Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 03 1908/2008
Springville - Mr. Clayon, once a tenant on the Riley farm, since having moved to or near Avery station, report says he has gone for treatment, having, as a report says, all the symptoms of hydrophobia, caused by the froth from a mad creature getting on the back of his hand, where there was a small scratch. We are sorry to learn of this misfortune and hope he will recover.
Great Bend - The school board elected teachers for the ensuing year, as follows: Principal-Esmund B. Beardslee; Grammar-Miss Lugerdia Egleston; Intermediate-Miss Katherine Johnston; Second Primary-Miss Edith Reckhow
S. Montrose - The South Montrose Mill Co. is receiving so many orders for their celebrated trunk slats, that they are obliged to work overtime to fill their orders.
Lenox - Thomas Moore Cameron, a veteran of the Civil War and for thirty-two years postmaster of Lenox, died at his home in that place recently. He was born in Newburg, N.Y., Nov. 18, 1840 and when 12 years of age came with his parents to Susquehanna county. He received a good common school education and in the fall of 1862 enlisted in Co. B, 177th P.V. After being mustered out in August 1863, he was in the government service for18 months, and at the close of the war returned to Susquehanna county and engaged in carpenter and blacksmith work at Cameron's Corners. He married Sarah Wilson, of Dallas, Luzerne co., Dec. 26, 1869, who survives. Also, four children-Byron T., of South Gibson; Jennie E., wife of J. E. Corey, of Lenox; Gertrude M. and Albert J. at home, and four brothers and two sisters.
East Rush - Keifer Bros have made some improvements around their barns. They are up-to-date dairymen.
Forest City - Mary McCabe announced her engagement to Patrick Conery of New York City; Margareta Berg and Julius Liptak are also engaged to marry.
New Milford - The D.L. & W. now refuses to carry passengers on their "milk trains" which they have done for years, and which greatly accommodated the public. To make matters still worse some of the passenger trains that formerly stopped at all stations, now stop only at every other station, and a pronounced howl is now raised because of this and the company is being spoken of in all sorts of disrespectful terms, because of the great inconvenience caused to the traveling public. For instance the other day Hon. C. C. Pratt, of New Milford, was coming up on the evening train from New York, and instead of being able to ride to New Milford and leave the train, as he was able to do for lo these many years, he found the train didn't stop at New Milford, therefore in order to get home he had to get off at Alford and come up as far as Heart Lake, the meantime telegraphing for a horse to come from New Milford to Heart Lake to meet him and take him home.
Montrose - Our team has made special preparations for the two games the Fourth. Evangelist Crabill, the ex-professional, will pitch one game and Whipple, our old reliable, the other. Both are worth coming miles to see. Preacher Crabill is getting into his old-time form and his pitching will be of the one-two-three order. The Phoebe Snow team comes to us from Scranton, one of the strongest and fastest teams in the valley. Our base ball fans will remember that this team has been here before and that they play a good strong game. AND Rev. Dawson Edwards, the well known colored preacher, has deeded his property to his wife and children. Mr. Edwards believes in not waiting for Death to distribute his goods and chattels, but has a desire to see them happy while he is still on earth. In a characteristic note the God-fearing man says: "I have promised God if I should live to serve my family here, I would deed them my two places. All I want now is my hymn book and Bible."
Uniondale - Harford and Montrose have successfully maintained agricultural fairs for more than a half century. Uniondale now has the fever, and an effort is to be made to hold an annual fair in that place, but as an added attraction there will be horse races. Parties have been at work trying to interest the farmers and have them purchase sufficient stock to make the venture a success. A charter has been applied for, but it is not thought the promoters will be able to hold a fair this year as many improvements will have to be made on the grounds before a fair can be held.
Auburn - Arthur and Harry Reimel and Glen Linaberry took in the "Buffalo Bill" show at Wilkes-Barre, Saturday.
Hallstead - As an evidence of the growth and prosperity of Hallstead the past six years it is only necessary to give a few figures relative to the business of the postoffice since Postmaster Simrell was appointed. The postal business has increased from $18,000 to over $36,000 a year and the money order business for the past year exceeded $50,000 of total orders issued. In addition to the above increase of business the past year, a second rural free delivery route has been established and route No. 1 has been extended. As a result of this increase Postmaster Simrell has received official notice from the department that his salary had been increased to $1500 a year commencing July 1.
Middletown - D. J. Murphy's new barn is nearly completed. It will be one of the finest in this section of the country. AND The ball game between Friendsville and Middletown Centre was one of the finest played this season. The score standing 4 and 2 in favor of Friendsville.
Harford - W. J. Baker is planning to erect another cottage at Tingley Lake.
Thompson - The time for family reunions is at hand. The Wrighters opened the season with their second gathering on Thursday of last week at the old homestead at Wrighters Lake and it is no disparagement on the other gatherings to say it was more Wrighter than the best of them.
Little Meadows\Friendsville\Tripp Lake - Three large four-in-hand loads of Binghamton Y.M.C.A. men passed through Montrose Tuesday, en route to Camp Wyalusing, near Little Meadows. A large camp is to be established there this summer, this being only the "advance guard." Camp Choconut was opened Tuesday for the summer. Two large four-in-hand loads of youngsters, whose ages range from 12 to 16, arrived over the Lehigh Valley that afternoon and were taken to the camp, which is located hear Friendsville and has been successfully conducted for a number of years. Camp Susquehannock was opened for the summer the latter part of last week. The camp as formerly, is conducted by G. Carlton Shafer, assisted by several college friends, and the young men enjoy the summer months at Tripp Lake in athletic sports and amid beautiful surroundings, besides being tutored in various studies in which they are less proficient than they desire to be.
Franklin Forks - Miss Mary Bailey has returned from Stroudsburg, where she has been attending school.
Heart Lake - Awake! To-morrow morn, the 4th-awake! Go with the I.O.O.F. Band to Heart Lake; there spend the day in happy measure, remembering the 4th is set aside for pleasure. Listen to band concerts and take a boat ride, on the still waters with your girl at your side; greet distant friends whom you meet by chance-politely invite them in the pavilion to dance; should they decline, don't leave the ground, without a spin on the merry-go-round; then witness the ball game and shout yourself hoarse, visit the soda fount for sure relief, of course; and if you get hungry, there's plenty to eat, at Mack's lunch counter, there turn your feet; so, to-morrow morning when you awake, jump on the first train for a day a Heart Lake.
Compiled By: Betty Smith