabee, two Jackson young ladies, have been elected to their former positions as teachers in the Harford and Oakland graded schools.

Harford - Considering the many distressing accidents that occur and the serious losses involved each year in connection with 4th of July celebrations, the storekeepers here are to be congratulated in not purchasing any fire works.

Brooklyn - The small boy did not forget the all-glorious Fourth. He kept the town awake from 12 o'clock the night before until late into the evening of the day.

Kingsley - The celebration held by the band was a great success. There was a large, orderly crowd in attendance. The band commenced the exercises with music, followed by the street parade headed by mounted men, then came the band, next came a wagon load of young ladies, following was a fire engine and hose company, next was J. J. Wagner leading the wild animals of Borneo and lastly, T. M. Maynard with a wagon load of old men.

Meshoppen - J. Eppes Wells, who went to Sankey [Wyoming Co.] to visit his wife's people, Mr. and Mrs. David McCain [formerly of Rush], was taken much worse but has been somewhat improved for the last few days. In accordance with directions by his physicians he is to live out of doors in a tent, on a diet of raw eggs and milk. Mrs. David McCain, who is quite poorly, will take the same treatment.

Forest City - The most serious accident of the Fourth of July took place Tuesday night when William Wolfert, of Delaware street, was painfully injured. Mr. Wolfert is a very prominent young man and with some of his companions was celebrating with fireworks and also dynamite, when suddenly the latter exploded. Mr. Wolfert was the only one injured and he was terribly burned about the face and neck. It is feared that his eyes have been badly affected.

Susquehanna - The 45th Annual Commencement of Laurel Hill Academy will be held at Hogan opera house on June 29th. Vocal and instrumental music, essays, etc., and a well-rehearsed and executed play by students are advertised. All should attend. Price of admission, 25 cents. The class of 1905 is as follows: Helen Buckley, Minnie Blake, Hattie Clapper, Florence Dunlea, Camilla Fitzgerald, Grace Kelly, Harry Mooney, Frances Minehan, Josephine O'Neill, Mabel Reilly, Mary Sullivan, Annie Sullivan, Francis Teskey. Commercial Dept.: Anna Pell, Isabel Birdsall, Anna Bergstrom, Mary Foley, Eva Klees, Anna Nichols, Albert Paye.

Montrose - The remains of Charles M. Crandall, of Waverly, NY, were brought here for burial on Tuesday. Mr. Crandall was at one time one of the most prominent and influential men of this place and was the proprietor of the large Crandall toy factory, which was burned. [August of 1886] The funeral services were conducted by Rev. John. M. MacInnis, pastor of the Presbyterian church. In 1886 Mr. Crandall moved to Waverly, where three years later he made his greatest success. This was with the Pigs In Clover puzzle, which he invented. This puzzle became popular all over the country. It was taken on by everybody, even invading the Senate chamber at Washington. One Senator became so fascinated with it that he took the elusive "pigs" and "pen" to the session one morning and soon had half a dozen trying their skill in a committee-room. It was probably the greatest selling puzzle ever produced.

News Brief: The man who erects and properly maintains a water trough on the highway receives an annual rebate of taxes not exceeding five dollars annually. It must adjoin his premises and be the only rebate trough within a five-mile limit. The conditions are all specified in the Monthly Bulletin for June.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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