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January 26 1894/1994

Friendsville - The P. of I. Store of B. Matthews will be opened at any time. Best tea, 35-cents per pound, flour, 95-cents per sack; 15 bars of soap, 25-cents, and anything you call for you may have at only half price. You will be surprised to find such in a country store.

Hop Bottom- Our young people are enjoying the afternoons and evenings skating on Loomis Lake.

East New Milford - The farmers are kept pretty busy harvesting ice.

Montrose - F.W. & S.E. Hart have their ice houses filled and are ready to take orders to furnish Montrose people with what they need. They are now cutting ice to ship to Great Bend.

Clifford - A farmer was in Carbondale Tuesday night, returning on Wednesday. He had a hand saw, a borrowed one, and forgot to return it before leaving town and brought it along and left it at E.E. Finn’s store, in Clifford Corners, where the owner can find it by calling for it.

Factoryville - Dale Rumor states that the circumstances pertaining to the far-famed story of the Factoryville spook has at last been solved. The solution as it reached our cars is as follows: A man by the name of Reynolds secluded himself in a dark recess of the barn where the spook was wont to appear and waited for the peculiar personage to appear. His patience was rewarded. Bringing his double-barreled shot gun to his shoulder, he was about to discharge the weapon when this mysterious (?) person in accents voluminous with meaning shouted, "Don't shoot, it’s me.” What the result was we have not as yet heard.

Rush - Wm. Sieber's rubber coat has been returned to him.

Auburn Corners- Those prophets who predicted such a severe winter should become responsible for the many that have disposed of their cows on this account. This is another reminder, however, of the remark so often made by the late Samuel Tewkesbury that the old Prophets were all dead, and the young ones were all fools.

News Briefs: The once famous Thistle band, of Pittston, has been disbanded. This was due to loss of membership, which it has been impossible to replace because of a clause in their charter, which debars anyone not a Scotchman from membership in the organization. AND The February issue of the Delineator is called the Midwinter number, and its contents are as instructive and entertaining as usual. The fashions displayed are handsome and becoming, and ladies who have not yet completed their winter wardrobes cannot do better than follow the styles of this month. The wants of misses, girls and little folks are also fully considered. St. Valentine is responsible for two novel diversions, one being a valentine's tea, and the other a truelove card party: while a third entertainment for the month is provided in A Poverty of Hard Times Party. An article appropriate to the times is on Table and Bed Linen, and another equally seasonable is what to do for the fair. A subscription to the Delineator costs only one-dollar a year. Single copies, fifteen-cents. Address orders, to the Butterick Publishing Co., 40 East Fourteenth Street, New York.

Susquehanna County- Defective School Outhouses; State Superintendent Schaeffer has issued a circular in which he calls attention to the subject of reform in the condition of school outhouses and says that in this state "a very large proportion of these houses are a disgrace to civilization, unspeakably abominable, moral plague spots in the community." He demands more attention of directors to this subject, declaring that not only the comfort but the health of pupils as well as localities is involved in having the nuisance of poorly constructed outhouses attached to schools, abated immediately.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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