Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 30 1920/2020
Forest City – Last Friday night someone entered the store of Elias Freedman and took away with them goods consisting of pants, shoes and shirts to the amount of $55. ALSO Anthony Skubic, of Aurora, Minn., is the guest of relatives in town. He was formerly a resident of Forest City and accepted Greeley’s advice and went west, where he has prospered. He is pleased at the growth of the town in the thirteen years he was gone.
Thompson – If you live on the hills don’t get sick until the roads get in better condition than at present, as it would be difficult to get a doctor. But, if you do have to call a physician get somebody out to help him break the roads. Don’t ask him [doctor] to come and then make him shovel a road to get there. ALSO There is, undoubtedly, much just complaint as to hotel accommodations in many villages and small towns, but any such unfavorable comment, certainly, does not apply to the charming town of Thompson. The Jefferson House, conducted by R.L. Smith, is satisfying in the extreme to anyone wishing either a meal, or a room. The well-laden table, with splendidly prepared foods, leaves nothing to be desired in this direction. The house is steam heated and presents a wholesome, inviting appearance. The people of Thompson should fully appreciate what Mr. Smith is doing for his town, and give him a hearty support.
Welsh Hill – E. A. Reynolds came to Uniondale by the Eli Crandall highway, for he heard that Eli’s road would never drift and he failed to observe where H. J. Tuttle’s new barbed wire fence was chopped down to get around the piles of “the beautiful” [snow]. Ed says he got on a drift that had a top but if it had a bottom it was a good ways down. Here after when he drives a road that never drifts he will take a guide. He went back the old road.
Montrose – George S. Frink, oldest resident of the town, died Jan. 22, 1920. He was born here on May 6, 1837, his parents George and Mary Crandall Frink residing, at the time, in the A. J Brewster house on Maple street [now Frontier’s parking lot]. His mother was a sister of Charles Crandall, owner and proprietor of the well-known Crandall toy factory of a generation ago. George joined Co. D, 6th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry during the Civil War. He stood for all things which would benefit humanity and was a type of man which is only produced by long decades of hard work, sound thinking and temperate living. He married Lucy Frink, of Auburn, and was the father of six children. Members of the Four Brothers Post, G.A.R. and the local orders of Sons and Daughters of Veterans were present in a body. ALSO The meeting called last Friday evening with the intention of saving the Montrose House from demolition, if considered advisable, failed to materialize. The auction sale of the house’s furnishings by W. C. Cox was attended by large crowds from all over this section. Many people secured bargains in bedroom suits, bed clothing, etc.
Brooklyn – The ladies of Brooklyn will serve a Colonial dinner in Odd Fellows’ hall on Feb. 21. Colonial costumes will be worn, an excellent dinner served, and a good time is confidently predicted. ALSO Miss Fannie Ely was united in marriage to Harold Hunter, of Lathrop, on Jan. 24th. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ely and is a graduate of Brooklyn High School. She has taught school for two years, having taken a training course at Mansfield State Normal.
Susquehanna – The Erie had a bad wreck of a fast freight train on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 24th, at Narrowsburg, when 27 cars jumped the track. Traffic was tied up until noon the following day. Robert Welch was the only one injured. He was struck by a derailed car and his right ankle broken and other injuries sustained. ALSO Lee Swackhammer is in the restaurant business, having recently entered partnership with a Mr. Lamm, and under the firm name of Lamm & Swackhammer they conduct the Imperial Restaurant on Main street This writer was served with a meal that was second to none, the food being cooked most excellently and the price very reasonable.
Gelatt -The Gelatt Grange had an oyster dinner in their hall last Saturday and celebrated the paying off of the mortgage on their building. Much credit is due the management in paying the indebtedness in so short a time.
Silver Lake – The box social held at the home of Otto Snyder, Friday night last, was not very largely attended on account of the bad drifts. About twenty were present. The proceeds of $12.50 is for the benefit of the Ward School.
Middletown – Edward Fitzgerald, the census taker, has completed his work in this place.
St. Joseph – Raymond Donnelly spent last week in Apolacon and Little Meadows, taking the census.
Jackson – On account of the bad storm, the candy pull, which was to have been pulled off on last Friday evening by the Epworth League members, was put over and the candy will be pulled on some later date. Perhaps sugar will be more plentiful when the candy is finally pulled. ALSO Miss Nora Hill has been dressmaking at the Central Hotel, the past week.
Hop Bottom – The Shakespeare Club and book Club, with invited guests, banqueted in Loomis Hall, Friday evening, Jan. 23d. The affair was the most elaborate event of the season. Covers were laid for over sixty persons. The hall was tastefully decorated, yellow birds suspended from the ceiling forming a most beautiful effect.
News Brief: “High hope for the proposed Americanization program is held out by a study of the remarkable way the United States has absorbed the amazingly large foreign element of its population,” says a bulletin from the National Geographic Society. In describing the volume of this influx, which was halted by the European war, the bulletin quotes, “Who can estimate our debt to immigration? Thirty-three million people have made the long voyage from alien shores to our own since it was proclaimed that all men are born free and equal, and liberty’s eternal fire was kindled first on American soil.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith