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January 8 1897/1997

Crystal Lake – Thomas Rimran has found gold quartz in paying quantities in his flag stone quarry.

New Milford – The leap year hop held on New Years' eve was a decided success and the young ladies who gave it are deserving of much credit for being so thoughtful in procuring such excellent music; and best of all were the refreshments, which they furnished in the hall having one corner curtained off in a very cozy manner. The refreshments consisted of hot coffee, sandwiches and cake to which all did ample justice there being 32 couples present. The young ladies cleared $8, which they presented to the Young Men's Social Club for their kindness in so cheerfully assisting them what they could, and for which the young men would like to have the ladies accept their heartiest thanks; and it is with regret that we find that leap year doesn't come again in eight years. For if there ever were a lot of young ladies that understood making a success of anything, they might try better than the New Milford Ladies we would like to hear of them, wherever they might be.

Union Dale – Ira Rider departed this life on Wednesday morning, Dec. 30. He had been ailing for some time, but was not considered seriously ill until Saturday. Dr. Shields, of Scranton, was called and pronounced his case a hopeless one, it being heart trouble. His funeral took place Saturday. The Rev. Arthur Osborn, of Watering Springs York state, officiating. Deceased leaves a wife and a twin sister, Mrs. Elias Westgate, and other relatives in this place. Mr. Ryder had been postmaster during the present administration and kept a grocery store in connection with his office.

Fair Hill – While Zenas and Halsey Smith and Mr. Wood were working in the barn one day last week a joist broke and fell on them with several bushels of buckwheat, which was above. Zenas was quite badly injured and was unconscious for some time, but he is now improving. The others escaped with slight injuries.

Forest City – It wouldn't seem that Forest City is suffering much from hard times. The recent fair of Enterprise Hose Co., of that borough, netted $975.73.

Susquehanna – John J. Callahan will, we understand, open a boot and shoe store in the Houlihan block. AND The finishing touches are being made upon the First National Bank's new block.

Lanesboro – John Palmer has purchased Fred Van Horn’s Lanesboro/Susquehanna stage route.

Oakland – Miss Teresa Carnegie recently underwent an operation for the removal of a tumor weighing twenty pounds, in the Binghamton Hospital. The surgery was successful.

Montrose – Sheriff Leonard vacated the county bastile on Monday and Sheriff Ward Deuel took possession. Mr. Leonard and family left Tuesday for their new home near Cooperstown, NY followed by the best wishes of a host of friends whom they have made since their residence at the county seat. To the new Sheriff and his family Montrose extends a cordial and hearty welcome. Deputy Sheriff Fitch Leonard will continue in the same position under the new administration that he has so acceptably filled under the old.

Harford – The friends of Mr. & Mrs. Coe Steams gave them a genuine surprise January 1st, to remind them that they had been married 15 years. Over 50 were present, and all relatives except Edrick Tingley's family. AND There is to be a pole raising next Friday in Dist. 9. The pole is 60 ft. long. It is the first school flag in our town.

Rush – Miss Amanda Barnes and Mr. Eben Barnes were united in wedlock on Tuesday, the 29th of Dec. last at Hawleyton, by the Rev. Mr. Weston of the M.E. Church. Mr. & Mrs. Barnes returned to their home on the following Thursday. The boys, in celebrating the event, were firing a salute. The wad of one of the guns entered the home by way of the eaves and set fire to clothing and a box of carpet rag balls, and on discovery of the fire there was some lively hustling. On throwing out the carpet rag balls, they afforded considerable amusement as they rolled down the hill in a blaze, making a unique sort of fireworks.

Hallstead – J. R. Douglass has sold his store building to Stephen Tingley, of Hallstead, who will remove his stock from his present location to the new place, where he will have more and better accommodations for his rapidly increasing business. Mr. Douglass will move his family to Binghamton where they will live in the future. He has accepted a position with Bean & Co., wholesale grocers, and will be a "commercial traveler."

Susquehanna County – During the past year there were 235 marriage licenses issued by the clerk of the Orphan's Court of Susquehanna Co., among which there were four past the age of 76 years, two of the age of 15 years, the greatest difference between the ages of any couple being 35 years.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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