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January 22 1909/2009

Harford - Hallie Lewis has a telephone in his market and will be pleased to accommodate patrons as far as he can. Having painted and papered the room he has a very inviting market and is worthy of your patronage. R. H. Osborn has placed his barber chair in a room in the market and will spend part of his time there.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - On Friday evening, Jan. 15th, the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Davis, who were lately married, made them a genuine surprise party. They came pouring in until about 150 guests assembled, filling the house from cellar to attic. Refreshments were served and games and other amusements were indulged in and a most enjoyable time was had. It was a night long to be remembered by all present.

Springville - It is worthy of note that the streets of this village are nicely kept, no coal ashes or other rubbish being thrown upon them contrary to law. The penalty for so doing is a fine of $10.

Dimock - A. W. Chamberlin, of South Montrose, was through here last week, taking orders for garden seeds.

Jones Lake (Lake Montrose) - The death of Peter Norris, an esteemed and aged colored gentleman, occurred at his late residence near Jones Lake, on Saturday, Jan. 16, at the age of 66 years. He had been in poor health for some time. He belonged to the G.A.R. here, having been in the Civil war a member of Company D, 3rd Regiment, U. S. Infantry. Rev. Caines, of the A.M.E. church, officiated at his funeral and the pall-bearers were: J. H. Corwin, C. F. Watrous, Geo. Dayton, James Gay, C. N. Warner, M. H. VanScoten and Benj. Nailor, members of the G.A.R.

Lawsville - While Thomas Mahoney was in the depot at Montrose, his team became frightened at the train, which was just starting out and plunged forward in front of the moving train, the two fore legs of one horse were amputated near the knees, the other escaped without injury and was caught on Grow Ave. The horse which was killed was a fine young animal, lately purchased.

Auburn Center - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ace, have had a nice addition to their family, Jan. 16, 1909, a pair of twins, a boy and girl. Mr. and Mrs. Ace are getting along nicely; also grandma, from Ashley, was looking pleasant. Dr. Harrison, of Meshoppen, was the recruiting officer.

Thompson - The Bordens are filling their icehouse at their station, putting in from 10 to 12 carloads per day. The Erie company furnishes the ice from Hathaway’s Pond in Ararat. AND Frank Hall Post No. 505, G.A.R., will observe Abraham Lincoln’s 100th birthday, Feb. 12th, assisted by the teachers and pupils of the school.

Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. - Will Corbett, one of the Liberty township school directors, relieved the school house of this place of its seats last Friday. There has been no school there for a number of years.

West Lenox - The Philatheas will hold a “Cabbage Sale” at the home of Floyd Leach, Friday evening, Jan. 22. Cabbage five cents per head, supper ten cents. Proceeds to help toward expenses of well which has just been completed at the parsonage.

Forest City - Burgess Jennings is opposing the granting of new liquor licenses in this borough. Forest City now has ten licensed places and applications have been made for seven more.

Brooklyn - The dealers of this place will close their stores hereafter on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening, beginning with the 21st.

Middletown Centre - Charley Potts, of Sheldon, Iowa, is spending some time with relatives and friends in this area.

Montrose - Sheriff H. S. Conklin has started his official career in the county jail in a most commendable manner and is engaged in giving the entire building a thorough cleaning, whitewashing the walls, painting, etc. Mr. Conklin has set the prisoners at work, and following the suggestions of the recent grand jury they will be made to earn their board under the new regime. Fred Reynolds is one of the most enthusiastic workers to place the jail in proper condition. When asked by a visitor the other day why he took such an interest, Fred replied that he owned the jail. “You own the jail? Why, how did you get control?” was asked. “Well, you see,” said Fred, “I’ve been here so long that I’ve gained the right to own it by ‘peaceable possession.’” Fred is happy in jail or out.

Kingsley - The new store of J. W. Williams was well patronized at its opening on Monday and in the evening its brilliant gasoline lights, with those reflecting from G. C. Finn’s store, make that part of our town light and pleasant.

Oakland - Another sad tragedy comes from the vicinity of Susquehanna, which has already resulted in the death of Griffis VanFleet, former Erie brakeman, residing at Oakland, while his wife now lies in a critical condition at the Simon H. Barnes Memorial hospital in Susquehanna, a victim at his hands. The suicide and probable murder grew out of worry over a suit pending in the county courts over a line fence separating his farm from that of an adjoining property, and the ungovernable temper of VanFleet, fired by liquor. In a moment of mad frenzy last Saturday evening he seized a shotgun and after firing one barrel at his wife without doing injury, he chased her from the home and succeeded in his mad purpose with the second charge, tearing a gaping wound through her lungs. Rather than give himself up to the local police he placed the same weapon against his chest and pulled the trigger, making a fatal wound. Mrs. VanFleet is a highly respected industrious Christian woman, and much sympathy is expressed for her and her children.

News Briefs: Dr. J. C. Biddle, for 25 years Superintendent of the Ashland, Pa. Hospital and noted as a skillful surgeon on limb amputations, has during that period made 2,500 amputations all with the same saw. AND During the year just past 312 marriage licenses were granted in this county, which is the largest number for a decade and probably the largest in any one year in the history of the county. The increase is credited to the dislike of New York state matrimonially inclined for the new license law by that state. It requires too much publicity, so they come into Pennsylvania. Susquehanna is becoming as famous as a marrying center as Binghamton was when York state required no license to marry.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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