Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
January 26 1906/2006
Lakeview - Burt Allen, 16 years of age, was arrested in Lakeview, near Susquehanna, by Chief of Police McMahon, Saturday afternoon, and taken to jail at Montrose. The story of Allen's alleged career was told in the Binghamton Press. It is said that when Allen was 14 years of age he fell in love with Bessie Knapp of Lakeview and a short time afterwards married her with the consent of her parents. Shortly afterwards he went to Lestershire, it is claimed, and fell in love with pretty Ethel Williams, 14 years of age. He appeared to the girl's parents like a promising young man and finally asked them to allow her to marry him. They gave their consent and the ceremony was performed. About the time of the wedding in Lestershire it is claimed that the Pennsylvania girl brought a suit against him for non-support. It was then learned that he had a wife living and had no right to marry the Williams girl. The Binghamton authorities will get requisition papers, when Allen will be taken there and tried.
Thompson - About a mile south of Thompson borough, Donald Starbird, aged 11 years, and his brother, George Starbird, aged 8, sons of William Starbird, and Ambrose Benton, a neighbor of Starbird's, were playing "Hunt the Rabbit." Donald carried the gun. George played the dog and Ambrose was the rabbit. Two caps had been snapped on the gun; then the third was put on the gun and fired and Ambrose fell to the ground, bleeding--dead, a charge of shot having lodged in the back of his head. The mother was soon by her boy and had him in her arms, but before she reached the house she collapsed and a man passing by took the dead boy and his prostrated mother into the house and gave the alarm. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the M.E. church, Rev. R. M. Pascoe officiating. The house was thronged with sympathizing friends and neighbors from far and near.
West Auburn - At West Auburn the school matters are reported as having settled down. At a public meeting last Saturday there was a large gathering and four of the six directors voted to keep the new teacher, Mr. Tingley, and following this it was voted unanimous to keep him and now the school is running well. {Prior to this several school board members walked in to Mr. Tingley's class and fired him.)
Montrose - Montrose experiencing summer heat in January is something that happens but seldom in an average mortal's lifetime. The first three days of the week, however, found the mercury registering anywhere from 50 to 65 degrees "in the shade," while in the sun it rose as high as 80 degrees. What makes it still more remarkable is the fact that the latter part of last week the light fall of snow made sleighing for a brief time possible and a number took advantage of this opportunity to get about on runners for the first time. It is doubtful if the oldest resident can remember a more phenomenal winter.
Susquehanna - Miss Ida Larrabee, well and favorably known as a gifted musician and vocalist, has been engaged as leader of the choir of the Susquehanna M. E. church. This will be pleasing news to the members and friends of that church, which under the able pastorate of Rev. Alex. D. Decker, supplemented by a united congregation, was never in better condition for effective Christian work than at the present.
Brooklyn - Farm for sale, located two miles north of Brooklyn on the old Owego turnpike, known as the Daniel Watrous farm; of 1441/2 acres. Buildings in the best of condition. Fruits of all kinds, running water to house and barn. Would exchange for house and lot. Terms easy. For further particulars inquire of Sarah Uptegrove, Montrose.
Tiffany - John Carter is counted one of the best judges of "hoss" flesh in the county and knows the history of nearly every equine between Wayne and Bradford counties.
Uniondale - Dr. Fred Grander, who has his office in Forest City, is chairman of the committee on vaccination. Drs. Fike, Nobles and Craft have lately been busy making the small boys and girls "cry" with a sore arm. All pupils who have not been vaccinated by the 22nd inst. will be turned out of the school.
Lenox - Winter weather by installments is not all favorable for the lumber and ice business. The weather of last Sunday would compare favorably with the best to be had in Florida. Warm and genial, in fact, an ideal April day. AND Bert Cameron has a talking machine and all roads lead to the post office these long winter evenings where Bert good-naturedly sets his machine "agoin" to the amusement and sometime astonishment of the kids, both young and old.
Franklin - The Independent Telephone Co. will put in a switchboard at Franklin Forks. Six new phones are now ordered.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - The school directors of Middletown received bids for the building of our Graded School at Flynn, which will be built the coming spring. It will be a decided improvement for the township, as it will save sending our scholars to Montrose or other places. Thomas Foster will erect the building.
Forest City - Twin Girls were born to Mr. and Mrs. John Opeka on Sunday last. One year ago, almost to a day, twins--both girls, were also born to Mr. and Mrs. Opeka.
Rush - Albert Otis, of Tuscarora township, formerly of Rush, an account of whose mysterious disappearance was published last week, has not yet been found. His wife offers a reward of $200 to the person discovering him, either dead or alive. Several clues have been followed but no trace of the missing man has been found.
Silver Lake - On Wednesday, January 17, 1906, a family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ward, to honor the celebration of the 50th anniversary of their married life. It is interesting to note that Mr. Ward was one of the first settlers at Silver Lake. He was born and reared about a stone's throw from the house in which he celebrated his Golden Jubilee and throughout his life he has merited the love and esteem of those who knew him. His goodness and kindness and noble unselfishness have won for him a host of friends. The little home on the hillside overlooking the beautiful Laurel Lake was tastefully decorated in honor of the occasion. {In 1856 Joseph Ward married Miss Mary A. McCormick, daughter of James and Mary McCormick, respected citizens of Silver Lake. Joseph and Mary were the parents of 13 children.]
Compiled By: Betty Smith