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January 20 1911/2011

East Kingsley - The ladies of Oakley and vicinity met at the home of Mrs. E. E. Titus, Wednesday, and made, tied and finished a comfortable for Mrs. Harry Miller, who lost all her bedding in the recent fire in Mrs. Osborne's storehouse in Harford.

Clifford - B. F. Wells, a former, well-known and prominent resident of Clifford, died a few days ago at Sea Breeze, Florida, where he had resided for the past eight years. He was one of the pioneer settlers of Clifford and was widely known in that section of the county.

Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - Since the mad dog scare here a few weeks ago, nearly everyone who owned dogs has had them killed. ALSO The house of Ed. Lemon, near the Fairchild place in Brooklyn Twp., was burned to the ground last Tuesday night. The fire is supposed to have caught from a chimney. The contents were nearly all consumed, only a few articles from the cellar and second story rooms being saved from the flames. There was but a trifling insurance and the loss will be a severe one for Mr. Lemon.

Montrose - the residence on the Library and Historical Society property on Maple St., occupied by Mrs. Calby as a boarding house, was mussed up by fire last Thursday evening, and had it not been for prompt attention by the fire company, it is almost certain that it would have been burned to the ground as the fire was making very rapid headway. The fire was caused by the explosion of a lamp in a small closet on the first floor and very fortunately the damage by fire and water was located chiefly to the northwest corner. The smoke was dense and one invalid lady had to be taken from a window to a place of safety. We understand the loss is protected by insurance. Mrs. Calby's house was full of boarders and the fire at this time was a great inconvenience for her.

Choconut Valley - The Choconut Valley creamery company filled their ice house last week and report the ice as being very nice. John Mooney, of Hotel Mooney, filled his ice house about the same time.

East Rush - Basket Ball is the chief recreation among the young men at present. ALSO Mrs. Ella Palmer wishes to thank all who have so kindly remembered her with Post Cards, etc.; they have helped to pass away many lonely hours.

Birchardville - The E. C. Social, which was held at the home of the pastor, last Friday evening, was a success. Many came in garments worn fifty years ago. The evening was spent by singing some of the old songs, and recitations learned many years ago. This was the first old-time social we have had, and every one seemed to enjoy it

Thompson - Leon W. Potter, who has been with C. C. Wilmarth in the Ready Pay Store for the past five years, has severed his connection there and will go into business soon for himself. We will tell you where later.

Hallstead - Walter Burton, who was head butcher for the Williams Live Stock Company, has accepted a position of fireman on the Lackawanna.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - There will be a general tearing up and moving in the spring. Henry Dunlap will move from the Donald Tiffany place to Meshoppen. W. S. Bunnell from the Owens place to Meshoppen; Roger Edwards from the Baker house to Springville; Mrs. Mary Crisman from the Echard house to Springville, and still there are others to follow. ALSO In Springville, M. B. Johnson has closed his meat market and expects to dispose of the goods in his grocery, not wishing to conduct the business any longer.

Flynn - Before the lecture here on Saturday evening there was a drill given by the young girls of the school. They were dressed in white and carried wreaths. It certainly was perfect and showed that much time and labor had been spent in the preparation. The young girls deserve much praise, also the teacher who drilled them.

Heart Lake - One of the most pathetic incidents it has been our duty to record in a long time is the death of Mrs. Abner Van Housen, which occurred at Heart Lake, yesterday morning, at one o'clock. Mrs. Van Housen had not been in robust health for a long time, and her weakened condition rendered her an easy victim to the dread disease, pneumonia, with which she was stricken. She leaves a husband and nine small children bereft of a mother.

Forest City - Michael Salijda will be placed on trial for his life next Monday, charged with killing John Politza in October, following a drunken altercation, the facts of which have already been given to our readers. [Politza was paying too much attention to Salijda's wife]. Attorney's W. D B. Ainey and F. M. Gardiner will appear for the defense and District Attorney Denny will be assisted in the prosecution by G. P. Little.

Little Meadows - We Little Meadows people have enjoyed very little sleighing so far this winter. Some of our young people, getting rather anxious to make the bells jingle, had to resort to the surrounding hills for their sleigh rides, but found to their sorrow that there were very dangerous places in the vicinity of Tracy creek. ALSO Owing to the inclemency of the weather, the installation of the Meadow Grangers was postponed until January 28th.

Gibson - The house of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Bailey was saddened Friday last by the death of their only child, little Marieta Bailey, age two years. Her funeral was largely attended at the M. E. church here, Sunday, Jan. 15th. The floral pieces were both numerous and very beautiful. Elmer Whitney, of Harford, director. Interment at Harford. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have the sympathy of the entire community.

Susquehanna - The Erie railroad is going to spend a million dollars in abolishing grade crossings, and some of the work the coming year will be done on the Susquehanna division. The Erie is also pursuing the right policy in encouraging its engineers to keep their engines in the best condition. Where conditions reach a certain degree of perfection, as to an engineer's fitness, care taken of engine, etc., the Erie has the driver's name bronzed upon the cab. It is a mark of honor for which the engineers will strive.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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