Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 06 1900/2000
Glenwood - The death of Michael Maloney, the oldest man in Susq. Co. and probably this State, occurred at the home of his son, Lawrence, July 8, aged nearly 107 years. He was born in County Cork, Ireland, Jan. 25, 1793. His father was a noted Irish poet and lived 98 years. A brother reached 98 years and an uncle 102 years. At the age of 45 Michael married Mary Webb of Ireland and five children were born to them in that country, all of whom attended the funeral. In 1865 he sailed to America and since 1870 has resided at Glenwood. He had personal recollections of Napoleon Bonaparte and his army. The funeral of this venerable old man was held from the Nicholson Catholic church, Tuesday last.
Forest Lake - Farmers are complaining of help being so scarce to work in the hay field. A good man can get $1.50 per day and board. AND - It is said that C. C. Wells will build several cottages at the lake. A large number of Binghamton people are camping here.
Rush - Rush and vicinity has been visited with severe electrical storms during the warm wave of the past two weeks. The barn of Oscar Devine, on Devine Ridge, was struck, tearing off a portion of the boards; John Tewksberry and wife of Auburn, who visited their parents, Ed Granger and family on Sunday, report seeing a ball of fire strike their barn in the storm of last Friday, which tore off shingles, split five rafters and a post and passed through about 10 tons of old hay without doing other damage; the wind, too, was severe, blowing down trees and moving barns and sheds.
Franklin Forks - A balloon passed over our town one day last week and was chased up quite a way by some of our small boys.
Susquehanna - In Beebe Park on Saturday afternoon, the Susquehanna nine downed the Columbia nine of Binghamton, 17 to 7. Yes, Susquehanna is hot stuff this season. AND - Poles are being erected in town for the telephone line between Forest City and Susquehanna and the line between Susquehanna and Ninevah is being constructed. When both are completed we'll have a hello a time. AND - Judson Fisher, the 14 year old son of Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Fisher, left his home on Friday last for parts unknown because he had been reproved for misconduct. It is thought that perhaps the boy will make his way to Sunbury, where the family formerly resided.
Hallstead - Charles M. Kessler, Superintendent of the new chair factory, has removed from Brandt to Hallstead. Several other Brandt families have also removed here.
Silver Lake - The name of our post office has been restored. Silver Lake office, being situated on the banks of Mud Lake, has caused much confusion. The name of the Mud Lake office was Harewood, many years ago, and the name of the lake, Tenberry.
Heart Lake - Rev. E. E. Barker, Jr., the energetic young pastor of the M.E. church, is pushing the prosecution of those parties from Scranton who are alleged to have violated the liquor law at Heart Lake on the 4th. Deputy Sheriff H. S. Conklin went to Scranton and arrested one Anthony Gordon, said to have been the chief offender, and the defendant is now under bail to appear before the Court of Susquehanna County.
Thompson - The family of Rev. A. D. Davids, of the Thomson M.E. church, had a narrow escape from death or serious injury on July 4. A large cannon was being fired on the street near the parsonage, when it exploded and a piece weighing over 27 lbs tore through the side of the house and did considerable damage in the minister's study, crashed through a partition into the adjoining room and stopped within a few feet of where Mr. Davids' little daughter, Dorothy, was sitting on the floor. Fortunately, no one was injured.
Welsh Hill - Mrs. Marietta Watkins has left this place on a trip to the Paris Exposition. She will stop at London to attend the International C.E. Convention and in company with Rev. N. Bevan she will there represent the Christian Endeavors of Susquehanna county.
Springville - Landlord Rodney is cutting the meadow connected with [the] Springville hotel into building lots and will put a street through the center. Some of the lots are already sold.
New Milford - A. C. Risley recently returned from Nebraska where he visited his daughter for several weeks, at Broken Bow. He was also at Lincoln, and while there spent part of an afternoon calling upon Mr. and Mrs Bryan.
Montrose - Several thousands of cans have been ordered for the cannery this week and are expected in a few days. It is thought that canning of beans will soon begin.
Uniondale - The Boro school directors have engaged the same teachers as last term: G. G. McNamara, Minnie McKee and Edith Smith.
Herrick Centre - Wm. Vincent of Thomson and Silas Hartley met here to arbitrate the case of Ervin Vanvalkenburg vs Clifford township. Mr. Vanvalkenburg was injured by a bridge on the Forest City road giving way. The case is likely to go to court.
Brooklyn - "The Death of a Hero" By a head-on collision between two open trolley cars on the Duryea line, at Old Forge, on Sunday morning, ten persons were injured and Stacey S. Westbrook, whose home was in Brooklyn, was fatally injured. Westbrook was motorman of one of the cars and his conduct proved him a brave man. When he saw that the crash was coming, instead of jumping he stood to his post in the face of almost certain death, that he might lessen the speed of his car as much as possible in the hope of saving the passengers from death or serious injury. But in doing this his own young life was sacrificed. Even after he was pinioned in the wreck, crushed and bleeding, he protested that the others should be helped first. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Westbrook and was a member of Co. G throughout the Spanish-American war. Conductors and Motormen from Scranton, ranks from old Co. G, and a very large attendance were at the funeral from his parents' home in Lindaville.
Compiled By: Betty Smith