Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 06 1906/2006
Hallstead – James Justin, who resides in Bridgewater, was quite seriously injured in the Hallstead-Great Bend Horsebreeders’ Association races at Hallstead on Wednesday. Mr. Justin was driving Aurial in the 3:00 minute class. As the horses came down the home stretch in the final heat, his horse, which was being driven to a high wheeled sulky, in some unaccountable manner, got one of his forefeet caught in the wheel. The animal and sulky were turned completely over, carrying with it the driver.
Mr. Justin was quickly taken from underneath the sulk and out of reach of the animal’s struggles. He was carried to the stables and medical attendance was secured, an examination revealing bad bruises and it is feared he is quite seriously injured internally, but to what extent is difficult to determine. The horse was speedily quieted and apparently escaped unharmed.
Middletown Twp – The Middletown Center base ball nine crossed bats with the Friendsville nine last Sunday. Score 4 to 1 in favor of Friendsville.
Montrose – A. R. Anthony, with his accustomed energy, has been soliciting subscriptions this week for the Country Club’s proposed new club house. He has found both permanent and summer residents willing and liberal contributors and the projected building appears assured. The plans will not call for as expensive a structure as previously contemplated, but an up-to-date, substantial and commodious club house will be erected on the most easily accessible part of the ground.
Besides providing pleasant social quarters, a good dancing floor is to be one of the features. It is expected that the expense of building can be reduced by utilizing some of the excellently preserved lumber and timber in the large barn located on the premises. AND Miss Alice Dolan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. L. Dolan took the initial vows upon her induction into the Order of Mercy. Bishop Hoban, of Scranton, officiated. She is now known as Sister Mary Constance.
Oakland – Scranton detectives claim one link in the chain of evidence alone is missing to fasten the guilt upon Maude Haynes’ murderers, the Oakland girl whose body was found floating in the Susquehanna.
Elk Lake – On Thursday the neighbors met at the Elk Lake cemetery and gave it a cleaning and straightened up the tombstones, which added greatly to its looks.
Lawsville – Cupid has been very busy in our town of late and the result is the marriage of Earl Northrop and Etta Lindsley, May 10th; B. W. Meeker and Arlene Southworth, June 14th; George Roberts, of Hallstead and Cecil Small of this place, June 27th. C. E. Deane is to bring a bride home soon, and we hear rumors of other engagements.
Alford – Frank Richardson is one of the veteran violinists of the county.
Silver Lake – His many acquaintances will be glad to learn that Martin T. Meehan, formerly a Silver Lake boy, has been ordained to the priesthood of the Catholic church. His first solemn High Mass was celebrated in the church of The Nativity, at Nativity Place, Scranton, Sunday at 10:30 AM. Father Meehan will remain with Father James O’Reilly, of Nativity Parish, until assigned elsewhere by Bishop Hoban. He will probably go to the Plattsburg Diocese.
Uniondale – Mrs. Jasper Gardner, of Clifford, was in town visiting friends lately. She said during one of the severe showers lightning struck a flock of chickens of hers, killing two of them and stunning the rest of them so they did not eat anything for two days. This completely kills the old saying that, “nothing was ever known to have been struck by lightning that had feathers.”
Franklin – Mr. Ogden’s people, of Binghamton, are at Salt Springs, one of the most beautiful summer resorts in the State. AND Our Supervisor, A. E. Stockholm, and a lot of our small boys, are pulling out stone and making our roads much better.
Compiled By: Betty Smith