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January 29 1904/2004

Forest City - A street car running from Forest City to Carbondale jumped the track Sunday night last at about 10:34 o'clock and plunged down the 12 ft. embankment between Forest City and Wilson Creek. Every one on the car, except the conductor, was injured and the car was badly wrecked. The injured are: Charles Gallovitz, motorman, of Carbondale, chest wrenched; James Merrit, bruised and sprained elbow; Homer Labar, of Forest City, chest lacerated and sprained ankle. Three or four others were also injured. All, excepting Labar, were taken to the Carbondale Hospital. AND The German Catholics are planning to erect a church. Forest City will then have five Protestant and three Catholic churches.

Fairdale - The Ladies' Aid will meet at the church on Friday evening, Feb'y 5. Songs, recitation and some remarks on "Old Abe, the War Eagle of the 8th Wisconsin Regt." by Edgar Bolles.

Scranton/Friendsville - A Scranton writer in the North American, dated January 17, says: "The congregation of St. Patrick's Catholic church was pleasantly surprised today when the assistant priest, the Rev. J. E. Lynott, announced that the congregation was free of debt. The parishioners, who believed they were owing $25,000, were unable to understand the announcement, until Father Lynott explained that the venerable pastor, the Rev. James B. Whelan, during his 21 years' pastorate, had never drawn a cent of salary, but instead, had quietly diverted it to the payment of pressing bills." Father Whelan is known by many in this county, having been born at Friendsville and lived there a number of years. His sister still resides in the old homestead at that place.

New Milford - High water again played havoc with us on Saturday. The rain on Friday broke up the ice in East creek above the center of the town and gorging at the Main street iron bridge threw great volumes of water over the retaining wall in the main street. About 4 o'clock in the morning the fire bell called the people out of their beds and at [that] time Main street was in an impassable state; great cakes of ice were carried and distributed along the street. Men worked at dynamiting the ice between the railroad bridge and the Main street bridge and not until about 3 o'clock in the afternoon did they succeed in relieving the congestion. When the water ceased flowing down the street the ice had ceased flowing down the street the ice had to be removed before travel could be resumed; much damage and inconvenience resulted.

Susquehanna - An Oakland side company, one day of last week, started for Windsor to have a marriage ceremony performed, taking a local clergyman and a constable with them; when the State line was reached the bridegroom elect suddenly decamped, and is still at large. AND A. Severson has succeeded Harry Holmes as rural route mail carrier. Mr. Holmes has removed to Herrick Centre.

Franklin Forks - No services at the Presbyterian church, for the present, owing to the high snow banks and bad roads.

Lawton - Sheridan & Price, of Meshoppen, made a deal with a Philadelphia manufacturer whereby they came in possession of a large stock of men's, boy's and youths' clothing; all new and up-to-date, at a sacrifice price and will hold a special clothing sale at Kahler & Terry's store at Lawton, from Jan'y 27 to Feb'y 6. All people of the vicinity should avail themselves of this great opportunity.

Upsonville - The heavy rains have settled the snow banks somewhat around here, yet no teams have yet gotten through from the Merriman Corners to the Stanley Stone farm; old inhabitants say the roads were never so filled with snow in many a year.

Elk Lake - The Grange is in a flourishing condition, taking in new members at each meeting.

Lynn - A sleigh load from Springville passed here Saturday.

Lenox - The literary society connected with the Glenwood grange will give an entertainment in the Glenwood M. E. church on Friday evening of this week. They will be assisted by Mrs. E. M. Tiffany, soloist of Hopbottoom as well as by J. Gardner of South Gibson, with his graphaphone, so we feel sure no one will begrudge the price of admission, which is only 10 cents.

Montrose - We are informed that four new hands have been added to the force in the cut glass factory within the past few days, namely Charles Chilson of Elmira, Alex Law of Scranton, Joseph Miller of Philadelphia, and James Loftus of Scranton. Foreman H. E. Walton states that work is brisk here and that over 30 hands are now employed.

Forest Lake - Hugh Booth, of Nebraska, who went west nearly 25 years ago, is visiting relatives. The first time he has been back east.

Harford - Miss Ruth Mac Connell has secured a position as teacher in Wilkes-Barre and while there makes her home with her sister, Mrs. Paul Sherwood.

Hallstead - The Democratic caucus was held in the firemen's hall Thursday evening and the following ticket nominated: Assessor, Henry Smith; Justice of the Peace, C. R. Eldred; Judge of Election, John Driscoll; Inspector of Election, Carl Tingley; Auditor for three years, Chas. Austin; Auditor of two years, W. H. McLeod; Council, P. H. Allen, Thomas Haggerty; School Directors, T. J. Conner, B. R. Tanner, Poormaster for two years, G. W. Capwell.

Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - Andrew Rogers, who has been ill for several weeks, died Saturday, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Walter Ely. The funeral services were held Monday at 11 a.m. and were attended by a large number of mourning friends and relatives. Mr. Rogers, who was past 80 years of age had spent nearly all his life in Brooklyn, and was held in high esteem by his neighbors. He is survived by a widow and three children: Will Rogers and Mrs. Fanny Lindsey, of Factoryville; and Mrs. Lillie Ely and a brother, Christopher, of Brooklyn.

News Brief - A report by Jasper T. Jennings in the Independent Republican, Montrose. "The Winter of 1903-04 will go down in history as a very remarkable one for the latitude. We know people are very likely to say, when we have an unusual cold snap, that it is the coldest weather they ever saw. They say they never experienced anything like it; when the facts are if they would only take the trouble to look up the records, they have, in most instances seen just as bad, perhaps many times before. But this winter is really an exceptional one. The ground froze suddenly on the night of the 14th of November and up to this time, Jan. 19, there has been but two or three days that the thermometer has registered above the freezing point in the shade. A heavy fall of snow took place on the 12th of December and although it rained twice before Christmas, once slightly and once considerable, there has been but very few days from the time of the first fall of snow to the present date that snow has not fallen."

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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