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January 29 1897/1997

Forest City – Daniel Melvin, a pioneer of this place "and one of its best known and. most highly respected citizens, was killed this morning by the falling of a stack at No. 2 shaft. He was a carpenter by trade and was on his way to work. As he was passing the engine room of No. 2 shaft, the wind, which was blowing a gale at the time, threw the tall stack to the ground and in its descent it struck Mr. Melvin, who lived but a few minutes.

Susquehanna – Messrs. Skinner and Doherty, the youngest lawyers of Susquehanna and among the youngest practitioners at the county bar, were in attendance at court this week. Since their admission to practice a few terms ago, these bright young barristers have made such progress in their profession as augers well for a long and successful legal career. Among the older attorneys of Susquehanna who were in town this week were Messrs E.R.W. Searle, J.D. Miller and RJ. Manning.

Montrose – Prof. and Mrs. B.E. James will entertain the Class of '97 of the Montrose H.S. at their residence on South Main street, Jan. 29. The class this year numbers 19, as follows: Misses Lena Bushnell, Julia Cruser, Meta Guy, Jessie Millarad, Susie Warner, Ruby Main, Marion Booth, Agnes Tiffany, Helen Barron, Sue Strous, Lottie Warner, Mary Darrow, Florette Jackson and Messrs. Carleton S hater, Newcomb Park, Bert Darrow, Philip Lonergan, Gregg Scott and Clarence Dawley.

Hallstead – The Messenger, which for a year past has been published at Hallstead as a religious monthly, by Rev. John Davis, has been purchased by E.L. Gorton, and will hereafter appear as a village and local newspaper. It is undenominational but in politics it espouses the cause of the Prohibitionists. It is sufficiently small in size to allow, for a vigorous growth, which we hope it will do and prosper. The subscription price is but 25 cents per annum.

Lymanville – Miss Ella Hunter has resigned her position as teacher at the Brookside School. Miss Carrie Sheldon of Lynn will complete the term.

Hop Bottom – Javan Sterling will do first-class painting; fix your sleighs, etc., at a reasonable rate. Generally repairs at the shop at McVicar's.

Auburn [Four Corners] – There was no school last week on account of the teacher being ill. AND Emmons and White made a trip on Mehoopany Mountain last week. Their business was hunting furs.

Union Dale –We would suggest that the Carbondale Advance best secure a new correspondent, one at least who would confine himself to truthful statements. His item last week was a tissue of falsehoods from Start to Finish. He says that farmers get one and one quarter cents for milk while intact they get two and one half. That ten per cent of the cream is taken off and the thin milk sold in NY City at 10 cents per quart. Too bad the New York city health board does not know of this man, his services would be of much value to them. If he would study the milk quotations he would not be blabbing about ten cents per quart.

Clifford – Our blacksmiths were kept busy last week, shoeing horses.

Stevens Point – Snow is falling very fast today and we are all in hopes of sleighing. Welcome snow we all dosing; We long to hear the sleigh bells ring. There is nothing seems to us so gay as riding in our cozy sleigh.

Susquehanna County – The Government seeds allotted to the 15th Congressional District of Pennsylvania will be ready for distribution Feb. 20. AND All wishing seeds, send in their names on postal cards to James H. Codding, H.R., Washington, D.C. AND they will have attention. There will be no distinction by reason of party or otherwise. All requests, to the extent of your Congressman's quota, will be filled in the order received by him. AND Libby Prison Talk: will be given on Tuesday evening Feb. 2, by Col. Samuel A. Urquhart, on his escapes and recaptures. Col. Urquhart was in the prison 18 months and made five attempts to escape, being recaptured four times. The lecture is under the auspices of the P.O.S. of A., and the Sons of Veterans. It is necessary to commence the lecture at 8 o'clock sharp, that the lecturer may get through at a seasonable time; about an hour and a half of thrilling story is assured. General admission 25 c; children 15 c; reserve seats 35 c; diagram at McCausland's, • Montrose. "Col. Urquhart's lecture is the most thrilling personal experience of the Civil War to which I have ever listened. Perhaps no other living man has such a story to tell, and it should be heard from one end of the land to the other." Rev. J. Richards Boyle, D.D., Pastor, First M.E. church, Wilkes-Barre.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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