Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 03 1914/2014
Forest Lake – A serious accident occurred at Stone’s Corners, yesterday morning, when John Reilly was thrown by a frightened horse, under the wagon, and sustained a broken right leg and a broken collarbone. The young man, age about 25, was returning from the Forest Lake creamery and had stopped at Stone’s store to make some purchases, tieing his horse. A boy passed with several fish poles, the clatter frightening the horse and the animal broke loose and started to run back the direction he had just come. Young Reilly sprang to the horse’s head and hung to the bridle, which slipped off, throwing him to the ground. Dr. E. R. Gardner was hurriedly summoned and the broken bones were reset and everything possible done to relieve his suffering.
Jackson – Ed Everett, who recently purchased a fine motorcycle, has in a short time become a proficient rider.
South New Milford – The thunderstorm here last week was very severe. Lightning struck four large elm trees along the driveway at Mr. Keeney’s, but a short distance from the house. A large ball of St. Elmo’s fire fell in the front yard, but did no damage. The storm washed Manzer Hill road so badly that it is unsafe to travel over.
East Lynn, Springville Twp. – East Lynn residents anticipate an enjoyable day, July 4, at Lynn. The ladies of Lynn will serve a chicken dinner and there will be races, a parade, etc., with fireworks in the evening.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. – A sad accident occurred last Monday morning to Ed. Hawke, of Meshoppen. He drives team for Wm. Brown, who has a lumber job on Joe Welch’s farm. Hawke let the team stand to help get props ready to load, and they started to run away. In some way the wagon ran over Hawke and broke his back. He was taken to the hospital at Sayre and there is little hope of his living. ALSO At Jersey Hill there will be a ball game between the fat and lean men that will be something you will not soon forget on July 4th. A dinner you can’t forget and band music that you won’t want to forget. All this, and more, at Jersey Hill in Parker’s Park.
Little Meadows – Born to Merchant and Mrs. J. J. Bergin (nee Miss Mollie Griffin), June 30, 1914, a son. Many friends extend congratulations.
Tripp Lake, Liberty Twp. – “Camp Susquehannock” opened on Wednesday with nearly eighty young men in attendance and more to arrive. This is the largest number enrolled since G. Carleton Shafer started it some seven or eight years ago on his beautiful property at Tripp Lake.
Susquehanna – The Susquehanna Light & Power Co. is engaged in stringing new light wires about town, erecting them on tall poles that will clear them from the shade trees, thus preventing damage. The company is using excellent precautions to prevent injury to trees and the new wires will insure better service. It is expected the day service will be ready by the middle of this month.
Flynn – Quite a number of the leading politicians of Flynn met the Pinchot party at Birchardville on Saturday last. ALSO The roads on the hill are in a very poor condition, owing to the stones not being picked off this spring.
Dimock – Frank Benninger is having the inside of his house, which he recently purchased, papered and painted, and expects to move there this week.
Rushville – John Marbaker is gaining slowly since being shot by his cousin two weeks ago.
Harford – During the severe electrical storm of Wednesday evening, June 17, the house of Mr. and Mrs. Leberate LaBarre was struck by a heavy bolt of lightning, which entered through the glass in the front door, then continuing up, breaking nearly every window in the house, pictures being thrown from the wall and much damage done. The lamp, which was burning and on the table, by which Mr. and Mrs. LaBarre were sitting, was knocked from the table, being extinguished. The strange part of the incident was that Mr. and Mrs. LaBarre were scarcely affected by the shock of the lightning and it was a narrow escape for them. The lightning left the house by the means of the telephone wire which probably saved the house from burning. ALSO Philander Harding, our 92 year old farmer, has nearly an acre of the best corn seen anywhere. He planted it all with a hoe and he and his wife fertilized every hill by hand. Now who can tell a true story to beat that?
Clifford – A foreigner, carrying a pack, entered the house of Miss Stephens, an old lady living in the western part of the town, and commenced disrobing. A neighbor, entering just then, spoiled his intentions, whatever they were, but Constable Leander Lee got on his trail and brought him before Esq. Finn, who gave him a good, stiff fine and let him go. ALSO It has been thought best to try the experiment of having two pastors on this charge of the M. E. church. There are five appointments, viz, Clifford, Dundaff, Tompkinsville, Hickory Ridge and Lenoxville, and it is pretty strenuous work for one man to fill them properly. A young man by the name of Jenkins, who is just entering the ministry, commenced last Sunday, preaching at Dundaff, Tompkinsville and Hickory Ridge.
Upsonville, Franklin Twp. – Leo Clark, seaman on the battleship North Dakota, U. S. N., is visiting his mother Mrs. Wm. Smith, for a few days. Mr. Clark has served seven years in the navy and has returned for four years more. He returns July 4th to be ready to sail for Mexican waters at once.
Montrose – A special train will leave here July 4th for Heart Lake, at 6:30 p.m., and will leave the lake for Montrose at midnight. A big program of events has been arranged for the “Fourth” at Heart Lake, by Mack & Jenkins, including a beautiful boat carnival at 9 p.m.
Lanesboro – The people here have started an advertising game to attract canoers to the Susquehanna River in that section. Local residents declare the big city folks are neglecting one of the most desirable points in the state when they fail to come there.
Brooklyn – W. R. Gere met with a serious accident last week when he was kicked by a horse and two ribs broken. Dr. Williams attends the case and Mr. Gere is doing as well as can be expected. He was able to be moved to his home on Friday. His son, Berwyn Gere, of Skinners Eddy, has visited him.
News Brief from Marietta, Wis. – That he successfully frightened crows, who fled in shame from a figure portraying modern femininity in its slit skirt and peekaboo attire, is the claim of Howard Smithson, who found the old-fashioned masculine style scarecrow no longer useful in his cornfield. He was led, after a trip to the city, to garb a scarecrow in a slit, diaphanous, lacy skirt, low cut neck. The crows fled. (A West Auburn farmer has tried it this year and there is not a hill of corn missing in his cornfield.)
Compiled By: Betty Smith