Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 31 1902/2002
Susquehanna - At Ithaca, on Monday, Fred Benson, the well-known Susquehanna baritone, won an $85 scholarship in the Ithaca Conservatory of Music. AND Dibble's moving pictures appeared in Hogan Opera House on Monday and Tuesday evenings to good business.
New Milford - It is expected that a game of basket ball will be played the latter part of February between the home team and the Keystone Academy team.
Dimock - The blizzard, which visited this place on Sunday, left the roads in a very bad condition. The road east of town was blocked so that it required a great deal of shoveling to make it ready for travel. C. M. Hinckley, when going to the milk station, had quite an experience. He made two unsuccessful attempts to reach the station and finally with the third attempt, with the assistance of Frank Wanick, he arrived at the station about 2 P.M.
Brooklyn - Miss Josie Gere was unable to attend to her school duties a part of last week, being sick of vaccination.
Silver Lake - No mail for two days. Mr. Foster succeeded in getting as far as the Silver Lake postoffice Tuesday, and the dwellers around the lake broke the roads for over a mile for him. He then had to return to the postoffice. Do not know where the blame rests, but the roads have been left in a bad condition this winter-some impassable.
Fairdale - There was a quiet wedding at the parsonage on Wed., Jan. 29. Claude Downer and Miss Grace McKeeby were the happy pair. They started for Binghamton on the evening train.
Birchardville - F. H. Ball, School Director, gave the teacher and pupils of the Birchardville School a sleighride on Friday afternoon. They visited Miss Mattie Birchard's School on Stone Street. All report a fine time for which they return thanks to Mr. Ball.
Lynn - At Lynn lives a woman who will carry with her to the grave the most tender and loving remembrance of President McKinley. Ira Buck, the son of this woman, a young man of excellent habits, enlisted and went to the Philippines. Correspondence passed regularly between the mother and son for a long time and then letters from the son ceased. The mother wrote several letters without receiving an answer and then in her distress she addressed a letter to the President. At once she received an answer assuring her he would investigate, and in due time came the information that her son was sick in a hospital and giving his address, and thus to her great joy she was able to renew correspondence with her son. This is only one of thousands of instances of the kind, which brought President McKinley close to the people he served so well, and time will never efface the memory.
Clifford - Eddie Green, our Nicholson stage driver, has been sick the past week, caused by being vaccinated. Eddie was a good hand with the stage and looked after the business in such a way that he was liked by everybody. The people on the stage line will miss him; he will probably drive no more.
Jackson - Roberts' Bros. had a phone placed in the Central Hotel last week, Saturday.
East Rush - Real estate in this vicinity is changing hands to quite an extent, some in talk only, while some is in reality. Halsey Shay has bought the Geo. Fargo farm for $1705; Cyrus Roberts has bought the Nettie Bedell farm; B. A. Jones has not sold his farm; E. L. Jones did not sell a part of his farm to D. W. and N. E. VanOven.
Dundaff - During the terrible storm on Sunday night, E. P. Chamber, who lives just in the outer edge of the village, at about 10 P.M., heard the shouting of a man in the vicinity of his barn. In the rear of the barn is a deep gulley, fenced in with barbed wire. Mr. Chamber aroused his neighbor, Constable Race, and the two set out to find the cause of the shouting and as they neared the gulley they found a man tangled in the barbed wire and completely lost. He was wet through and shivering with the cold and was not able to tell even his own name. He was not intoxicated, however, but quite unconscious from exposure. Mr. Race and Mr. Chamber took him up like the Good Samaritan and carried him to Hotel Decker, where he was taken care of through the night and in the morning he was able to walk to his home half a mile away.
South Montrose - The drifts on Monday morning made travel impossible. Teachers were unable to reach their schools
Forest City - A bashful and youthful couple from Forest City had a painful experience in Susquehanna a few evenings since. The young husband wrote his own name and his wife's on separate lines of the hotel register and the purblind clerk assigned them to separate rooms. Each waited for the other to set the matter straight but it was only after a terribly lonesome hour that the bride plucked up courage and her marriage certificate and descended to interview the clerk. She held out the document mutely and the situation at last dawned upon him. The banished benedict was summoned from his seclusion and the curtain fell amid perfuse apologies.
Montrose - The bear didn't see his shadow Feb. 2nd so get ready for an early spring. But don't take down your stoves yet.
Choconut - The residents of small villages where small pox exists individually and collectively, go into hysterics over the light prevalence of the disease. A local resident commenting upon the fact mentions a story relative to the way the disease was regarded 20 years ago. A man died with small pox in Scranton and relatives at Choconut went to Scranton, put the coffin in the wagon and drove back to Choconut. Many times they ate lunches sitting upon the coffin in the wagon. Arriving at the former home of the deceased, in Choconut, there was a large wake attended by several hundred people, although the fact that the man died of small pox was known. However, two brothers of the man died of the same disease and the incident was a costly lesson.
Compiled By: Betty Smith