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January 24 1908/2008

Heart Lake - The Ladies Aid at J. C. Carter's, Saturday, was a great success, both socially and financially. During the afternoon the people were entertained with fine music by the Mahon orchestra, of Montrose, which was highly appreciated by all. Mr. Carter certainly spared no pains in preparing for the occasion. Proceeds, $11.65.

Brandt - The Kessler Co. tendered a smoker to their employees on the evening of Jan. 15th. Phonograph selections were rendered and games and other music was indulged in. E. R. Burrows, Superintendent, entertained the guests with slight of hand performances, while Messrs. Brooker and Thomas played Violin and Guitar selections. Among those present were: E. R. Burrows, Wm. Watkins, foreman, D. C. Brooker, Frank Effner, Lyman Scott, Ralph Howell, M. G. Wadin, A. L. Kessler, L. Monnell, Samuel Paugh, Sterling Thomas and Bert Watkins.

Birchardville - Will the person who found a black fur mitten, Thursday, between Fairdale church and Bumps corners, please write Harry Hogeboom, at Birchardville, and he will call for same. AND Mrs. D. Fred Birchard and son, Dayton, are spending the week in Corning, N.Y., as guests of Mrs. Birchard's sister, Mrs. Burton Baldwin.

Harford -Business men and all interested in having the mail train going east stop at Kingsley, have an opportunity of signing a petition which is in the post office.

Herrick Centre - Monday p.m., Murton Taylor, Eddie Benedict, Wade Gibson and E. P. Bowell, took the 5:02 train for Bedford, Pa., to attend a Rail Road School and the best wishes of the community goes with them.

Clifford - Sam Entrot, O. T. Rounds, Ira Curtis, and S. H. Norton, were in Montrose before the Grand Jury, as witnesses against Richard Willard, accused of stealing the horse of Mr. Entrot, Dec. 27. Willard was doing chores for Entrot while the latter was on his wedding tour and on his return horse, outfit and man were missing. He was tracked to Uniondale by Mr. Curtis and Mr. Rounds found Willard and the horse in the Westgate barn near his farm.

Gelatt - G. Gelatt put new windows in the school house, Saturday, and we think they will be appreciated by teacher and pupils, as many lights [panes] had fallen out of the old ones.

Lawton - John Curley had a wood bee last Wednesday, getting about 40 cords of wood cut.

Susquehanna - Rumors are again about that the Erie shops at Susquehanna are to close and that the shop at Hornell will be enlarged to partially accommodate the work at that place.

New Milford - Dr. William L. Weston [dentist] would respectfully say to the people of New Milford and adjoining towns that for the next 90 days he will do all work in his line for the lowest cash price, for first-class work. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. A word to parents: See that your children take proper care of their teeth and take them to a dentist as often as once a year at least; once in six months would be better, and have teeth examined, and if any need filling have it done before it is too late. Examination free. Local and general anaesthesia constantly on hand for the painless extraction of teeth. Office over J. J. Hand's store, Main Street.

Forest City - Dominick Klackowski, aged 27 years, had his skull fractured and left arm broken by a fall of rock and top coal at No. 2 mine, Saturday. He was taken to Emergency hospital but his injuries were of such a character that he died Sunday morning about 2 o'clock. The deceased's only near survivor is his wife.

Montrose - Russell C. Sprout is preparing to open a newsstand and deal in periodicals and magazines, delivering papers to regular customers as formerly, after Feb. 1. His place of business is located in the storeroom lately occupied by the Shaw cigar manufactory, just above the laundry. Mr. Sprout is an enterprising young man and intends conducting the business in an up-to-date methodical manner.

Bridgewater Twp. - E. J. Keough has his large ice houses, at Jones' Lake [Lake Montrose] filled with clear ice a foot thick, and is at work cutting for the Borden people, who will fill their icehouse and stack a large quantity.

Oakland - Louis Regan, 13 year old, suffering from a bad wound in the right side, is a patient at Simon H. Barnes Memorial Hospital. The young lad, in company with a number of other boys, was skating on what is known as the swamp near Erie No. 1 bridge, west of this place, and as boys generally do they had built a fire. One of the older lads threw a dynamite cartridge in the fire, causing an explosion and badly injuring young Regan. Dr. M. L. Miller worked over the young lad two hours.

Hallstead - We wish to state that the item in the Hallstead news-letter, in this paper last week, concerning the marriage of Mr. Leon Trowbridge and Miss Myrtle Doran, is a false report. We have been authorized by Mr. Trowbridge to make this correction. We accepted the item in good faith, and would advise the writer to be cautious hereafter and gather "news that are facts," and disregard rumors.

South Auburn - The dairy inspector from New York was looking after the condition of dairies in this locality last week. His welcome could have been warmer.

Kingsley - G. C. Finn has installed gas lights in his store.

Wyoming County - Down the Susquehanna a short distance, in the county of Wyoming, trees were felled years ago and later lumber from them became a part of that famously infamous building--Libby prison. This fact is not generally known, but it is vouched for by Dr. John Denison, of Tunkhannock, who was told the full facts by an old Susquehanna river raftsman. The lumber was cut for Bishop Jennings and he sold it for transportation to Richmond, Va., consigned to a man named Libby. The lumber was rafted down the Susquehanna by Jerry Beers, of Mehoopany, an old time raftsman, dead these many years. It was from Mr. Beers that Dr. Denison heard the story. After reaching Richmond the lumber was used in the erection of a tobacco warehouse by that man Libby, and when the Civil War ensued that warehouse became Libby prison.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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