Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 26 1923/2023
Montrose – The Montrose borough council lately purchased what is known as the Post swamp, lying between Jackson and Union streets and at the rear of St. Mary’s church. The property, consisting of about five acres, was bought from Geo. D. Rose, who purchased it from the Post estate a year ago. The late A. H. Knoll, of Buffalo, had at one time planned to purchase this property and equip it as a play ground, but difficulties stood in the way of his cherished project. There is some hope in the current talk that eventually this property will be utilized for the purpose, as it could be readily turned into a park for summer and winter sports. It is adaptable to athletic sports, swimming, skating, skiing, tobogganing and kindred outdoor amusements.
Kingsley – Urbane Sloat, when he was in Montrose, looked the picture of health. He said that his only real illness, since a child, was a run of typhoid fever while serving his country in the Civil war. He has passed the four-score mark.
Susquehanna – A confectionary store, conducted for some months by Alex Nicholas, and closed by bankruptcy proceedings, was sold by the trustees the latter part of last week. It was bid in by Fred R. Lewis, of Great Bend, for $95. The stock and fixtures only were sold. Mr. Nicholas, a young Greek, was engaged in the same business in Montrose, Previous to going to Susquehanna.
Silver Lake – Frank O’Connell, of this place, said there was ample snow for splendid sleighing, but that autos could not negotiate the snow banks out his way.
Clifford – E. E. Finn has been in Montrose this week, serving as a juror. Mr. Finn lately sold his general store and farm implement business, which he had successfully conducted for many years, to Hasbrouck Bros., two aggressive young men who are capably carrying on the business. Mr. Finn tells us that the state road between Clifford and Nicholson, popular with automobilists and the traveling public last summer, is now open for auto travel. For many years this road was in deplorable shape, and the improvement is widely commented on.
Franklin Forks – George P. Stockholm, one of the best-known veterans of the Civil War, died at his home Monday night, January 22, 1923. His age was 80 years. Mr. Stockholm was an active farmer for many years and took a lively interest in local, state and national affairs. In G. A. R. circles he had many friends and his death will be keenly felt by his comrades, as well as in all walks of life where he was known. He had an honorable war record, serving with distinction in the 141stPennsylvania Volunteers. He is survived by his wife; one daughter, Mrs. A. F. Merrell, of Hallstead; two sons, E. J. Stockholm, of East Rush, and Richard R. Stockholm, at home.
Dimock – There are still hopes that a plentiful harvest of ice can be secured for the Janssen Dairy Co. from Bailey’s pond, as the recent rains have helped the ice situation somewhat. Last week the men were kept busy shoveling snow from the pond. ALSO Byron Benninger advertises that he is selling Pine Tree Milking Machines.
South Montrose – Owing to the great demand for their celebrated coat hangers, the South Montrose Mfg. Co. is running about forty hands.
Brooklyn – Hop Bottom school is being closed on account of measles. Two of the high school boys from that place visited our school one day this week.
Little Meadows – F. J. Butler, of Endicott, who conducts a fleet of up-to-date taxi cabs in that city, was engaged here Tuesday. He was formerly of this place.
Hop Bottom – The High Ground Dairy Co. has commenced the ice harvest for the creamery here. A steam elevator has been installed for hoisting the ice into the big ice house.
Fair Hill – Some of the roads between here and Fairdale are still filled with snow, so the mail cannot come over the Hill.
New Milford – Hannah Hardy celebrated her 77th birthday, Jan. 19th. Her friends and relatives remembered her with a post card shower.
Herrick Center – Daniel Jacob Gettle died at his home on January 17, 1923. He was a blacksmith and farmer and until two years ago lived at Gettle’s Corners, just east of the village.
Forest City – It was Forest City night, Friday, when the high school girls quintet downed the Carbondale high school quintet by a score of 25 to 3, and the high school reserves gave the Archibald high school aggregation a merited trouncing. Monica Slick was the chief point getter for the locals. Mary Bell played a classy game and was the second point getter for the locals. The boy’s varsity basketball team will play Honesdale high, at Honesdale, if the roads are passable.
North Jackson – Jay Savory has entered the employ of the Erie railroad at Susquehanna as a fireman. His run will be over the Susquehanna division from Susquehanna to Hornell. North Jackson now has eight young men in the Erie employ, three firemen, one chief caller, and four in other occupations.
Uniondale – Stockholders of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Telephone Company attended the annual meeting of stockholders at Forest City, Thursday. It was a pleasant gathering and a toothsome dinner was served. ALSO In accordance with their custom, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor left Tuesday to spend the remainder of the winter in Florida. They will visit points on the Florida peninsula before taking up their residence at Sebring. They will join the Uniondale colony.
Fiddle Lake – Hobart Davis, Arthur Bowell, E. Burman and Franklin Burman, are assisting in filling the icehouse for the Ararat milk station.
Poor Policy – That it is a poor policy to distract the attention of the driver of a car was forcibly shown Tuesday afternoon. A lady passenger, riding in a White’s Bus to Binghamton, became worried about a smoking oil stove used to heat the car. She thought it needed attention, and while the car bowled along, someone tapped the chauffer on the back preliminary asking him to regulate the burner. As he turned his head to see what was wanted, diverting his attention from the business of steering, the wheels jumped from the rut into the ditch, and in a trice the car had flopped over on its side. No one was hurt and the car was soon righted and on its way again. But the moral of tapping a car driver on his back to show him something is too obvious to require pointing out.
Compiled By: Betty Smith