Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 06 1917/2017
Heart Lake – While near the Heart Lake pavilion on the 4th, Fred Holbrook stepped in front of an automobile and was knocked down, the machine passing over him, but the wheels did not pass over his body. He was painfully bruised and cut, but no bones were broken. The injured man was attended by Dr. Preston, of Montrose, and he will doubtless recover. The party driving the machine was a lumber dealer, Mr. Welch, who operates a mill near the lake.
New Milford/Heart Lake – A young man by the name of Decker, of New Milford, had an automobile stolen at Heart Lake on the 4th, by another young from the same town, named Howell. He took the machine and started toward Montrose, driving at terrific speed. Not far from Tiffany [Corners] he ran into Druggist F.D. Morris, who was driving a car and [Howell] continued full speed until near Gardner hill, where he ditched the machine, tearing off a wheel. Mr. Morris and Decker, who was following in pursuit, drove up within three minutes afterward, but the guilty party had quickly made his exit from sight. Yesterday, in attempting to bring the damaged machine to Cole’s garage for repairs, it accidentally went over the steep bank and at last accounts was lying at the foot of the declivity. It is stated that Howell has been guilty of another theft previous to this one.
Montrose –Dr. Charles Decker will be fully prepared to do office business after July 15, making a specialty of treating all female diseases; also treating children for worms, bed-wetting, etc. Urine tested for diabetes or Bright’s disease. Electricity used on numb hands and arms. Also during the warm weather, will visit patients in town and any party wishing to take him out of town in auto, to see the sick, will go at any time, except office hours from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and evenings. ALSO Montrose celebrated the 4th probably in the quietest manner since the town was started. There were practically no firecrackers or fireworks used in the day’s celebration. Most of the people spent the day in quietly automobiling to points of interest or with their family circle, while many a sturdy garden patriot got a coat of sunburn in using the hoe. The shower in the early morning was followed by a beautiful sunshiny day, in which the element of warmth was somewhat lacking until the middle of the afternoon.
Rush –U.W. Larue, the Ford agent, has delivered cars to the following the past week: L.B. Pierson, Charles Green, John Benscoter, Samuel Reimel, Jesse McCarthy, Auburn; S.D. Coleman, J.S. Fitzgerald, F.S. Davis, Middletown Center; John Reynolds, Uzal Kinney, R.H. Hillis, Martin Golden and Oliver Wilbur, Rush. ALSO Among the numerous attractions at the July 4th celebration here, there will be a pigeon shoot.
Kingsley – Private Samuel Barnes, who was seriously injured while on duty at the Kingsley bridge, is reported from State hospital to be doing nicely and his foot will not have to be amputated as at first feared by the surgeons. [Major railroad bridges were guarded during WW1.]
West Bridgewater – During the shower on Friday evening, lightning struck the residence of George Shelp, rendering Mrs. Shelp unconscious.
South Auburn – The storm of Saturday evening did considerable damage around this place. The barn of Bert Pierson was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. It contained all his farming implements and two autos, besides other things. A social was in progress at the Grange hall when the severe storm of wind and rain came on and almost caused a panic. Trees were blown down, timbers and boards flying in many directions. Those who left windows with screens in them found a good supply of water in the house on their return. Chicken coops with tops blown off suffered from the storm. The chimney on T.R. Place’s house was destroyed, a fine pear tree blown over, barn doors blown down, etc. E.B. Judson lost 12 large apple trees, some broken, but mostly uprooted. The roads, which were in good shape before the storm, are now in a bad condition.
South Gibson – In reply as to who is the oldest living person in the county, I wish you to say that Mrs. Sabra C. Carpenter, of this place, was born in Harford township, Dec. 23, 1819, making her age past 97, and the oldest person yet heard from. Quite good health, but hearing somewhat impaired. She is the widow of the late Timothy Carpenter.
Forest City – It was a red letter day for the members of St. Michael’s congregation. The dedication of the church and the blessing of the corner stone of St. Michael’s church was an impressive service and made a deep impression on the large assemblage. Monsignor Coffey gave the blessing. In the morning there was a parade of the church societies and many other organizations. The clergy and town officials rode in autoes. Emro Polesnak was marshal. His aides were Stephen Kotvan and Frank Cifersky. A picnic was held at the Vandling grove in the afternoon and evening.
Brooklyn – Walter Force, of Binghamton, spent an evening recently with his grandmother, Mrs. Christopher [Mary] Rogers. Walter is on a walking tour to Washington, D.C. Owing to the loss of a finger when he was a small boy, he has not been able to enlist in the U.S. Marines, as he is very anxious to do, and by walking from Binghamton to Washington he hopes to convince the authorities that he is physically fit, as well as patriotic. He reached Washington and was successful in procuring his enlistment.
Bridgewater Twp. – The K.K.K. held their regular monthly meeting, Friday evening, June 29, at the Sprout school house, where a most enjoyable evening was spent by all. Selden Sprout rendered several choice selections on the piano. The Five Hundred championship was won by R.J. and H.L. Bush. Their opponents were: M.K. Bush and L. Frazier. Near the close a delicious luncheon was served. [The resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920’s can be found on line.]
News Brief: The custom of lifting the hat is traced back to the age of chivalry, when it was customary for knights never to appear in public except in armor. It became a custom, however, for a knight, upon entering an assembly of friends, to remove his helmet, signifying “I am safe in the presence of friends.” The age of chivalry passed away with the 15th century, but among the many acts of courtesy which can be traced to its influence, none is more direct in its origin than the lifting of the hat to acknowledge the presence of a friend. ALSO J.C. .Jackson, aged 78, a Civil War veteran and a resident of Harvey’s Lake, arrived in Wilkes-Barre on Saturday, completing a 4,000 mile hike. Mr. Jackson left last September and walked to Lower California. Spending several months with relatives at Oklahoma City, he started for home, walking most of the way. By the sale of souvenir cards and buttons he was able to pay the expenses of his trip.
200 Years Ago from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa, July 5, 1817.
*Trespassers. Broke into the enclosure of the subscriber on Monday the 30th of June last, one bright brown Mare and a sorrel Horse. The owner is desired to prove property, pay charges and take them away. Arad Wakelee. Lawsville, July 3, 1817.
*The subscriber is receiving from New York and selling at his Cash Store, in Montrose, a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hard-Ware, Cutlery, Liquors, and, in short, all kinds of Goods wanted in the country—all cheap for Cash or Country Produce.
N. Raynor. N.B. He has also on hand a large quantity of Notes and Accounts that must be disposed of immediately. July 5, 1817
[In honoring the remaining veterans of the Revolutionary War, you will find, on our Facebook Page, an article telling of the veterans coming to Montrose to apply for pensions in September of 1832. Part 2 will appear next week.]
Compiled By: Betty Smith