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January 28 1921/2021

Susquehanna County – The mercury on Monday and Tuesday mornings registered zero, or from one to two below. A searing wind on Monday made the cold more keenly felt. Last week, in some localities, from ten to fourteen degrees below was reported on the coldest morning. There is no more worry about the ice crop being a failure.

Tripp Lake – G. Carlton Shafer has lately purchased the Moran farm of 61 acres, on the shores of Tripp Lake, which purchase places the ownership of all the land bordering this beautiful lake in Mr. Shafer’s possession. He has successfully conducted Camp Susquehannock here for some years, and is making it a model recreational and educational summer camp for boys and young men. Mr. Shafer is planning the erection of additional buildings and will devote even more of his time at the camp.

Lake Montrose – Ice nearly a foot in thickness has been harvested on the lake the past week. The ice houses of Charles Hoyt, Borden Farm Products Co. and H. A. McCabe, have either been filled or are nearing the completion of the process. Large numbers of dairymen are also commencing to draw ice for their individual ice houses. Monday, Richard Chafe, of Sidney, NY, fell into the lake as he was getting a pail of water to carry to a team he was giving water. He made his way to his boarding place—B. W. Rifenbury’s – with his clothing frozen through.

Auburn Twp. – At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the West Auburn Telephone Co., the following officers were chosen: President, A. B. Lacey; Vice-president, Andrew Hibbard; Secretary and Treasurer, H. B. Brande.

Montrose – Allison Birchard, 6 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs., Edward Birchard, was struck by a runaway horse and knocked down, sustaining a broken ankle bone and also injuries to the shoulder. The horse, driven by Edward and Frank Keough, threw the men out as they were driving down Lake avenue, due to the icy road, and the child, who was near the school, either failed to see the oncoming horse or tried to stop it. The animal continued to run until near the Tarbell House barn, where it was caught. The boy is being attended by his uncle Dr. F. S. Birchard, and is steadily recovering.

Marriage Licenses granted: Amos A. Galloway and Grace Bacon, both of Great Bend. Frank Kosier, Forest City and Yeweka Vilovick, Vandling.

Rush – Ice is being harvested from the Wyalusing Creek. ALSO Misses Frankie Davis, Mabel Hillis, Ethel Bunnell and Christie Curran, teachers in the high school at Rush, attended the Susquehanna County Teachers’ Association, at Hallstead.

Lakeview – The farmers who send their milk to Susquehanna are being asked to keep it at home about once a week, to help out on the surplus. It gives us a chance to make a little butter, and no excuse for using “oleo.”

Forest City – Hymen Joseph was in New York during the week, buying spring goods for Joseph’s Bazaar. ALSO Reese & Sredenschek, the new owners of the McLaughlin pond, are cutting ice of good quality. It is about a foot thick. The firm intends to handle ice during the season. ALSO The score of the basketball game between Forest City and St. John’s, of Pittston, was 22 to 4 with Forest City on top. High scorers were Watkins and McLaughlin, with 12 each.

Uniondale – The Burdick school has been opened after being closed for two weeks owing to the illness of the teacher, Mr. Russell, who had the measles. He is giving good satisfaction as a teacher. ALSO T. E. Carpenter has sold $40 worth of eggs from 16 pullets and an old hen since Nov. 17, 1920. And yet some people will say that egg farming will not pay.

Great Bend – It seems good to hear the old tannery whistle once more as it has resumed work again.

Dimock – Basketball was played at the community building, Friday evening, by a team from Hallstead and one of the Dimock teams. The visiting team was defeated, the score standing 38-19, in favor of Dimock.  The Dimock high school girls also put on a game the same evening.

Thompson – The borough’s new electric light plant is now in operation. The shareholders are enjoying the new lights. Poles are being set and preparations made to light the streets. There will soon be no need for anyone to walk in darkness.

Jackson – Mrs. Fred Sheldon died at her home in the township, January 17. Interment in North Jackson cemetery, Crosier & Gelatt in charge. She leaves a husband and eight children to mourn her loss.

Bridgewater Twp. – There will be a clothes pin social at the Tyler school house, Friday evening, Jan. 28, for the benefit of the Montrose library. Ladies please bring cake, sandwiches and two clothes pins dressed alike. Everybody welcome.

Brooklyn – C. F. Richards, a veteran of the Civil War, while 76 years of age, does not look it, but admits he feels somewhat of a patriarch when he stops to recall that of around 100 men who left Montrose, with light hearts to join the army of the Potomac in January, 1862, he can remember but one survivor, T. L. Ainey, of South Montrose. Mr. Richards was 18 years old when he enlisted and that the members of his family were very patriotic is shown by the fact that a brother of 16 years, below the age limit, and his father, who was 48, three years above the age limit, managed, conveniently, forgetting the date of their first birthday, to join the army.

Susquehanna – Another big “lay-off” of men in the local shops was posted last Saturday, when over three hundred men were notified their services would not be needed after Jan. 27. About ten days ago, 160 men were laid off and another big reduction is reported as coming within a few days. The men have no idea when they will be recalled; the length of the lay-off depends upon business conditions. ALSO The Tri-Boro silk mill resumed work after a shut down since last fall, owing to the unsettled conditions of the silk market.

News Brief: A new use has been found for the electric flat iron. Attached to the light socket in a garage, it serves as an ideal means of warming the carburetor of the car on cold mornings and making a quick start possible. The only one who objects to its use is Mrs. Housewife, who avers that it soon destroys the smooth surface of the bottom of the iron. That’s a trifle, however, when compared to getting a stubborn car started.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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