Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 22 1904/2004
Forest City - Judge Searle handed down an opinion Thursday morning in the case of Festus Madden, of Forest City, who was in jail for killing Patrick Fleming at Forest City, in which J. M. Kelly, Esq., had entered habeas corpus proceedings. The Judge decided that Madden should be released on bail, $5,000, and W. J. Maxey and M. J. Welsh, qualified for that sum and Madden was released and returned to his home in Forest City Saturday.
Montrose - The young people of the A.M.E. Zion Sunday school will give one of their pleasing entertainments at the church, Monday evening, Jan. 25th, to which all are invited. Admission 20 cents. Programme: Chorus, Jubilee Song, Gospel Train; Solo, One Little Word, John Stewart; Jubilee, Turn Back Pharaoh's Army; Trio, Treasures That Gold Cannot Buy, Rosa Smith, Chester Reed, Henry Naylor; Solo, Hope Beyond, Mrs. Ella Chappel; Jubilee, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot; Medley, Mrs. Ella Chappel; Bass Solo, Mighty Deep, Chester Reed; Recitation, Jesse Thompson; Solo, Who's At My Widow? [Window?] Rosa Smith; Organ Solo, Sunset. AND It was 22 degrees below zero at the Montrose House Tuesday morning. It was said to be -38 at Will Webb's. Oh yes, this is an old-fashion winter.
Franklin Forks - The People's Telephone Co. have elected the following officers for the coming year: Pres., James Clough; Sec'y-Treas. and Business Manager, A. R. Bush; Directors, E. L. Bailey, T. L. Smith and William Booth.
Jackson - Henry Holmes and family have moved to Niagara, where they will keep the boarding house for W. H. Fletcher and son.
West Lenox - Frank Resseguie, of South Gibson, is bringing his milk to our station. Frank knows what is best for his pocket book.
Brookdale - Bartley Burns received word last week, from Cedartown, Georgia, that his son, Peter Burns, had been terribly burned from the effects of which he died in a few days. He had been absent from home about 16 years.
Hopbottom - An oyster supper will be held at the home of Mrs. Will Wright, Saturday evening. Sleighs will be at the M. E. church at 7 o'clock to carry those wishing to go.
Brooklyn - Brooklyn is to have a traveling library.
Middletown Twp. - On December 31, 1903, occurred the death of Maurice Fitzgerald, aged 63, one of the most highly respected citizens of Middletown township, after a short illness. The funeral took place Sunday, Jan. 3, Rev. B. V. Driscoll officiating. In his sermon he paid a glowing tribute to the departed. Deceased had been a life-long resident of Middletown and gained the respect and confidence of all with whom he came in contact. Besides a wife to mourn his loss he leaves seven children, Michael, William, Edward, Daniel and James of Middletown; John, of McKean county; Mrs. E. H. Redding, of Rush. Deceased was borne to the grave by his six sons acting as pall-bearers, and laid beside five children who preceded him to his eternal reward. Rest in peace.
Uniondale - Miss Augusta Curtis visited her sister, Mrs. A. Corey last week; she leaves soon for Alaska, where she will engage in teaching.
Alford - On Wednesday, while at Alford, Engineer "Jack" Spence applied the brakes when nearing the terminus of the road, but owning the icy condition of the rails the wheels were unable to grip them and the consequence was the engine ran into the bumping post, which, by the way is a good strong one, damaging the pilot and injuring the front of the locomotive to a considerable extent. Had the engine gone ten feet further it would have plunged over a high wall and the results would have been very serious. The rails were icy last evening from the sleet storm, which made the running much more difficult, but as the snowplow had been up in the afternoon the track was clear and Engineer Spence brought her in ahead of schedule-time.
Auburn Twp. - An Auburn Four Corners correspondent says that some miscreant, "too cowardly and contemptible to be considered human," entered the mill of R. S. Hardie last Wednesday night and so displaced one of the head blocks that when the mill was started the saw was ruined and the operator's life endangered. Mr. Hardie also had one of his heavy belts cut not long ago. When the miscreant is caught there will be "something doing."
Susquehanna - The Alice Carey Concert Co. was to have appeared in Hogan's Opera House on Sunday evening, but the clergy objected, and the attraction, which was in the regular entertainment course, was cancelled.
Lawton - At a meeting of Rush Grange No. 1167, the following officers were installed for the coming year -- G. L. Pickett, master; Martin Golden, overseer; Mrs. Wm. Brotzman, lecturer; Jos. Brotzman, steward; Ira Terry, ass't steward; C. G. Flummerfelt, chaplain; C. D. Williams, treas.; D. W. Terry, sec'y; D. A. Shadduck, gatekeeper; Mina Wilbur, Pomona; Margaret Coleman, Ceres; and Rena Shadduck, Flora.
Hallstead/Great Bend - A fair is to be held by the Hallstead and Great Bend Horse Breeders association to raise money to make necessary repairs and improvements to their grounds and buildings for the coming season. It is expected that the races to be put on next summer will eclipse anything ever seen in this section, and a large number of horsemen are coming here to train their horses upon the track and to be here for the races. It is expected to build as many more stables in the early spring as there are at present upon the grounds.
New Milford - The Lackawanna railroad has 700 locomotives and 27,000 cars of all descriptions. The combined length of these, coupled up, would reach a distance of 300 miles from Hoboken, NJ to Bath, NY.
News Brief - The sleet and rain storm of last night and this morning has wrought havoc in this vicinity. Telephone wires are down and communication with neighboring towns is practically shut off. The trains are experiencing considerable trouble in making anything like schedule time, owning to icy rails, and travel by wagon or foot is rather risky. The electric light plant in Montrose was obliged to shut down this morning as the wires were broken in many places by the weight of ice and huge limbs breaking off and falling upon them. In some instances even trees have been uprooted by the weight of ice, which clings to them, while limbs and smaller branches are littered about everywhere. The trees bordering the highways and in the spacious yards present a beautiful spectacle in their mantles of ice and the imposing grandeur of the scene will long be treasured within our memories.
Compiled By: Betty Smith