Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 20 1905/2005
Brandt - W. R. Wheeler, charged with larceny of a horse, at a hearing before Justice Williams, of Susquehanna, in default of bail, was committed to the jail in Montrose to await the action of the Grand Jury. Wheeler was arrested in Binghamton several weeks ago and has since been confined to the jail there awaiting the requisition from the governor of New York. Wheeler and another man's wife eloped to Lestershire, taking the horse along and now he is in all kinds of trouble, and has neither the woman nor the horse.
Brackney - A reception was held, Dec. 29, 1904, at Villa Maria, West Chester, Pa., at which 19 novices were received into the order of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Among those received was Miss Mary Donovan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Donovan, of Brackney, who will be known in religion as Sister Mary Lawrence.
Uniondale - Mr. Guard, while watering his horse at the big watering trough, which is a big kettle, it [the horse] got frightened at the cars and jumped in, breaking the supply pipe and causing lots of trouble. No lives lost but rather chilly for the poor horse. AND The rural free delivery from Uniondale to Elkdale, etc., was let to John Bolter to accommodate the good people on that route. Please treat him kindly and tip your hat and no doubt [you] will be responded to most courteously by friend Bolter, who will deliver the fresh and newsy Democrat paper right to your door.
Lanesboro - Clothes-line thieves are operating here.
Bridgewater Twp. - Ice, 14" thick, is being harvested on Jones' Lake [Lake Montrose]. It is of good quality and the dairymen are busily engaged in filling their icehouses.
Montrose - Phones were installed last week by the Montrose Telephone and Telegraph Co. on the West Auburn line: H. Bertholf, Rushboro; F. E. Carter and Mrs. G. Carter, Retta; and A. F. Lacey & Son, West Auburn. Also in Montrose, J. P. Taylor, Residence; E. W. Rogers, Residence; Rev. H. B. Benedict, M. E. Parsonage; Becker & Wilson, glass factory; W. W. Reynolds, egg shop.
North Jackson - Thomas C. Lister died Jan. 18, aged 88 years. Mr. Lister was a native of England, and came to this country many years ago, locating in Carbondale, moving to North Jackson a few years ago. In his youth Mr. Lister gained quite a reputation as a long distance walker in England. After coming to Carbondale he won widespread renown for his vigor by taking an overland tramp of 50 miles on each succeeding birthday. This practice he kept up until his 80th year. His only near survivor is his wife.
Hallstead - What might have been a serious accident, and perhaps loss of life, happened in the yard here Friday when William Austin, a switchman, slipped off from his engine in front of another engine. He was drawn underneath the engine, but had the presence of mind to cling to the journal, which saved him from being run over by the wheels. When rescued it was necessary to pry up some part of the engine to release him. He luckily escaped with a broken ankle bone and some other slight injuries.
Hopbottom - The Phoebe birds have made their appearance here several times this winter. AND The men of the Universalist church and their friends will serve a six o'clock dinner at the church for 25 cts. a plate. It is expected that something in the way of an entertainment will be thrown in. Everyone come and see how handy the men are at doing things.
Lathrop - Mrs. E. M. Fowler had pansies picked from her pansy bed on New Year's Day. Who can beat that?
Harford - Our creamery here has changed hands and is now called the Harford Dairy Co., under the firm name of Watson, Jones and Richardson. AND While coasting down Fair Ground Hill, last Tuesday evening, Harry Shannon was quite badly hurt.
Springville - Stuart Riley has purchased a large Edison photograph of Charles Lake. AND Dayton Tuttle has been appointed deputy constable of this town.
Middletown Center - Joseph Murphy has gone to Denver for the winter.
Birchardville - Prof. Warner is giving Fanny Boyd and Pansy Babcock music lessons.
Forest City - In regard to the proposed bridge at Forest City, between the counties of Susquehanna and Wayne, the jury for the county of Susquehanna reported as follows: There were 23 grand jurors present and voting. Four voted that the bridge was necessary for the benefit of the traveling public and two expensive and burdensome for the boro of Forest City and township of Clinton to bear and in favor of making a county bridge. Nineteen voted against making it a county bridge. The reason so many voted against it was because of its great length and heavy costs.
Elk Lake - We have seen several items lately about the enterprise of the Montrose Postmaster establishing a mail box at the depot, but our P.O. is one ahead of that. Each morning the genial and obliging clerk goes out and collects the mail around the neighborhood. We have no railroad at present, but our P.O. is up-to-date. Call us up by phone. Both phones.
Apolacon - On Sunday, January 15th, Thomas McVinnie, a resident of Apolacon, near St. Thomas' Church, Little Meadows, received injuries, which caused his death the evening following. Usually he preferred to walk to church rather than ride and following his usual habit he started out ahead of the family. On his way he was overtaken by teams going the same way and also to church, and as the foremost team came near him he stepped aside for the team to pass and directly in front of another team that was attempting to pass the first team. In another instant he was struck by the horse, was knocked down, and beneath the horse and then under the wheels, receiving injuries, which caused his death. He was picked up unconscious, removed to his home and a physician summoned, who dressed his wounds, but gave no assurance of his recovery. He did not regain consciousness. He had been a resident of Apolacon twp. for years.
Compiled By: Betty Smith