Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 01 1921/2021
Montrose – “Fourth of July” – Activities include an aeroplane to arrive on July 3rd. Will carry passengers in the afternoon. The flying field is east of Lake Montrose, on the Lathrop Stock Farm. Follow the signs and please keep to the road—the shortest way to the field. Stay off the growing crops. At 11 am there will be all day motion pictures. Mary Pickford, the greatest of all film stars at the Ideal Theatre. At 12 pm individual box lunches served by the Legion on the Court House Green. A celebration parade, headed by a United States army tank, will be held starting at 1:30. This also includes cash prizes for the best decorated automobile. In the afternoon will be bag races, foot races, greased pole, with prizes. Also a baseball game. The Endicott-Johnson, 20 piece band will furnish music for the parade and a concert at the baseball game. In the evening will be a beautiful display of fireworks and a band concert. Dancing at the Colonial Hall all day and during the evening. Young & Clark will play for the square dances and the Dixie Jazz for round dances. The town is to be most attractively decorated by Mr. M. B. Lamke, of the Binghamton Decorating Co. In addition ice cream, soft drinks, candy, Cupie dolls, balloons, flags, squeakers, fireworks, etc., will be sold.
Jackson – Fishermen on Butler Lake made a startling discovery last Thursday, when they discovered the body of a yearling heifer submerged and held under the water by a large stone. Health authorities were notified and an investigation is being made to ascertain the names of the guilty parties. Consequences of the water becoming polluted, endangering public health, is so apparent that it is to be wondered at that any normal person would do such a thing. ALSO Edson Williams died at his home June 22nd, 1921. He was the last survivor of the family of the late Gilbert Williams of New Milford Twp. and was born in Thompson, June 11th, 1842. He served three years and 9 months in the Civil War and was a member of Myron French Post, G. A. R. Mr. Williams married Miss Virginia Quick, of Lynn, in 1865. She died in 1912 and he married, May 27, 1920, Mrs. Marion Empet, of Jackson, who survives. Mr. Williams was an influential member of the Lake Side church, being choir leader.
Thompson & Harmony Twps. – Two delegations, one from Thompson and one from Harmony, with their attorney, Thos. Doherty, visited the County Commissioners to urge that the County build a hard road between Forest City and Susquehanna.
New Milford – The Sproul Construction Co., who are building the New Milford-Hallstead road, moved their concrete laying machinery to the north end of town. The concrete is now laid from Johnson Hill to Summersville and work is now progressing rapidly in getting the concrete down from the north end of the borough pavement to connect with the road to Summersville When this stretch is completed the machinery will be taken to the Hallstead end and the road built to Johnson Hill.
Brooklyn – The Brooklyn Band will have a festival on B. L. Jewett’s lawn, in the village, the evening of July 6th. Proceeds for the benefit of the band.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake/Jessup Twp. – Dr. George W. Brands, of Detroit, has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Brands, the past week, and has carried off one of Fairdale’s young ladies. Miss Hazel Jones. We wish them abundant happiness and long life.
Ararat – Mr. Johnson, of this place, a veteran of the World War, has just received from the government his World War medal, with five bars attached—something to be proud of and hard to get.
Gibson – The Gibson ball team and many others motored to North Jackson on Saturday where a game of ball was enjoyed between Jackson and Gibson. Due to superior playing, the Gibson boys won by a score of 13 to 4. A return game with Jackson is to be played the fourth of July on our diamond. Be there with the “pep” for we must win again.
Silver Lake – A large crowd attended the dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hawley, Friday night. All report a fine time.
Forest City – Failure on the part of John Nichols, county league umpire, to report for duty at Old Forge, Sunday, resulted in the breaking up of the game between Old Forge and Forest City in the 8th inning. The teams waited until four o’clock for the ump’s arrival and when he did not appear an Old Forge man was substituted. His rulings against the visitors were arbitrary and glaring in their inaccuracy. At the close of the 8th inning Kelly caught an Old Forger napping at the 2nd sack. Kelly touched the runner several feet from the base and the umpire, so called, pronounced the runner safe. Our boys protested, but in vain. After duly explaining the situation without relief, the team left the field with the score 16 to 9 in favor of Old Forge. (In the 2ndinning an Old Forger batted a foul and the umpire called it a safe hit. The ball rolled down the hillside and brought in three runs. Protests were useless.)
West Auburn – About 3 o’clock Saturday morning, residents were awakened by the telephone signal for fire, which proved to be at the Ruggles saw mill on the farm of Hugh Rooney. Neighbors went, carrying pails of water and Claude Carter, of Retta, came with his auto bringing several milk cans of water. The mill was a total loss. The fire is thought to be the work of an incendiary, as the three men who slept at the camp did not hear the crackling of the flames or smell smoke until they were aroused by others and the flames were well scattered over the plant, as if kerosene oil or gasoline had been poured over it. This brings out the necessity to have a night watchman at every operating saw mill.
News Brief: You will notice by many of our advertisements today that a “butter-eating campaign” is on. Better join it. Help the dairyman to stabilize his prices by eating butter and cutting out oleo The dairyman is getting about 4 ½ cents a quart for his milk at the present time and we can all help him get better prices by creating a demand for butter, which will take up the surplus butter and milk. Order ten pounds today, as the price is likely to go up. It will keep.
Compiled By: Betty Smith