Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
January 24 1896/1996
Hallstead – Delaware, Lackawanna and Western painters have arrived in town and will begin work in a few days to paint the Railroad Young Men's Christian association. Firemen's Hall and the Hook and Ladder Cos.' Hall.
Susquehanna - A prominent Binghamton man gives it as his opinion that within two years the Binghamton Electric Street Railway system will be extended to Susquehanna, [and] Great Bend. As Col. Mulberry Sellers would say, there would be millions in it." AND Two sea lions, en route from San Francisco to New York, passed through here a few evenings since in charge of the Wells Fargo express company. The messenger was happy when the nasty beasts were unloaded.
South Gibson - The Oregon Indian Medicine Co., is located here this week. AND The Chautauqua literary society and the choir met with Miss Ella Fuller last Saturday evening and report a pleasant time.
Herrick Centre - Mrs. Bigelow, of Pleasant Mount, will meet in the Baptist church, Saturday evening, for the purpose of organizing a singing school.
Montrose - Midnight marauders are about. Saturday night some one entered N.H. Snaffer's hardware store, presumably through a coal chute, and after cutting the wires on the combination to the money drawer pried the drawer down until one of the slides in which it is set gave way. Their labors were fruitless, as Mr. Shafer is a wise business man and keeps all cash in the safe, nights. Nothing else was disturbed. Night Watchman Denison made a tour of inspection in that neighborhood shortly after midnight, and saw two individuals run from the alley beside the store but was unable to apprehend them. Some time the latter part of the same night, the doorbells of several residences were rung violently by miscreants, and at least one locked coal bin broken open. These are but small beginnings, but the result is almost inevitable a hardened criminal and the penitentiary or gallows.
Forest City- W.J. Pentecost has moved from the site of the old Delaware and Hudson mill, in Wayne County, to his handsome new house on Delaware street. AND The St. Agnes Catholic church fair begins in Davis' opera house this evening. A very large number of articles have been contributed and the fair promises to be the most successful ever held here.
Thompson - Mrs. Emmerett Stoddard and daughter expect to start for New Mexico next Monday, where her son Dan has gone for his health. He went to California and the doctor told him his only hope was to go to New Mexico, as his lungs are in very bad shape. Mrs. Stoddard has lost her husband and three girls with consumption. She has one son and one daughter left, and the prospects are they are going the same way.
East Lenox - A couple of young sneak thieves broke into a cider mill at mid day, filled themselves with cider and carried off two steel traps.
Springville - It is not known yet whether the creamery will run next season or not. It closed last year from lack of patronage, and enough dairies have not been secured as yet to insure its being run again. It seems a doubtful case. AND People and horses don't use the same watering trough on Beardsley's hill now days.
Birchardville - Anyone in need of a set of first class runners to attach to a wagon axle will get a bargain by calling at the post office. Warranted to carry a ton.
Harrisburg - The recently organized State Association of School Directors, in conjunction with the Department of Public Instruction, is already formulating important legislation relative to the public schools to be presented to the next legislature. One is an act that will provide for the abandonment of the common country school houses and the centralization of the schools into two or three buildings in each township. It is expected that the proposed plan will meet with considerable opposition.
Compiled By: Betty Smith