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January 22 1892/1992

Harford - E.E. Jones informs us that the insurance of the Public Library is continued through the present year, at a cost of $12.50. This and other demands have depleted the treasury. Our townsmen must remember that so good a thing as a Public Library will not run itself. They must be interested in it; and here is as much a field for missionary zeal as can be opened. The library is full of works of sterling merit; let this standard be graded up, not down. Had we time, no greater pleasure could be experienced than a thorough reading of the twelve volumes of American Statesmen. The present membership is 168. May it be much increased; all such increase going to further books upon its shelves.

Susquehanna - Saturday morning H. Esterbrook's team of horses, attached to a sleigh, started from in front of Wrighter’s blacksmith shop on Drinker Street, and came down the hill toward Main Street on a dead run. Two young men who were in the sleigh were thrown out, and the team dashed straight across Main Street and down the embankment, against the Erie shop, all in a heap. They were untangled and helped up as soon as possible, and to the astonishment of all who saw the affair, they were found to be uninjured, with the exception of a few slight scratches. The young men who were in the sleigh also escaped unhurt.

Brooklyn - A great treat is in store for the people of Brooklyn and vicinity. Prof. F.M. Davenport has been secured to deliver a lecture, "A young man's word to young men," or "winning forces in manhood," at the M.E. Church, Friday, Jan 29. No one should fail to hear this lecture. Prof. Davenport is one of the best lecturers in the field this winter. Everybody knows that.

Montrose - How about those resolutions for 1892. If they are still in good order, we advise that they be tenderly packed in cotton and labeled: "Fragile goods. Handle with care." They should be frequently examined lest they be injured by frost, or heat, or mold, or moth, or rust. It is only by the closest vigilance that such perishable articles can be kept a year.

News Briefs - Advertisement: Graphology is the latest fad. It is a science that comes, like all the occult sciences, from the East. The graphologist who has charge of this department in Frank Leslie's Weekly is most expert, and her conclusions have been rightly drawn. To the young it is a source of profit to know the tendencies that are most strongly developed, and the old people will be amused by it as well as instructed. Every purchaser of the Frank Leslie Weekly [monthly edition] is entitled to a response through the columns of the newspaper, and to a critical analysis, if they subscribe to the monthly edition. By doing the latter they receive a chart, the value of which is $1.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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