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January 25 1895/1995

Thompson – The Jefferson branch (Erie Railroad) was blocked by snow this morning between Ararat and Thompson. Large gangs of shovelers were put at work, at once, but the road is, at this writing, not opened.

Choconut – The village of Choconut, in Susquehanna County, is experiencing an epidemic which has, during the past two weeks, caused the death of eight persons. The physicians of that vicinity pronounce the disease pneumonia, but Binghamton undertakers who have been called to care for the bodies of the dead, say that it is totally dissimilar from the disease called pneumonia in this State – Binghamton Herald.

Susquehanna – Quite a healthy, able-bodied blizzard struck this locality last night. Windows in several residences in this borough and in Lanesboro were blown in, and everything not securely anchored was whirled and tossed about promiscuously. Nearly all the roads leading to this place were drifted full, and a great deal of excavating was necessary by farmers and marketmen in order to get here.

Starrucca – A number of our people enjoyed a sleigh ride to Starrucca, on Friday. A very enjoyable time was reported. Those compromising the party were Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Fromer, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blank and Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Peck.

East Rush – The patrons of the creamery began filling their ice houses Monday. They are getting ice from Elk Lake.

Great Bend – Friday last almost chronicled the end of Great Bend tannery by fire, owing to a lamp having been upset. Prompt action prevented a serious conflagration and the value of an efficiently drilled fire department again illustrated, in the valuable assistance rendered by the Great Bend Hose Company.

Auburn – Landlord Riley makes a very attractive appearance when in that fine cutter behind his handsome span of dapple grays, which for match and beauty beats the town.

Montrose – Ever since Christmas the boys and girls of the borough have had an unusually fine chance for coasting, and they have improved it to the best of their ability. South Cherry St. has been one of the favorite resorts for this amusement. Mornings, evenings and Saturdays, when the weather has been pleasant, this street has been thronged with boys and girls and their sleds. There was a fall of snow last Friday night, which was not favorable for coasting, but early on Saturday morning the boys were on hand with their snow shovels and cleared a good track from Church street down beyond the crossing of Jackson street, and all the day until late in the evening they had lively times will all sorts and sizes of sleds, new and old, but there were more of Pickett’s than other kinds. There were several bobsleds on which six or eight could ride at once. There were little sleds on which one small boy or girl flew over the smooth track as fast and fearless as any of them. Now and then a boy lying flat, head first on his sled, would start and one or two others would jump on top of him and away they would go. Sometimes a boy lying flat would catch his feet in the runners of another sled, and in this manner five or six sleds would be strung together and swinging from side to side, follow a serpentine course down the track. There was seldom any failure to reach the end of the course and there were no mishaps. A minute or less would suffice to go from Church down past Jackson street. This was easy and exhilarating, but the coming up with the sleds was slow and wearisome; yet the fatigue was scarcely realized till after the sport was over.

Corrections: In “One Hundred Years Ago” for January 18, 1995, the formal opening of Gus J. Cohen’s new and handsome store was in Susquehanna and not Brandt as reported.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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