Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 29 1892/1992
Jones Lake [Lake Montrose] - Mr. Frink, the Montrose iceman harvested a very fine quality of ice at Jones' Lake last week. A number of private icehouses were also filled. The ice is now about 12 inches thick. While assisting in cutting ice during the bitter cold weather the first of last week, Leo A. Taylor had the misfortune to have both hands very badly frozen.
Montrose - Louis McCollum, of New Milford, was in Montrose on Friday, speeding his trotter around our thoroughfares, passing several of our home steeds; but the laugh was rather against Louis, when Lyman Blakeslee, of Lynn, who had followed him up South Main Street, touched up his "old mare," and passed the New Milford trotter like a meteor. The bystanders broke out in a hearty cheer for the old gentleman's skillful jockeying.
Harford - Our Post Office will soon be made a money order office. Good! And we expect John Wannamaker to give us free delivery ere long. We're glad we live in the United States.
Alford - Ansel J. Steams acquaints us with a suit pending in this county concerning 40 acres of land included in the Steadman Marean farm east of Alford, on the high ridge. The land was purchased in good faith of Henry Drinker and deed received. But the heirs of Joseph Drinker maintain that it was the tatter's possession. Possession in the Marean family is over 21 years, but the land has been uncleared of timber. This land is probably in the lots 344 to 349 marked vacant in the Torrey Map of 1804: and west of the confiscated Alien lands.
Springville- Mrs. Dwight Risely, a respected lady, 80 years old next month, often walks to Springville and back the same day, a distance of two miles each way. Last fall she walked to quarterly meeting, at Dimock, a distance of four miles, and back the next day, without any inconvenience to her bodily health. We think this must be from choice and not because it is necessary that she should walk instead of ride.
Birchardville - A Mr. Hatch, from Connecticut, is spending a few weeks with his relatives, Mr. & Mrs. Bradshaw, and others on Stone Street. It is said that he is a well-to-do farmer in the east. It is a good opportunity for some young lady to improve the chance, [leap year] as he is a single man.
Choconut - Mrs. M. Mooney had some of her choicest fowls killed by a mink. John Kelly shot at him but missed. John says he will get him yet.
Glenwood - Now comes the question, "who will go as delegate to the national republican convention from this district; Galusha A. Grow or one of the boys?" Come what may, Galusha's portrait hangs in the national capitol. Some of "the boys" may hang somewhere else.
Compiled By: Betty Smith