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January 29 1909/2009

Fowler Hill, Auburn Township - While returning from taking her children to school, as is her usual custom, Mrs. James Marbaker was driving slowly along, when all at once her horse made a sudden spring and broke into a run. Mrs. Marbaker was taken by surprise and before she could stop him the horse had its head down and was beyond control. He ran nearly a quarter of a mile, when the cutter struck a knoll and threw her out. H. S. Hitchcock saw the horse coming and managed to catch the lines, but was thrown and dragged several feet before he succeeded in stopping the horse. Neither Mrs. Marbaker or Mr. Hitchcock were seriously hurt. Nothing could be found that had frightened the horse.

Brooklyn - The members of the Order of the American Boy and the girls of the order of the N. C. E. will attend a service at the Universalist church next Sunday morning, when Rev. Drury will address them on "The Boys and Girls of Yesterday."

Great Bend - The death of Mrs. Floyd Smith, which occurred at her home Saturday evening, was a shock to the community. Sunday, Jan. 17, she gave birth to a little daughter and both were doing nicely. On Tuesday she had a slight chill, when blood poisoning set in, and from that time she grew rapidly worse until death claimed her. She is survived by her husband, two little boys and the infant daughter, besides her aunt, Mrs. Olive Harding, with whom she resided and her parents, two brothers and one sister. Funeral services were held from the Methodist church Monday afternoon, with burial in Woodlawn cemetery.

Alford - Mrs. Theresa West passed the 81st mill-stone of life Sunday, Jan. 17. She enjoys good health, and has pieced a number of valuable bed quilts, the past year.

Herrick Center - Harry Lumley, of Lestershire, formerly of Herrick Center, and a grandson of late Zenas Hall, of Pleasant Mount, is to manage the Brooklyn National League baseball team next season. Lumley has been famous as a ball player for several years.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - The farmers in the vicinity of Springville have made arrangements to start a co-operative creamery at the old milk station and will commence operations on April 1st. AND E. W. Lott, of Springville, was appointed to a clerkship in the House of Representatives. This was the only appointment coming to this Congressional district this year, while last term Susquehanna county secured three appointments, one for Susquehanna county, one for Bradford and one for Wyoming.

Susquehanna - The terminal of the Jefferson division of the Erie will be at Susquehanna instead of Carbondale, as heretofore. All train and engine crews will lay over at Susquehanna. This means that that place will gain about 25 families and a similar number of unmarried men.

Fairdale - Joseph Steiger says he has taken the Democrat ever since he was 18 years old and now he will be 83 years old, the 12th of next March 1909. Last fall he dug potatoes and cut corn as fast as his hired man did, also has voted the democratic ticket both spring and fall and never missed an election. Mr. Steiger says his father lived to the age of 100 years. Augustus Steiger, Joseph's son, is following right along in the same democratic faith and has voted 34 years and never missed a caucus or missed casting his vote in that length of time.

Brooklyn - It is reported that Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder (nee Emma Eldredge, of Brooklyn) were passengers on the steamship Republic, just starting on a wedding trip to Europe, when it was rammed by the Florida and sunk, though the passengers were rescued. Their baggage was lost.

Brookdale - An Industrial School is being conducted here. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Shelp have charge of the institution and there are about 20 children in it. It has been located there for less than a year, opening during the summer in the large building once used as an acid factory and which was donated for that purpose by Mr. Corbett the owner. A great deal of good is being accomplished, and the children are given the best of care and instruction. The Pentecostal Mission in Binghamton sends many of the children there and assists largely on supporting the school. The charter has been applied for.

Ararat - Marvin Sampson, of Burnwood, while in town left his horses while he was in I. F. Potter's store. They became frightened and ran away and were stopped when they got nearly home; no damage done must be they got tired of waiting.

Elk Lake - Three of Elwood Griswold's children are sick with scarlet fever. One of the children died on Saturday and the burial took place at South Montrose.

Clifford - John Lee, an aged citizen, and over three quarters of a century a resident of this place, died at Hamburg, Pa, recently from injuries sustained at the hands of football players. Mr. Lee had been opposed to football playing for some years, but during the autumn season he stopped to watch a game while visiting his son, E. N. Lee, in Hamburg. He was a man of 85 years and when the players came on with a rush he was unable to get out of their way. He was caught in the struggling mass, four players falling upon him. When picked up he was unconscious and one of his legs was broken. The fracture rapidly healed, but the shock he had sustained proved too much, heart trouble resulting in his death. Mr. Lee was one of Clifford's prosperous farmers and was a former gravity road employee. He was an ardent Republican and took such interest in politics, that despite his age he attended the inauguration of Roosevelt four years ago.

Hallstead - The members of the ladies' class in physical culture under the direction of Garabad Bedrosian, of Binghamton, who have been permitted the use of the gymnasium at the Y.M.C.A., on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons, have perfected their organization and elected Miss Maude Capwell as their president and Miss Grace Knoeller as their vice president.

Forest City - John Sosensko is making arrangements to construct a modern hotel on Main street in this place. It will be a three-story frame structure, 46x65 feet with 36 sleeping apartments. It will cost about $12,000.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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