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July 03 1903/2003

Lanesboro - The State Board of Health on Monday took charge of the sanitary matters in Lanesboro and that borough and Harmony township are in a state of quarantine. Dr. Groff, of Philadelphia, is in charge, with armed guards. The assemblies of more than five persons is forbidden, except in families; small attendance at funerals is urged, and no bodies will be taken into churches; dogs and cats running at large will be killed. Other strict measures will be adopted to prevent the further spread of the [smallpox] disease.

Brandt - At the Brandt Brick Works on Saturday morning, Eugene Campbell, of Stevens Point, was killed by the caving in of an embankment. Deceased leaves a widow and four children. The funeral took place, Monday, with interment in Stevens Point Cemetery.

New Milford - Prof. Clare Snyder has been engaged as principal of the New Milford Graded School for the next term.

Susquehanna - Erie Hose Company, No. 1, has elected the following officers: Pres., M. F. Drooney; vice pres., T. J. Lannon; foreman, Harry Smethurst; ass't foreman, Harry Brown; financial sec'y, Edw. Guinan; treas., R. J. McCarthy; steward, Edward Joyce; trustee, Thomas Lannon.

South Montrose - Prof. George Baker left for Toronto, Canada, where he makes a balloon ascension, July 45yh.

Alford - The funeral of Earle, the 18 months' old child of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Oakley, was held at the church here Tuesday; interment in Squier's cemetery. While out playing Saturday afternoon, Earle fell into the spring and was drowned.

Ararat - A fine pole was raised Saturday at the Brooks schoolhouse. AND The Bushnell family held their annual reunion at the Bushnell homestead, June 25.

Brooklyn - Lawn festival July 4th! Ice cream and cake will be served on the Universalist church lawn during the evening; there will be music, a speech, fireworks, etc. The band will be present; all are invited. AND The Rev. T. L. Drury will preach at the Universalist church Sunday morning on, "The ten virgins and the bridegroom."

South Auburn - Floyd Taylor has returned from State College to his home here, having graduated, receiving highest honors in a class of about 70.

Jessup Twp. - It was the year 1853, June 28, that Wright Bedell and Marinda Leonard were united in marriage, making 50 years this worthy couple have traversed the sea of matrimony. As 50 years of wedded bliss so seldom occurs, kind friends thought to give them a surprise. Little did "Aunt Marinda" think what was in waiting for her, when she had the "old rooster" killed on the morning of June 27th, and prepared him to eat. Then thinking that the morrow was their anniversary, she would invite George and Francis (her sons and wives) to come and help eat him; she did not think, when she left her work and went up to Francis' to ask him down on the morrow, that they were lying in wait to rise up with the mob who were so soon to swarm in on them. About 10 o'clock the people began to pour in from all parts of the country-they came from Port Dick, N.Y., Binghamton, Wilkes-Barre, Laceyville, Montrose, Dimock, Forest Lake, Auburn, Rush and Jessup, until the number present, young and old, was 125. Now when "Aunt Marinda" saw so many had come to see her, she just put that "rooster" down cellar and said they might eat their own chicken. But this chicken, with many other good things, was devoured. When the hunger of the crowd was satisfied chairs were placed on the porch, Mr. and Mrs. B. and as many of the friends and neighbors as could be were seated the rest occupying the steps and ground. Mr. Edgar Bolles was called for a speech, then Mr. John Smith. This gentleman, who is upwards of 80 years, in his genial manner, told of "Wright's sparking days," of his adversity, and how God prospered him, and how he was always ahead, and to prove that what he said was true, said this was not their anniversary, but one day ahead. M. B. Perigo presented a purse of money from the friends. The purse also contained a 20 shilling gold piece, which had been collected with other gold pieces when gold was at premium by John Bedell. Mr. Bedell thanked the friends and said he had nothing to say unless he told them how they [Mr. and Mrs. Bedell] were treated the evening after their marriage, by friends who had come to make merry the occasion, by coming into their room after they had retired for the night, with a pan of custard and big spoon and fed them. The little speech called forth much laughter.

Forest City - A rod and gun club has been organized, the aim of the club being to suppress as much as possible illegal fishing and hunting. The officers are: president, Attorney H. O. Watrous; vice president, Dr. C. r. Knapp; secretary, Dr. F. L. Grander; treasurer, Walter Brain. The violations of game and fish laws have become so numerous that unless similar means are taken the game and fish in this state will become practically extinct.

Uniondale - Monday morning the Erie flyer, running between Carbondale and Binghamton, came in collision with two pusher engines at Uniondale and eleven persons were injured, but none seriously, while the two engines and the flyer's baggage car were demolished. Among the injured are: Polk Palmer, John King, Benj. Dunlop, Daniel Creegan and John Duggan, all of Susquehanna; and A. L. Arthur, of Forest City. Mr. Palmer is the most seriously injured. It was remarkable that no one was killed.

Montrose - An electric fire alarm system of the latest type is soon to be installed. The service will consist of twenty boxes, located in convenient places in every part of the town, and will add a protection to our buildings, which cannot be overestimated. The addition of this invaluable aid in fire fighting should stimulate our fire department to greater enthusiasm along this line. They will find the town's citizens willing supporters of every project intended to increase their efficiency as a fire fighting organization.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - A loop has been put in the telephone line from the office at Lynn to the quarry. Altogether Lynn is getting to be quite a lively place. But they say they want very much a resident physician. There was some talk last spring of having an undertaker locate there but he failed to materialize. Possibly the lack of a resident physician had something to do with the failure.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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