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January 26 1917/2017

Thompson – On Wednesday of last week, Mrs. George Stoddard, who lives alone on the corner of Main Street, was terribly burned and died as the result of her injuries the next day. Earl Jenkins, the Borden milk carrier, was on his way to care for his horses when he discovered a fire and upon entering the house found Mrs. Stoddard unconscious on the floor. She was taken to Mr. McNamara’s and everything possible done for her until the end came. It is supposed the fire was caused by the explosion of a lamp, but nothing definite is known. ALSO The Thompson regulars challenge the Starrucca regulars to a series of 5 games of basket ball for a side bet of $100.00.

Montrose – Miss Rose Horton, daughter of Calvin Horton of Lathrop street, is on her way to the heart of Africa, where she will serve as a missionary to the natives, under the direction of the Africa Inland Missionary Society.  It will require a period of six weeks to make the long journey. ALSO J. Wesley Gavitt, having finished the fall term at the Ithaca Conservatory of Music, is now at the home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Gavitt, of Bridgewater. Mr. Gavitt speaks very highly of the conservatory and is contemplating continuing a full course in music next year. He will teach anyone desiring instruction on the violin.

Lanesboro – The application of Earl Hendrickson for a retail liquor license was refused Monday morning by Judge H.A. Denney.  This, as in all other licenses that were not granted, were refused on the charge of violations. The charges in the Lanesboro case were sales on credit and selling to persons of intemperate habits.

Little Meadows – Kathryn Hickey has returned to Binghamton to work in the shoe factory.

Union Hill – F.D. Bennett, an aged resident of this place, was found dead in his home last Saturday by neighbors. He had left a note stating that on account of his advanced age and being no longer able to care for himself, he had taken strychnine to end it all. He also gave directions for his burial. Mr. Bennett was 71 years old and unmarried. For several years he had lived alone, making his living by hunting, trapping and doing odd jobs for his neighbors.

Dimock – Jesse Kitchen, a veteran of the Civil War, died at his home, January 12, 1917, and was buried in the Dimock cemetery. He was nearly 79 years old. ALSO The old school house where the young boys and girls were tutored and where they enjoyed riding down hill on the meadow of W.L. Stillwill, is now vacated.

Jackson – The Jackson Band has re-organized and will furnish music for skating in the I.O.O.F. Hall.  ALSO The Northeastern Telephone Co. has purchased the Chas. Wakefield house and will use it for the Jackson Exchange. ALSO The annual meeting of the Jackson Library Association was held at the Central Hotel last Tuesday evening.

Susquehanna – Born to District Attorney and Mrs. John Ferguson, on Monday, Jan. 15, 1917, a daughter, Mary Elizabeth. ALSO A sacred concert was given by the Erie band, at Hogan’s opera house. This is the second concert of the kind to be given and was largely attended.

Forest Lake – A sleigh load party from here attended the box social and dance at the Turnpike School, of Apalachin, taught by Miss Genevieve McManus. Those in the load were the following: Misses Rose Whalen, Jennie Kelly, Catherine Donlin, Irene Quinlivan, Marie Curley, Francis Quinlivan, Messrs. Will, John and Paul Quinlivan and Joe Kelly.  All reported a fine time.

Hickory Grove, Great Bend Twp. – Miss Fordice Dixon, age 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ford Dixon, was quite seriously injured last week. The young lady, with a number of companions, was riding down hill on the creek road when they observed a team coming up the hill. Miss Dixon turned her sled into the ditch to avoid a collision, and in doing so was thrown to the ground, striking her head and face on the ice, badly cutting and bruising her.

Herrick Center – Acetylene lights are soon to be installed in the M. E. Church.

Forest City – The borough solicitor will, this week, enter liens against Main street property owners who have not paid their paving assessment. The ordinance provided that payment could be made in 5 annual installments, liens being entered to protect the bonds on installments unpaid.

Franklin Twp. – W.J. Sisson is the youngest old man in this section. He was 92 years old last October. Last fall he took out a hunting license and in five trips out bagged two foxes and two rabbits. Many men at 80 look far older than Mr. Sisson.

Silver Lake – Henry W. Hill has been afflicted with rheumatism for the past year and it has cost him some pangs to be compelled to lay aside his violin, of which he is very fond, but he can use the fife just as good as in the days of the old Silver Lake drum corps, of which he was an enthusiastic member.

Harford – People here speak in praise of the untiring efforts made during and following last week’s fire by Miss Julia Moore, operator in the Northeastern telephone exchange. Miss Moore gave the alarm to all the surrounding towns and cities, being indefatigable in her efforts to get physicians and aid for the unfortunate victims, doing much to relieve their sufferings speedily. We have become accustomed to the capable, courteous exchange operator and many times demand of her time, energy and patience as a matter of course and it is invariably given willingly and cheerfully.

200 Years Ago from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa., January 25, 1817.

   *Almon H. Read, Esq., has been appointed by Amos Ellmaker, Esq., Attorney General of this State, Prosecuting Attorney for this County, vice Charles Catlin, Esq., removed.

   *The progress of the Post Office Department shows with what rapid strides the United States are augmenting their territory and population.  In 1793 the Post Offices in number were 195; in 1801, they were 957, and in 1816 they are 3620.  The mail is transported, in every day of the year, more than 20,000 miles.

   *New Milk and lye from hickory ashes, of equal quantities, is said to be an infallible remedy for the hooping [whooping] cough.  To a child 7 or 8 years old, give a table spoonful every hour thro’ the day—and in this proportion according to the age of the child.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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