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January 25 1918/2018

Dimock – There will be a Community Supper, Friday evening, Jan 25th, at Community Building, Dimock, for the benefit of the Dimock library. All interested are urged to help in this good cause.  Supper, 25 cents; children under 12 years, ten Cents.

Montrose – The first of the “Heatless Mondays” found Montrose in a mood, as a rule, to heartily co-operate in the saving of fuel to assist our government in progressing the war. There were no snarlers—at least we heard of none. The law offices were closed, but many of the lawyers, with important business on hand for the day, made the Court House their headquarters. The stores were closed; as was the newspaper offices. The bar at the Exchange Hotel was closed for the day. The news stand and bowling alley of H.A. Patrick remained open Monday, but banked the fires the following Tuesday. The Beach Mfg. Co.* had a permit to operate its plant, as it is engaged on government work. It seemed to be the opinion of the people here that this action by the fuel administrator was proper, not only for the amount of coal that would be saved, but for bringing very forcibly to the attention of the American people, that we are in a war that calls for sacrifice. *(Beach Mfg. Co. is looking to land a government contract for 400 sawing machines, which will be used in cutting lumber from the forests in France and here, for the building of camps, hangars, etc., for the army. Beach has been engaged in the construction of machines for the allied government for months, shipping considerable numbers to Europe almost weekly.)

Susquehanna – Susquehanna has a Smileage campaign on this week, the proceeds of which are to go to help provide wholesome amusements for our soldiers in the training camps and everyone is expected to help in raising a generous sum for a worthy and important cause.

Forest City – Monday the businessmen formed a “bee” under the supervision of Burgess John Franko and removed the heaps of snow along Main street. Why certainly, Tuesday it snowed. ALSO The Scouts of Forest City are delivering government pamphlets giving America’s reasons for entering the war. ALSO A meeting of the men of St. Joseph parish was held Sunday afternoon to consider the erection of a new church building. It was agreed, in case the St. Agnes society decided to build their church on Main street, that a committee be appointed to obtain the old site of St. Agnes church and erect a new building thereon. It was suggested that St. Joseph church be used for school and other parish purposes. The committee appointed are, Rev. J. Tomsic, Martin Muchitz and Martin Gerchman. It was the largest meeting in the history of the parish and it was the unanimous opinion that the cheaper plan would be the erection of a new house of worship.

Uniondale – The Uniondale Milling company finds it almost impossible to secure grain. On Monday they received a carload of wheat that ought to have been delivered here last September.

Thompson – We noticed in the Uniondale column the account of two ladies who recently walked from there to Forest City, a distance of 6 miles. That was quite a tramp, but Thompson is ahead in that line.  Jan. 2, all will remember, was just such zero weather as now and hard walking. On that day Miss Emily Walker, of Jackson street, went to Susquehanna on business and being delayed, was obliged to walk home, a distance of 9 miles or more, after 4 o’clock P.M., arriving home about 7 that evening and she was alone. She earned the right to the name Walker.

Snake Creek – The Snake Creek Telephone Co., a mutual organization, recently increased its annual rental to $7 yearly. Each subscriber owns his phone. The raise was made necessary by increased cost, as well as the planning of improvements to the line the coming year.

Harford – A Paris dispatch comments as follows: “Sergeant Henry Sweet Jones, a member of the Lafayette [Espadrille] Flying Corps, who is also a lieutenant in the aviation reserve of the American army, has been decorated with the War Cross, praising his splendid spirit and admirable daring.” The citation especially mentions his exploit of October 1 last, when he brought down his first German machine and his fight with two German airmen on October 31, in which he put his adversaries to flight. In this latter engagement an explosive bullet grazed the gasoline tank of Jones’ machine. ALSO L.W. Peck is mourning over the loss of his prize rooster, “Pete,” as he found him dead Sunday morning.

Hopbottom – Mrs. Mary Powers, her son, Kenneth, and daughter, Shirley, all of whom have been spending a few months in Newark, NJ, have returned to this, their home town, where they will open the Valley View hotel as a temperance house for public entertainment.

Kingsley – School is closed indefinitely because of a case of scarletina in town.

Gelatt – Some time during last Thursday night someone entered Howard Whitney’s chicken coop and took fifty hens.

Glenwood – Mrs. Sara Cameron has knit 12 pairs of socks for the soldiers and her daughter, Gertrude, also has knit two army sweaters. They have been informed that they were much needed.

Jackson – C. M. Leonard, the hustling proprietor of the “Morning Star Dairy Farm,” has opened a full-fledged milk route between Jackson and Gelatt.  Time schedule can be had on application.

Elk Lake – The friends and neighbors of W. J. Young made him a wood bee, he having lost his horse some time ago and they also remembered Mrs. Young at Christmas time, which has been their custom for some years to send her some presents, as she is confined to the house all of the time, and these tokens of friendship she is very thankful for.

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, January 24, 1818.

*Dissolution of Partnership. The co-partnership heretofore existing between William A. & Torry Whitney was dissolved on the 2nd inst. All persons indebted to said firm by note or book account are requested to pay immediately to William Whitney who continues business at the old stand. WILLIAM A. WHITNEY, TORRY WHITNEY. Harford, Jan. 16, 1818.

*SHERIFF SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County to me directed will be exposed to sale at the house of George W. Lane in Springville township on Friday the 30th day of January instant at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, one horse, one sleigh, and two tons of hay, seized and taken as the property of George W. Lane. AUSTIN HOWELL, Sh’ff. Sheriff’s Office, Montrose, Jan. 16, 1818.

*FIRE PROOF. On Thursday the 5th of February next, the Commissioners of Susquehanna County will contract for building Fire Proof offices at Montrose with such person as shall offer the best terms and give good security for the performance. The Plan may be examined at that time or on any day previous by calling at the Commissioners’ office. By order of the Commissioners, A.H. READ, Cl’k.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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