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July 05 1918/2018

Brooklyn – Mrs. Louisa Lee has passed her 90th birthday, yet is active and energetic and anxious to do her all in aiding our soldier boys. The Indian wars, the Mexican war, the rebellion and Spanish American wars are all fresh in her memory, and when the war of 1812 was the latest conflict to furnish table conversation she was a child and heard the battles discussed by real soldiers of the Revolution, and got the tales of ’76 first hand. But, although aged, Mrs. Lee is thoroughly modern, and her needles have been industriously clicking for the boys of ’18 who are overseas. A beautiful afghan is the latest product, which has been sent to Scranton to provide comfort to some doughty soldier lad.  The young ladies of today may still take lessons from this bright lady of 90 summers, who learned to knit at a much earlier age than they are now. Mrs. Lee is the mother of Alice Louise Lee, the well-known and popular author.

LeRaysville, Bradford Co. – James H. Johnson, aged 87, the oldest citizen of LeRaysville, has planted and is cultivating, without assistance, three war gardens, comprising a half acre.

Silver Lake, Richmond Hill – James Lonergan died June 30, 1918. He was a son of John and Catherine Lonergan and was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, 76 years ago. He came with his parents, when a boy, to this country and when the [Civil] war broke out his parents refused to give their consent for him to enlist and he ran away, was returned home and ran away again, serving valiantly his period of enlistment and later joined the navy. He is survived by his wife, Alice and children: John, of Ithaca; Mrs. J.V. Meehan, Montrose; Richard, of Elmira; Philip of Albuquerque, N.M.; Mrs. T.H. Quain, of Bridgewater, and James, of Richmond Hill. Burial was in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Montrose.

Elk Lake – Bass are biting.  F.D. Morris and a party of friends secured 14 fine finny specimens the first of the week when the season opened.

Montrose – Dr. and Mrs. R.A. Torrey, of Los Angeles, and Rev. and Mrs. Reuben Torrey and children, of China, have arrived for the summer months. Dr. Torrey and his son came to participate in the Ministerial Institute and Bible Conference, the former starting next Monday.

Lawsville, Liberty Twp. – A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Bailey, on Sunday, June 16, a son—Ward Emerson.

South Montrose – Men from the Susquehanna County Light & Power Co. were here last week and visited this place and Louden Hill Farm, looking over the territory with a view of running a wire to South Montrose to furnish the place with light and power, and also considering the possibility of furnishing current for the large farm and its numerous buildings. Mr. Ballantine has a finely equipped electric plant on the farm, but is considering getting service from the company.

Elkdale, Clifford Twp. – The cheese factory is making about 30 cheeses a day. The factory is in full operation with Ray Lee, an experienced cheese maker, in charge. Several hundred prime cheeses have been made of superior quality

Springville – As far as can be ascertained, Mrs. Bert Taylor, of this place, is the only mother in the township who has given three sons to the service of Uncle Sam. They are stationed as follows: Corp. D.G. Capwell, Infantry, Camp Logan, Houston, Texas; Pvt. John H. Capwell, Field Artillery, Fort Sill, Okla., and he has also seen service in the Philippines; and Pvt. Paul J. Capwell, 26th Engineers, Camp Dix, NJ. In another year two more sons will come under the draft. Susquehanna mother, Mrs. Michael Igo, has two sons, Pvts. James and Thomas at Camp Upton, Long Island. She and her husband are the parents of nine children, eight boys and one daughter, all under 21.

Jackson – H.M. Benson entertained Hollis Barrett, of Gibson on Monday, in celebration of their 81st birthday. Mr. Barrett and Mr. Benson are both veterans of the Civil War and still remain active for their age, and delight in relating events of the great war between the states. Mr. Benson also attended a reunion of the remaining members of the old Franklin Academy, at Harford, last week.

Forest City – A half-holiday was observed by the Forest City merchants and their employees yesterday afternoon. Every Wednesday afternoon for the next two months, except on pay-days, all stores will be closed.

Uniondale – At a L.A.S. supper served at the home of Mrs. E. Oram an incident of unusual interest took place. A special table was arranged for the entertainment of aged ladies, of which there were ten, all widows. “Aunt Fanny” Felts presided, as being the oldest, nearly 90 and poured tea from a teapot nearly 200 years old, being the property of Mrs. Libbie Greene.

Jessup Twp. - The following teachers have been hired for the coming term: Fairdale, Glen Cronk; Bolles, Bernice Ainey; Griffis Hill, Rose Daly; McKeeby Hill, Dayton Brotzman; DeWitt, Jennie Sivers; Prospect Hill, Israel Sivers.

News Brief: A small wireless plant which is believed to have been giving information to U-boats operating off the Atlantic coast was discovered in the room of a summer boarder at Palermo, NJ and the man arrested. Government wireless operators had been aware for some time that high tension of rapid frequency were being sent out from some source along the Atlantic coast, and the plant was finally located by the use of a new clever device called the “detectograph,” which is said to be capable of tracing to within 100 yards the source of any wireless operations. ALSO The United States is the only country with a known birthday. All the rest began, they know not when, and grew into power, they know not how. There is no Republican—no Democrat—on the Fourth of July—all are Americans. James G. Blane

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, July 4, 1818.

*MARRIED. At Southampton, L.I. on the 27th of May, Mr. Silvanus [Sylvanus] S. Mulford, merchant of this place [Montrose], to Miss Fanny Jessup.

*Old Soldiers Look Out or you will lose your priviledge [privilege] of the late law of Congress, by laws made in the Pension Office. From noticing a publication in the newspapers from a clerk in the Pension Office, I have thought proper to retain the certificates in my hands until the applicants come forward and make proof that they are in reduced circumstances, and need help from their country for their support, as that notice requires—lest their certificates should be thrown aside—although I believe the oath of the applicant is all the law requires—and at first I thought I would not pay any attention to the notice. The friends of the old Soldiers will be pleased to put this notice into the hands of those who may not take the papers themselves because they are too poor to purchase the priviledge of a newspaper and yet it is to be remembered they have purchased the liberties of the Press and every other priviledge that Americans enjoy by their sweat & blood. DAVIS DIMOCK. Montrose, June 26, 1818. N.B. Daniel Lawrence, Nathaniel Stewart(?), and Bristol Samson need make no more proof. Those who live in Bradford County must apply there.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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