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January 30 1891/1991

Friendsville - Mr. Con. McMahon, the popular stage driver, has purchased the Apolacon stage route of John Hill. Horace Coddington drives to St. Joseph's and Rushville for him while Con. is head conductor on the Apolacon line.

Birchardville - Miss Grace Hawes of Birchardville, has received a patent for a "dish washer" and desires to dispose of the right by royalty, lease or sale. Capitalists could do well to invest, since it is just what every kitchen can, and will be supplied with, it being the housekeeper's friend.

Susquehanna - A car constructed wholly of steel has lately been completed and run on the Erie Road. It is built something in the shape of a cigar with flattened sides. The interior is handsomely upholstered, and it is claimed the car is fireproof and unbreakable. It is also claimed that passengers riding in this car would not be injured in case of a wreck, as it can roll down an embankment without being demolished.

South Gibson- It is said that William Taft, for many years a cabinet maker here, has invented a turning lathe and sold it to a firm in Buffalo, NY, for an elegant house in Scranton and $11,000 in cash.

Hallstead - Mr. E.K. King quilted an elegant silk quilt, ornamenting it with fancy needlework. Mr. King did this beautiful piece of work to kill time, during his recent illness.

Springville - Mrs. Phoebe Taylor lost her last cow, by death, on Saturday last. Mrs. Taylor made about 80 pounds of butter from her alone last summer. It is hoped she will have the help of the public towards securing another, as she is deserving of it.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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