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January 3 1896/1996

Susquehanna - I am glad to learn that our able historical friend, "W.L.T." [Wallace L. Thatcher], will hereafter write obituaries only for remuneration. Obituary writing is the most wrenching literary work in the world. To equip mean men with wings and to gild the character of people who never did a kind thing in all their lives, just to gratify the feelings of the living, is work worthy of being paid for. Writing nice things about nice people is more congenial work. When Brother T. adds "poetry" to obituaries, such as Dearest, Petie, thou has left us, And our grief we deeply feel, or Little Willie met an angry cow. Little Willie is an angel now. he ought to charge double rates. Some obituary "poetry "is worse than death itself. (Editor Whitney of the Transcript)

Lawsville - This is "leap year." The new woman's golden opportunity.

Rush - Four sets of harness were cut on Friday evening last week, during the meeting of Prof. Clapper's singing class at Hibbard's Hall. The tugs and lines were cut in each case and just enough of the leather left uncut to insure the greatest amount of annoyance and danger. Two of the victims of this dastardly outrage were delayed by the parting of the tugs before they got home. The authors had better make terms before they find themselves on the way to the Penitentiary, a punishment they richly deserve, as life oftentimes depends on a good harness.

Hop Bottom- The heavy rain Monday night damaged our streets greatly. Many of our citizens were aroused from their slumbers by Mrs. Strupler, who went from house to house giving the alarm that the water had broken through the race which runs down through Main Street and it became clogged by stone and sticks. The water burst through in front of M.A. B lair's Drug store, and P.M. Tiffany's store, and went tearing down Main Street like a mad torrent. A few of the citizens worked with iron bars and had lanterns, to keep the water from washing their buildings away, until early in the morning before the rain ceased and the water began to go down.

West Auburn - "Aunt Katy” Whitaker ate Xmas dinner with her granddaughter, Mr. F.I. Possinger. To be able to ride 12 miles and make a visit all in one day, is doing pretty well for a lady who will be 92 years of age on her next birthday. Others present at this dinner were Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hay and Mr. & Mrs. Peter Possinger.

Lathrop - A party of old and young men met at the home of S.E. Sulton and gave a fine selection of music, such as bells, horns, tin pans, guns, horse fiddles, and other music in honor of the marriage of Aida Sutton to Lewellyn Button. "Go slow boys."

Montrose - For many years, H.L. Beach, proprietor of Beach's foundry at this place, has been manufacturing a rip and cutoff saw, a patent of his own, which has proven very successful, one of the best and most popular features of which is the frictionless roller bearing tables. The gearing for these saws has formerly been made of wood but it is now proposed to further improve the machines by making the frames of iron, and for that purpose H. W. Beach, son of the proprietor, is engaged in making the necessary plans and specifications for the new model. Half a dozen of the old style machines were shipped from the foundry this week.

Union Dale - Fort Fisher Comedy, played lo a small but appreciative audience Christmas Eve. Alderman Bass and Constable Lockwood occupied the private boxes while Burgess Thomas was in the dress circle, the leading man of the company was on the stage to answer to a charge of being drunk and disorderly, but the Burgess was in a forgiving mode, it being Xmas, and allowed him to depart on a promise to go home and keep still.

Heart Lake - Whitney & Kapple are going to build an addition to their ice house at Heart Lake about 40 x 120 feet.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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